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# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Michael Trier ([email protected]) and contributors
# This module is part of GitPython and is released under the
# 3-Clause BSD License: https://opensource.org/license/bsd-3-clause/
"""Module implementing a remote object allowing easy access to git remotes."""
__all__ = ["RemoteProgress", "PushInfo", "FetchInfo", "Remote"]
import contextlib
import logging
import re
from git.cmd import Git, handle_process_output
from git.compat import defenc, force_text
from git.config import GitConfigParser, SectionConstraint, cp
from git.exc import GitCommandError
from git.refs import Head, Reference, RemoteReference, SymbolicReference, TagReference
from git.util import (
# typing-------------------------------------------------------
from typing import (
from git.types import AnyGitObject, Literal, PathLike
from git.objects.commit import Commit
from git.objects.submodule.base import UpdateProgress
from git.repo.base import Repo
flagKeyLiteral = Literal[" ", "!", "+", "-", "*", "=", "t", "?"]
# -------------------------------------------------------------
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# { Utilities
def add_progress(
kwargs: Any,
git: Git,
progress: Union[RemoteProgress, "UpdateProgress", Callable[..., RemoteProgress], None],
) -> Any:
"""Add the ``--progress`` flag to the given `kwargs` dict if supported by the git
If the actual progress in the given progress instance is not given, we do not
request any progress.
Possibly altered `kwargs`
if progress is not None:
v = git.version_info[:2]
if v >= (1, 7):
kwargs["progress"] = True
# END handle --progress
# END handle progress
return kwargs
# } END utilities
def to_progress_instance(progress: None) -> RemoteProgress: ...
def to_progress_instance(progress: Callable[..., Any]) -> CallableRemoteProgress: ...
def to_progress_instance(progress: RemoteProgress) -> RemoteProgress: ...
def to_progress_instance(
progress: Union[Callable[..., Any], RemoteProgress, None],
) -> Union[RemoteProgress, CallableRemoteProgress]:
"""Given the `progress` return a suitable object derived from
# New API only needs progress as a function.
if callable(progress):
return CallableRemoteProgress(progress)
# Where None is passed create a parser that eats the progress.
elif progress is None:
return RemoteProgress()
# Assume its the old API with an instance of RemoteProgress.
return progress
class PushInfo(IterableObj):
Carries information about the result of a push operation of a single head::
info = remote.push()[0]
info.flags # bitflags providing more information about the result
info.local_ref # Reference pointing to the local reference that was pushed
# It is None if the ref was deleted.
info.remote_ref_string # path to the remote reference located on the remote side
info.remote_ref # Remote Reference on the local side corresponding to
# the remote_ref_string. It can be a TagReference as well.
info.old_commit # commit at which the remote_ref was standing before we pushed
# it to local_ref.commit. Will be None if an error was indicated
info.summary # summary line providing human readable english text about the push
__slots__ = (
_id_attribute_ = "pushinfo"
) = [1 << x for x in range(11)]
_flag_map = {
"*": 0,
"=": UP_TO_DATE,
"!": ERROR,
def __init__(
flags: int,
local_ref: Union[SymbolicReference, None],
remote_ref_string: str,
remote: "Remote",
old_commit: Optional[str] = None,
summary: str = "",
) -> None:
"""Initialize a new instance.
local_ref: HEAD | Head | RemoteReference | TagReference | Reference | SymbolicReference | None
self.flags = flags
self.local_ref = local_ref
self.remote_ref_string = remote_ref_string
self._remote = remote
self._old_commit_sha = old_commit
self.summary = summary
def old_commit(self) -> Union["Commit", None]:
return self._old_commit_sha and self._remote.repo.commit(self._old_commit_sha) or None
def remote_ref(self) -> Union[RemoteReference, TagReference]:
Remote :class:`~git.refs.reference.Reference` or
:class:`~git.refs.tag.TagReference` in the local repository corresponding to
the :attr:`remote_ref_string` kept in this instance.
# Translate heads to a local remote. Tags stay as they are.
if self.remote_ref_string.startswith("refs/tags"):
return TagReference(self._remote.repo, self.remote_ref_string)
elif self.remote_ref_string.startswith("refs/heads"):
remote_ref = Reference(self._remote.repo, self.remote_ref_string)
return RemoteReference(
"refs/remotes/%s/%s" % (str(self._remote), remote_ref.name),
raise ValueError("Could not handle remote ref: %r" % self.remote_ref_string)
def _from_line(cls, remote: "Remote", line: str) -> "PushInfo":
"""Create a new :class:`PushInfo` instance as parsed from line which is expected
to be like refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master 05d2687..1d0568e as bytes."""
control_character, from_to, summary = line.split("\t", 3)
flags = 0
# Control character handling
flags |= cls._flag_map[control_character]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("Control character %r unknown as parsed from line %r" % (control_character, line)) from e
# END handle control character
# from_to handling
from_ref_string, to_ref_string = from_to.split(":")
if flags & cls.DELETED:
from_ref: Union[SymbolicReference, None] = None
if from_ref_string == "(delete)":
from_ref = None
from_ref = Reference.from_path(remote.repo, from_ref_string)
# Commit handling, could be message or commit info
old_commit: Optional[str] = None
if summary.startswith("["):
if "[rejected]" in summary:
flags |= cls.REJECTED
elif "[remote rejected]" in summary:
flags |= cls.REMOTE_REJECTED
elif "[remote failure]" in summary:
flags |= cls.REMOTE_FAILURE
elif "[no match]" in summary:
flags |= cls.ERROR
elif "[new tag]" in summary:
flags |= cls.NEW_TAG
elif "[new branch]" in summary:
flags |= cls.NEW_HEAD
# uptodate encoded in control character
# Fast-forward or forced update - was encoded in control character,
# but we parse the old and new commit.
split_token = "..."
if control_character == " ":
split_token = ".."
old_sha, _new_sha = summary.split(" ")[0].split(split_token)
# Have to use constructor here as the sha usually is abbreviated.
old_commit = old_sha
# END message handling
return PushInfo(flags, from_ref, to_ref_string, remote, old_commit, summary)
def iter_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn: # -> Iterator['PushInfo']:
raise NotImplementedError
class PushInfoList(IterableList[PushInfo]):
""":class:`~git.util.IterableList` of :class:`PushInfo` objects."""
def __new__(cls) -> "PushInfoList":
return cast(PushInfoList, IterableList.__new__(cls, "push_infos"))
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.error: Optional[Exception] = None
def raise_if_error(self) -> None:
"""Raise an exception if any ref failed to push."""
if self.error:
raise self.error
class FetchInfo(IterableObj):
Carries information about the results of a fetch operation of a single head::
info = remote.fetch()[0]
info.ref # Symbolic Reference or RemoteReference to the changed
# remote head or FETCH_HEAD
info.flags # additional flags to be & with enumeration members,
# i.e. info.flags & info.REJECTED
# is 0 if ref is SymbolicReference
info.note # additional notes given by git-fetch intended for the user
info.old_commit # if info.flags & info.FORCED_UPDATE|info.FAST_FORWARD,
# field is set to the previous location of ref, otherwise None
info.remote_ref_path # The path from which we fetched on the remote. It's the remote's version of our info.ref
__slots__ = ("ref", "old_commit", "flags", "note", "remote_ref_path")
_id_attribute_ = "fetchinfo"
) = [1 << x for x in range(8)]
_re_fetch_result = re.compile(r"^ *(.) (\[[\w \.$@]+\]|[\w\.$@]+) +(.+) -> ([^ ]+)( \(.*\)?$)?")
_flag_map: Dict[flagKeyLiteral, int] = {
"!": ERROR,
"*": 0,
def refresh(cls) -> Literal[True]:
"""Update information about which :manpage:`git-fetch(1)` flags are supported
by the git executable being used.
Called by the :func:`git.refresh` function in the top level ``__init__``.
# Clear the old values in _flag_map.
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
del cls._flag_map["t"]
with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
del cls._flag_map["-"]
# Set the value given the git version.
if Git().version_info[:2] >= (2, 10):
cls._flag_map["t"] = cls.TAG_UPDATE
cls._flag_map["-"] = cls.TAG_UPDATE
return True
def __init__(
ref: SymbolicReference,
flags: int,
note: str = "",
old_commit: Union[AnyGitObject, None] = None,
remote_ref_path: Optional[PathLike] = None,
) -> None:
"""Initialize a new instance."""
self.ref = ref
self.flags = flags
self.note = note
self.old_commit = old_commit
self.remote_ref_path = remote_ref_path
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.name
def name(self) -> str:
""":return: Name of our remote ref"""
return self.ref.name
def commit(self) -> "Commit":
""":return: Commit of our remote ref"""
return self.ref.commit
def _from_line(cls, repo: "Repo", line: str, fetch_line: str) -> "FetchInfo":
"""Parse information from the given line as returned by ``git-fetch -v`` and
return a new :class:`FetchInfo` object representing this information.
We can handle a line as follows::
%c %-*s %-*s -> %s%s
Where ``c`` is either a space, ``!``, ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, or ``=``:
- '!' means error
- '+' means success forcing update
- '-' means a tag was updated
- '*' means birth of new branch or tag
- '=' means the head was up to date (and not moved)
- ' ' means a fast-forward
`fetch_line` is the corresponding line from FETCH_HEAD, like::
acb0fa8b94ef421ad60c8507b634759a472cd56c not-for-merge branch '0.1.7RC' of /tmp/tmpya0vairemote_repo
match = cls._re_fetch_result.match(line)
if match is None:
raise ValueError("Failed to parse line: %r" % line)
# Parse lines.
remote_local_ref_str: str
) = match.groups()
control_character = cast(flagKeyLiteral, control_character)
_new_hex_sha, _fetch_operation, fetch_note = fetch_line.split("\t")
ref_type_name, fetch_note = fetch_note.split(" ", 1)
except ValueError as e: # unpack error
raise ValueError("Failed to parse FETCH_HEAD line: %r" % fetch_line) from e
# Parse flags from control_character.
flags = 0
flags |= cls._flag_map[control_character]
except KeyError as e:
raise ValueError("Control character %r unknown as parsed from line %r" % (control_character, line)) from e
# END control char exception handling
# Parse operation string for more info.
# This makes no sense for symbolic refs, but we parse it anyway.
old_commit: Union[AnyGitObject, None] = None
is_tag_operation = False
if "rejected" in operation:
flags |= cls.REJECTED
if "new tag" in operation:
flags |= cls.NEW_TAG
is_tag_operation = True
if "tag update" in operation:
flags |= cls.TAG_UPDATE
is_tag_operation = True
if "new branch" in operation:
flags |= cls.NEW_HEAD
if "..." in operation or ".." in operation:
split_token = "..."
if control_character == " ":
split_token = split_token[:-1]
old_commit = repo.rev_parse(operation.split(split_token)[0])
# END handle refspec
# Handle FETCH_HEAD and figure out ref type.
# If we do not specify a target branch like master:refs/remotes/origin/master,
# the fetch result is stored in FETCH_HEAD which destroys the rule we usually
# have. In that case we use a symbolic reference which is detached.
ref_type: Optional[Type[SymbolicReference]] = None
if remote_local_ref_str == "FETCH_HEAD":
ref_type = SymbolicReference
elif ref_type_name == "tag" or is_tag_operation:
# The ref_type_name can be branch, whereas we are still seeing a tag
# operation. It happens during testing, which is based on actual git
# operations.
ref_type = TagReference
elif ref_type_name in ("remote-tracking", "branch"):
# Note: remote-tracking is just the first part of the
# 'remote-tracking branch' token. We don't parse it correctly, but it's
# enough to know what to do, and it's new in git 1.7something.
ref_type = RemoteReference
elif "/" in ref_type_name:
# If the fetch spec look something like '+refs/pull/*:refs/heads/pull/*',
# and is thus pretty much anything the user wants, we will have trouble
# determining what's going on. For now, we assume the local ref is a Head.
ref_type = Head
raise TypeError("Cannot handle reference type: %r" % ref_type_name)
# END handle ref type
# Create ref instance.
if ref_type is SymbolicReference:
remote_local_ref = ref_type(repo, "FETCH_HEAD")
# Determine prefix. Tags are usually pulled into refs/tags; they may have
# subdirectories. It is not clear sometimes where exactly the item is,
# unless we have an absolute path as indicated by the 'ref/' prefix.
# Otherwise even a tag could be in refs/remotes, which is when it will have
# the 'tags/' subdirectory in its path. We don't want to test for actual
# existence, but try to figure everything out analytically.
ref_path: Optional[PathLike] = None
remote_local_ref_str = remote_local_ref_str.strip()
if remote_local_ref_str.startswith(Reference._common_path_default + "/"):
# Always use actual type if we get absolute paths. This will always be
# the case if something is fetched outside of refs/remotes (if its not a
# tag).
ref_path = remote_local_ref_str
if ref_type is not TagReference and not remote_local_ref_str.startswith(
RemoteReference._common_path_default + "/"
ref_type = Reference
# END downgrade remote reference
elif ref_type is TagReference and "tags/" in remote_local_ref_str:
# Even though it's a tag, it is located in refs/remotes.
ref_path = join_path(RemoteReference._common_path_default, remote_local_ref_str)
ref_path = join_path(ref_type._common_path_default, remote_local_ref_str)
# END obtain refpath
# Even though the path could be within the git conventions, we make sure we
# respect whatever the user wanted, and disabled path checking.
remote_local_ref = ref_type(repo, ref_path, check_path=False)
# END create ref instance
note = (note and note.strip()) or ""
return cls(remote_local_ref, flags, note, old_commit, local_remote_ref)
def iter_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn: # -> Iterator['FetchInfo']:
raise NotImplementedError
class Remote(LazyMixin, IterableObj):
"""Provides easy read and write access to a git remote.
Everything not part of this interface is considered an option for the current
remote, allowing constructs like ``remote.pushurl`` to query the pushurl.
When querying configuration, the configuration accessor will be cached to speed
up subsequent accesses.
__slots__ = ("repo", "name", "_config_reader")
_id_attribute_ = "name"
unsafe_git_fetch_options = [
# This option allows users to execute arbitrary commands.
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git-fetch#Documentation/git-fetch.txt---upload-packltupload-packgt
unsafe_git_pull_options = [
# This option allows users to execute arbitrary commands.
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git-pull#Documentation/git-pull.txt---upload-packltupload-packgt
unsafe_git_push_options = [
# This option allows users to execute arbitrary commands.
# https://git-scm.com/docs/git-push#Documentation/git-push.txt---execltgit-receive-packgt
url: str # Obtained dynamically from _config_reader. See __getattr__ below.
"""The URL configured for the remote."""
def __init__(self, repo: "Repo", name: str) -> None:
"""Initialize a remote instance.
:param repo:
The repository we are a remote of.
:param name:
The name of the remote, e.g. ``origin``.
self.repo = repo
self.name = name
def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
"""Allows to call this instance like ``remote.special(*args, **kwargs)`` to
call ``git remote special self.name``."""
if attr == "_config_reader":
return super().__getattr__(attr)
# Sometimes, probably due to a bug in Python itself, we are being called even
# though a slot of the same name exists.
return self._config_reader.get(attr)
except cp.NoOptionError:
return super().__getattr__(attr)
# END handle exception
def _config_section_name(self) -> str:
return 'remote "%s"' % self.name
def _set_cache_(self, attr: str) -> None:
if attr == "_config_reader":
# NOTE: This is cached as __getattr__ is overridden to return remote config
# values implicitly, such as in print(r.pushurl).
self._config_reader = SectionConstraint(
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.name
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return '<git.%s "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return isinstance(other, type(self)) and self.name == other.name
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
return not (self == other)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(self.name)
def exists(self) -> bool:
``True`` if this is a valid, existing remote.
Valid remotes have an entry in the repository's configuration.
return True
except cp.NoOptionError:
# We have the section at least...
return True
except cp.NoSectionError:
return False
def iter_items(cls, repo: "Repo", *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator["Remote"]:
""":return: Iterator yielding :class:`Remote` objects of the given repository"""
for section in repo.config_reader("repository").sections():
if not section.startswith("remote "):
lbound = section.find('"')
rbound = section.rfind('"')
if lbound == -1 or rbound == -1:
raise ValueError("Remote-Section has invalid format: %r" % section)
yield Remote(repo, section[lbound + 1 : rbound])
# END for each configuration section
def set_url(
self, new_url: str, old_url: Optional[str] = None, allow_unsafe_protocols: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
) -> "Remote":
"""Configure URLs on current remote (cf. command ``git remote set-url``).
This command manages URLs on the remote.
:param new_url:
String being the URL to add as an extra remote URL.
:param old_url:
When set, replaces this URL with `new_url` for the remote.
:param allow_unsafe_protocols:
Allow unsafe protocols to be used, like ``ext``.
if not allow_unsafe_protocols:
scmd = "set-url"
kwargs["insert_kwargs_after"] = scmd
if old_url:
self.repo.git.remote(scmd, "--", self.name, new_url, old_url, **kwargs)
self.repo.git.remote(scmd, "--", self.name, new_url, **kwargs)
return self
def add_url(self, url: str, allow_unsafe_protocols: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> "Remote":
"""Adds a new url on current remote (special case of ``git remote set-url``).
This command adds new URLs to a given remote, making it possible to have
multiple URLs for a single remote.
:param url:
String being the URL to add as an extra remote URL.
:param allow_unsafe_protocols:
Allow unsafe protocols to be used, like ``ext``.
return self.set_url(url, add=True, allow_unsafe_protocols=allow_unsafe_protocols)
def delete_url(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "Remote":
"""Deletes a new url on current remote (special case of ``git remote set-url``).
This command deletes new URLs to a given remote, making it possible to have
multiple URLs for a single remote.
:param url:
String being the URL to delete from the remote.
return self.set_url(url, delete=True)
def urls(self) -> Iterator[str]:
""":return: Iterator yielding all configured URL targets on a remote as strings"""
remote_details = self.repo.git.remote("get-url", "--all", self.name)
assert isinstance(remote_details, str)
for line in remote_details.split("\n"):
yield line
except GitCommandError as ex:
## We are on git < 2.7 (i.e TravisCI as of Oct-2016),
# so `get-utl` command does not exist yet!
# see: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/pull/528#issuecomment-252976319
# and: http://stackoverflow.com/a/32991784/548792
if "Unknown subcommand: get-url" in str(ex):
remote_details = self.repo.git.remote("show", self.name)
assert isinstance(remote_details, str)
for line in remote_details.split("\n"):
if " Push URL:" in line:
yield line.split(": ")[-1]
except GitCommandError as _ex:
if any(msg in str(_ex) for msg in ["correct access rights", "cannot run ssh"]):
# If ssh is not setup to access this repository, see issue 694.
remote_details = self.repo.git.config("--get-all", "remote.%s.url" % self.name)
assert isinstance(remote_details, str)
for line in remote_details.split("\n"):
yield line
raise _ex
raise ex
def refs(self) -> IterableList[RemoteReference]:
:class:`~git.util.IterableList` of :class:`~git.refs.remote.RemoteReference`
It is prefixed, allowing you to omit the remote path portion, e.g.::
remote.refs.master # yields RemoteReference('/refs/remotes/origin/master')
out_refs: IterableList[RemoteReference] = IterableList(RemoteReference._id_attribute_, "%s/" % self.name)
out_refs.extend(RemoteReference.list_items(self.repo, remote=self.name))
return out_refs
def stale_refs(self) -> IterableList[Reference]:
:class:`~git.util.IterableList` of :class:`~git.refs.remote.RemoteReference`
objects that do not have a corresponding head in the remote reference
anymore as they have been deleted on the remote side, but are still
available locally.
The :class:`~git.util.IterableList` is prefixed, hence the 'origin' must be
omitted. See :attr:`refs` property for an example.
To make things more complicated, it can be possible for the list to include
other kinds of references, for example, tag references, if these are stale
as well. This is a fix for the issue described here:
out_refs: IterableList[Reference] = IterableList(RemoteReference._id_attribute_, "%s/" % self.name)
for line in self.repo.git.remote("prune", "--dry-run", self).splitlines()[2:]:
# expecting
# * [would prune] origin/new_branch
token = " * [would prune] "
if not line.startswith(token):
ref_name = line.replace(token, "")
# Sometimes, paths start with a full ref name, like refs/tags/foo. See #260.
if ref_name.startswith(Reference._common_path_default + "/"):
out_refs.append(Reference.from_path(self.repo, ref_name))
fqhn = "%s/%s" % (RemoteReference._common_path_default, ref_name)
out_refs.append(RemoteReference(self.repo, fqhn))
# END special case handling
# END for each line
return out_refs
def create(cls, repo: "Repo", name: str, url: str, allow_unsafe_protocols: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> "Remote":
"""Create a new remote to the given repository.
:param repo:
Repository instance that is to receive the new remote.
:param name:
Desired name of the remote.
:param url:
URL which corresponds to the remote's name.
:param allow_unsafe_protocols:
Allow unsafe protocols to be used, like ``ext``.
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments to be passed to the ``git remote add`` command.
New :class:`Remote` instance
:raise git.exc.GitCommandError:
In case an origin with that name already exists.
scmd = "add"
kwargs["insert_kwargs_after"] = scmd
url = Git.polish_url(url)
if not allow_unsafe_protocols:
repo.git.remote(scmd, "--", name, url, **kwargs)
return cls(repo, name)
# `add` is an alias.
def add(cls, repo: "Repo", name: str, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "Remote":
return cls.create(repo, name, url, **kwargs)
def remove(cls, repo: "Repo", name: str) -> str:
"""Remove the remote with the given name.
The passed remote name to remove
repo.git.remote("rm", name)
if isinstance(name, cls):
return name
# `rm` is an alias.
rm = remove
def rename(self, new_name: str) -> "Remote":
"""Rename self to the given `new_name`.
if self.name == new_name:
return self
self.repo.git.remote("rename", self.name, new_name)
self.name = new_name
return self
def update(self, **kwargs: Any) -> "Remote":
"""Fetch all changes for this remote, including new branches which will be
forced in (in case your local remote branch is not part the new remote branch's
ancestry anymore).
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments passed to ``git remote update``.
scmd = "update"
kwargs["insert_kwargs_after"] = scmd
self.repo.git.remote(scmd, self.name, **kwargs)
return self
def _get_fetch_info_from_stderr(
proc: "Git.AutoInterrupt",
progress: Union[Callable[..., Any], RemoteProgress, None],
kill_after_timeout: Union[None, float] = None,
) -> IterableList["FetchInfo"]:
progress = to_progress_instance(progress)
# Skip first line as it is some remote info we are not interested in.
output: IterableList["FetchInfo"] = IterableList("name")
# Lines which are no progress are fetch info lines.
# This also waits for the command to finish.
# Skip some progress lines that don't provide relevant information.
fetch_info_lines = []
# Basically we want all fetch info lines which appear to be in regular form, and
# thus have a command character. Everything else we ignore.
cmds = set(FetchInfo._flag_map.keys())
progress_handler = progress.new_message_handler()
stderr_text = progress.error_lines and "\n".join(progress.error_lines) or ""
if stderr_text:
_logger.warning("Error lines received while fetching: %s", stderr_text)
for line in progress.other_lines:
line = force_text(line)
for cmd in cmds:
if len(line) > 1 and line[0] == " " and line[1] == cmd:
# Read head information.
fetch_head = SymbolicReference(self.repo, "FETCH_HEAD")
with open(fetch_head.abspath, "rb") as fp:
fetch_head_info = [line.decode(defenc) for line in fp.readlines()]
l_fil = len(fetch_info_lines)
l_fhi = len(fetch_head_info)
if l_fil != l_fhi:
msg = "Fetch head lines do not match lines provided via progress information\n"
msg += "length of progress lines %i should be equal to lines in FETCH_HEAD file %i\n"
msg += "Will ignore extra progress lines or fetch head lines."
msg %= (l_fil, l_fhi)
_logger.debug(b"info lines: " + str(fetch_info_lines).encode("UTF-8"))
_logger.debug(b"head info: " + str(fetch_head_info).encode("UTF-8"))
if l_fil < l_fhi:
fetch_head_info = fetch_head_info[:l_fil]
fetch_info_lines = fetch_info_lines[:l_fhi]
# END truncate correct list
# END sanity check + sanitization
for err_line, fetch_line in zip(fetch_info_lines, fetch_head_info):
output.append(FetchInfo._from_line(self.repo, err_line, fetch_line))
except ValueError as exc:
_logger.debug("Caught error while parsing line: %s", exc)
_logger.warning("Git informed while fetching: %s", err_line.strip())
return output
def _get_push_info(
proc: "Git.AutoInterrupt",
progress: Union[Callable[..., Any], RemoteProgress, None],
kill_after_timeout: Union[None, float] = None,
) -> PushInfoList:
progress = to_progress_instance(progress)
# Read progress information from stderr.
# We hope stdout can hold all the data, it should...
# Read the lines manually as it will use carriage returns between the messages
# to override the previous one. This is why we read the bytes manually.
progress_handler = progress.new_message_handler()
output: PushInfoList = PushInfoList()
def stdout_handler(line: str) -> None:
output.append(PushInfo._from_line(self, line))
except ValueError:
# If an error happens, additional info is given which we parse below.
stderr_text = progress.error_lines and "\n".join(progress.error_lines) or ""
except Exception as e:
# This is different than fetch (which fails if there is any stderr
# even if there is an output).
if not output:
elif stderr_text:
_logger.warning("Error lines received while fetching: %s", stderr_text)
output.error = e
return output
def _assert_refspec(self) -> None:
"""Turns out we can't deal with remotes if the refspec is missing."""
config = self.config_reader
unset = "placeholder"
if config.get_value("fetch", default=unset) is unset:
msg = "Remote '%s' has no refspec set.\n"
msg += "You can set it as follows:"
msg += " 'git config --add \"remote.%s.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*\"'."
raise AssertionError(msg % (self.name, self.name))
def fetch(
refspec: Union[str, List[str], None] = None,
progress: Union[RemoteProgress, None, "UpdateProgress"] = None,
verbose: bool = True,
kill_after_timeout: Union[None, float] = None,
allow_unsafe_protocols: bool = False,
allow_unsafe_options: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> IterableList[FetchInfo]:
"""Fetch the latest changes for this remote.
:param refspec:
A "refspec" is used by fetch and push to describe the mapping
between remote ref and local ref. They are combined with a colon in
the format ``<src>:<dst>``, preceded by an optional plus sign, ``+``.
For example: ``git fetch $URL refs/heads/master:refs/heads/origin`` means
"grab the master branch head from the $URL and store it as my origin
branch head". And ``git push $URL refs/heads/master:refs/heads/to-upstream``
means "publish my master branch head as to-upstream branch at $URL".
See also :manpage:`git-push(1)`.
Taken from the git manual, :manpage:`gitglossary(7)`.
Fetch supports multiple refspecs (as the underlying :manpage:`git-fetch(1)`
does) - supplying a list rather than a string for 'refspec' will make use of
this facility.
:param progress:
See the :meth:`push` method.
:param verbose:
Boolean for verbose output.
:param kill_after_timeout:
To specify a timeout in seconds for the git command, after which the process
should be killed. It is set to ``None`` by default.
:param allow_unsafe_protocols:
Allow unsafe protocols to be used, like ``ext``.
:param allow_unsafe_options:
Allow unsafe options to be used, like ``--upload-pack``.
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments to be passed to :manpage:`git-fetch(1)`.
IterableList(FetchInfo, ...) list of :class:`FetchInfo` instances providing
detailed information about the fetch results
As fetch does not provide progress information to non-ttys, we cannot make
it available here unfortunately as in the :meth:`push` method.
if refspec is None:
# No argument refspec, then ensure the repo's config has a fetch refspec.
kwargs = add_progress(kwargs, self.repo.git, progress)
if isinstance(refspec, list):
args: Sequence[Optional[str]] = refspec
args = [refspec]
if not allow_unsafe_protocols:
for ref in args:
if ref:
if not allow_unsafe_options:
Git.check_unsafe_options(options=list(kwargs.keys()), unsafe_options=self.unsafe_git_fetch_options)
proc = self.repo.git.fetch(
"--", self, *args, as_process=True, with_stdout=False, universal_newlines=False, v=verbose, **kwargs
res = self._get_fetch_info_from_stderr(proc, progress, kill_after_timeout=kill_after_timeout)
if hasattr(self.repo.odb, "update_cache"):
return res
def pull(
refspec: Union[str, List[str], None] = None,
progress: Union[RemoteProgress, "UpdateProgress", None] = None,
kill_after_timeout: Union[None, float] = None,
allow_unsafe_protocols: bool = False,
allow_unsafe_options: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> IterableList[FetchInfo]:
"""Pull changes from the given branch, being the same as a fetch followed by a
merge of branch with your local branch.
:param refspec:
See :meth:`fetch` method.
:param progress:
See :meth:`push` method.
:param kill_after_timeout:
See :meth:`fetch` method.
:param allow_unsafe_protocols:
Allow unsafe protocols to be used, like ``ext``.
:param allow_unsafe_options:
Allow unsafe options to be used, like ``--upload-pack``.
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments to be passed to :manpage:`git-pull(1)`.
Please see :meth:`fetch` method.
if refspec is None:
# No argument refspec, then ensure the repo's config has a fetch refspec.
kwargs = add_progress(kwargs, self.repo.git, progress)
refspec = Git._unpack_args(refspec or [])
if not allow_unsafe_protocols:
for ref in refspec:
if not allow_unsafe_options:
Git.check_unsafe_options(options=list(kwargs.keys()), unsafe_options=self.unsafe_git_pull_options)
proc = self.repo.git.pull(
"--", self, refspec, with_stdout=False, as_process=True, universal_newlines=False, v=True, **kwargs
res = self._get_fetch_info_from_stderr(proc, progress, kill_after_timeout=kill_after_timeout)
if hasattr(self.repo.odb, "update_cache"):
return res
def push(
refspec: Union[str, List[str], None] = None,
progress: Union[RemoteProgress, "UpdateProgress", Callable[..., RemoteProgress], None] = None,
kill_after_timeout: Union[None, float] = None,
allow_unsafe_protocols: bool = False,
allow_unsafe_options: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> PushInfoList:
"""Push changes from source branch in refspec to target branch in refspec.
:param refspec:
See :meth:`fetch` method.
:param progress:
Can take one of many value types:
* ``None``, to discard progress information.
* A function (callable) that is called with the progress information.
Signature: ``progress(op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message='')``.
See :meth:`RemoteProgress.update <git.util.RemoteProgress.update>` for a
description of all arguments given to the function.
* An instance of a class derived from :class:`~git.util.RemoteProgress` that
overrides the
:meth:`RemoteProgress.update <git.util.RemoteProgress.update>` method.
No further progress information is returned after push returns.
:param kill_after_timeout:
To specify a timeout in seconds for the git command, after which the process
should be killed. It is set to ``None`` by default.
:param allow_unsafe_protocols:
Allow unsafe protocols to be used, like ``ext``.
:param allow_unsafe_options:
Allow unsafe options to be used, like ``--receive-pack``.
:param kwargs:
Additional arguments to be passed to :manpage:`git-push(1)`.
A :class:`PushInfoList` object, where each list member represents an
individual head which had been updated on the remote side.
If the push contains rejected heads, these will have the
:const:`PushInfo.ERROR` bit set in their flags.
If the operation fails completely, the length of the returned
:class:`PushInfoList` will be 0.
Call :meth:`~PushInfoList.raise_if_error` on the returned object to raise on
any failure.
kwargs = add_progress(kwargs, self.repo.git, progress)
refspec = Git._unpack_args(refspec or [])
if not allow_unsafe_protocols:
for ref in refspec:
if not allow_unsafe_options:
Git.check_unsafe_options(options=list(kwargs.keys()), unsafe_options=self.unsafe_git_push_options)
proc = self.repo.git.push(
return self._get_push_info(proc, progress, kill_after_timeout=kill_after_timeout)
def config_reader(self) -> SectionConstraint[GitConfigParser]:
:class:`~git.config.GitConfigParser` compatible object able to read options
for only our remote. Hence you may simply type ``config.get("pushurl")`` to
obtain the information.
return self._config_reader
def _clear_cache(self) -> None:
del self._config_reader
except AttributeError:
# END handle exception
def config_writer(self) -> SectionConstraint:
:class:`~git.config.GitConfigParser`-compatible object able to write options
for this remote.
You can only own one writer at a time - delete it to release the
configuration file and make it usable by others.
To assure consistent results, you should only query options through the
writer. Once you are done writing, you are free to use the config reader
once again.
writer = self.repo.config_writer()
# Clear our cache to ensure we re-read the possibly changed configuration.
return SectionConstraint(writer, self._config_section_name())