//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// Orbit Camera Script // | |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
var OrbitCamera = pc.createScript('orbitCamera'); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('distanceMax', { type: 'number', default: 0, title: 'Distance Max', description: 'Setting this at 0 will give an infinite distance limit' }); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('distanceMin', { type: 'number', default: 0, title: 'Distance Min' }); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('pitchAngleMax', { type: 'number', default: 360, title: 'Pitch Angle Max (degrees)' }); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('pitchAngleMin', { type: 'number', default: -360, title: 'Pitch Angle Min (degrees)' }); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('yawAngleMax', { type: 'number', default: 360, title: 'Yaw Angle Max (degrees)' }); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('yawAngleMin', { type: 'number', default: -360, title: 'Yaw Angle Min (degrees)' }); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('inertiaFactor', { | |
type: 'number', | |
default: 0, | |
title: 'Inertia Factor', | |
description: 'Higher value means that the camera will continue moving after the user has stopped dragging. 0 is fully responsive.' | |
}); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('focusEntity', { | |
type: 'entity', | |
title: 'Focus Entity', | |
description: 'Entity for the camera to focus on. If blank, then the camera will use the whole scene' | |
}); | |
OrbitCamera.attributes.add('frameOnStart', { | |
type: 'boolean', | |
default: true, | |
title: 'Frame on Start', | |
description: 'Frames the entity or scene at the start of the application."' | |
}); | |
// Property to get and set the distance between the pivot point and camera | |
// Clamped between this.distanceMin and this.distanceMax | |
Object.defineProperty(OrbitCamera.prototype, 'distance', { | |
get: function () { | |
return this._targetDistance; | |
}, | |
set: function (value) { | |
this._targetDistance = this._clampDistance(value); | |
} | |
}); | |
// Property to get and set the camera orthoHeight | |
// Clamped above 0 | |
Object.defineProperty(OrbitCamera.prototype, 'orthoHeight', { | |
get: function () { | |
return; | |
}, | |
set: function (value) { | | = Math.max(0, value); | |
} | |
}); | |
// Property to get and set the pitch of the camera around the pivot point (degrees) | |
// Clamped between this.pitchAngleMin and this.pitchAngleMax | |
// When set at 0, the camera angle is flat, looking along the horizon | |
Object.defineProperty(OrbitCamera.prototype, 'pitch', { | |
get: function () { | |
return this._targetPitch; | |
}, | |
set: function (value) { | |
this._targetPitch = this._clampPitchAngle(value); | |
} | |
}); | |
// Property to get and set the yaw of the camera around the pivot point (degrees) | |
Object.defineProperty(OrbitCamera.prototype, 'yaw', { | |
get: function () { | |
return this._targetYaw; | |
}, | |
set: function (value) { | |
this._targetYaw = this._clampYawAngle(value); | |
// Ensure that the yaw takes the shortest route by making sure that | |
// the difference between the targetYaw and the actual is 180 degrees | |
// in either direction | |
/*var diff = this._targetYaw - this._yaw; | |
var reminder = diff % 360; | |
if (reminder > 180) { | |
this._targetYaw = this._yaw - (360 - reminder); | |
} else if (reminder < -180) { | |
this._targetYaw = this._yaw + (360 + reminder); | |
} else { | |
this._targetYaw = this._yaw + reminder; | |
}*/ | |
} | |
}); | |
// Property to get and set the world position of the pivot point that the camera orbits around | |
Object.defineProperty(OrbitCamera.prototype, 'pivotPoint', { | |
get: function () { | |
return this._pivotPoint; | |
}, | |
set: function (value) { | |
this._pivotPoint.copy(value); | |
} | |
}); | |
// Moves the camera to look at an entity and all its children so they are all in the view | |
OrbitCamera.prototype.focus = function (focusEntity) { | |
// Calculate an bounding box that encompasses all the models to frame in the camera view | |
this._buildAabb(focusEntity); | |
var halfExtents = this._modelsAabb.halfExtents; | |
var radius = Math.max(halfExtents.x, Math.max(halfExtents.y, halfExtents.z)); | |
this.distance = (radius * 1.5) / Math.sin(0.5 * * pc.math.DEG_TO_RAD); | |
this._removeInertia(); | |
this._pivotPoint.copy(; | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.distanceBetween = new pc.Vec3(); | |
// Set the camera position to a world position and look at a world position | |
// Useful if you have multiple viewing angles to swap between in a scene | |
OrbitCamera.prototype.resetAndLookAtPoint = function (resetPoint, lookAtPoint) { | |
this.pivotPoint.copy(lookAtPoint); | |
this.entity.setPosition(resetPoint); | |
this.entity.lookAt(lookAtPoint); | |
var distance = OrbitCamera.distanceBetween; | |
distance.sub2(lookAtPoint, resetPoint); | |
this.distance = distance.length(); | |
this.pivotPoint.copy(lookAtPoint); | |
var cameraQuat = this.entity.getRotation(); | |
this.yaw = this._calcYaw(cameraQuat); | |
this.pitch = this._calcPitch(cameraQuat, this.yaw); | |
this._removeInertia(); | |
this._updatePosition(); | |
}; | |
// Set camera position to a world position and look at an entity in the scene | |
// Useful if you have multiple models to swap between in a scene | |
OrbitCamera.prototype.resetAndLookAtEntity = function (resetPoint, entity) { | |
this._buildAabb(entity); | |
this.resetAndLookAtPoint(resetPoint,; | |
}; | |
// Set the camera at a specific, yaw, pitch and distance without inertia (instant cut) | |
OrbitCamera.prototype.reset = function (yaw, pitch, distance) { | |
this.pitch = pitch; | |
this.yaw = yaw; | |
this.distance = distance; | |
this._removeInertia(); | |
}; | |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// Private methods | |
OrbitCamera.prototype.initialize = function () { | |
var self = this; | |
var onWindowResize = function () { | |
self._checkAspectRatio(); | |
}; | |
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false); | |
this._checkAspectRatio(); | |
// Find all the models in the scene that are under the focused entity | |
this._modelsAabb = new pc.BoundingBox(); | |
this._buildAabb(this.focusEntity ||; | |
this.entity.lookAt(; | |
this._pivotPoint = new pc.Vec3(); | |
this._pivotPoint.copy(; | |
// Calculate the camera euler angle rotation around x and y axes | |
// This allows us to place the camera at a particular rotation to begin with in the scene | |
var cameraQuat = this.entity.getRotation(); | |
// Preset the camera | |
this._yaw = this._calcYaw(cameraQuat); | |
this._pitch = this._clampPitchAngle(this._calcPitch(cameraQuat, this._yaw)); | |
this.entity.setLocalEulerAngles(this._pitch, this._yaw, 0); | |
this._distance = 0; | |
this._targetYaw = this._yaw; | |
this._targetPitch = this._pitch; | |
// If we have ticked focus on start, then attempt to position the camera where it frames | |
// the focused entity and move the pivot point to entity's position otherwise, set the distance | |
// to be between the camera position in the scene and the pivot point | |
if (this.frameOnStart) { | |
this.focus(this.focusEntity ||; | |
} else { | |
var distanceBetween = new pc.Vec3(); | |
distanceBetween.sub2(this.entity.getPosition(), this._pivotPoint); | |
this._distance = this._clampDistance(distanceBetween.length()); | |
} | |
this._targetDistance = this._distance; | |
// Reapply the clamps if they are changed in the editor | |
this.on('attr:distanceMin', function (value, prev) { | |
this._distance = this._clampDistance(this._distance); | |
}); | |
this.on('attr:distanceMax', function (value, prev) { | |
this._distance = this._clampDistance(this._distance); | |
}); | |
this.on('attr:pitchAngleMin', function (value, prev) { | |
this._pitch = this._clampPitchAngle(this._pitch); | |
}); | |
this.on('attr:pitchAngleMax', function (value, prev) { | |
this._pitch = this._clampPitchAngle(this._pitch); | |
}); | |
// Focus on the entity if we change the focus entity | |
this.on('attr:focusEntity', function (value, prev) { | |
if (this.frameOnStart) { | |
this.focus(value ||; | |
} else { | |
this.resetAndLookAtEntity(this.entity.getPosition(), value ||; | |
} | |
}); | |
this.on('attr:frameOnStart', function (value, prev) { | |
if (value) { | |
this.focus(this.focusEntity ||; | |
} | |
}); | |
this.on('destroy', () => { | |
window.removeEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false); | |
}); | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype.update = function (dt) { | |
// Add inertia, if any | |
var t = this.inertiaFactor === 0 ? 1 : Math.min(dt / this.inertiaFactor, 1); | |
this._distance = pc.math.lerp(this._distance, this._targetDistance, t); | |
this._yaw = pc.math.lerp(this._yaw, this._targetYaw, t); | |
this._pitch = pc.math.lerp(this._pitch, this._targetPitch, t); | |
this._updatePosition(); | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._updatePosition = function () { | |
// Work out the camera position based on the pivot point, pitch, yaw and distance | |
this.entity.setLocalPosition(0, 0, 0); | |
this.entity.setLocalEulerAngles(this._pitch, this._yaw, 0); | |
var position = this.entity.getPosition(); | |
position.copy(this.entity.forward); | |
position.mulScalar(-this._distance); | |
position.add(this.pivotPoint); | |
this.entity.setPosition(position); | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._removeInertia = function () { | |
this._yaw = this._targetYaw; | |
this._pitch = this._targetPitch; | |
this._distance = this._targetDistance; | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._checkAspectRatio = function () { | |
var height =; | |
var width =; | |
// Match the axis of FOV to match the aspect ratio of the canvas so | |
// the focused entities is always in frame | | = height > width; | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._buildAabb = function (entity) { | |
var i, m, meshInstances = []; | |
var renders = entity.findComponents('render'); | |
for (i = 0; i < renders.length; i++) { | |
var render = renders[i]; | |
for (m = 0; m < render.meshInstances.length; m++) { | |
meshInstances.push(render.meshInstances[m]); | |
} | |
} | |
var models = entity.findComponents('model'); | |
for (i = 0; i < models.length; i++) { | |
var model = models[i]; | |
for (m = 0; m < model.meshInstances.length; m++) { | |
meshInstances.push(model.meshInstances[m]); | |
} | |
} | |
var gsplats = entity.findComponents('gsplat'); | |
for (i = 0; i < gsplats.length; i++) { | |
var gsplat = gsplats[i]; | |
var instance = gsplat.instance; | |
if (instance?.meshInstance) { | |
meshInstances.push(instance.meshInstance); | |
} | |
} | |
for (i = 0; i < meshInstances.length; i++) { | |
if (i === 0) { | |
this._modelsAabb.copy(meshInstances[i].aabb); | |
} else { | |
this._modelsAabb.add(meshInstances[i].aabb); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._calcYaw = function (quat) { | |
var transformedForward = new pc.Vec3(); | |
quat.transformVector(pc.Vec3.FORWARD, transformedForward); | |
return Math.atan2(-transformedForward.x, -transformedForward.z) * pc.math.RAD_TO_DEG; | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._clampDistance = function (distance) { | |
if (this.distanceMax > 0) { | |
return pc.math.clamp(distance, this.distanceMin, this.distanceMax); | |
} | |
return Math.max(distance, this.distanceMin); | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._clampPitchAngle = function (pitch) { | |
// Negative due as the pitch is inversed since the camera is orbiting the entity | |
return pc.math.clamp(pitch, -this.pitchAngleMax, -this.pitchAngleMin); | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._clampYawAngle = function (yaw) { | |
// Negative due as the pitch is inversed since the camera is orbiting the entity | |
return pc.math.clamp(yaw, -this.yawAngleMax, -this.yawAngleMin); | |
}; | |
OrbitCamera.quatWithoutYaw = new pc.Quat(); | |
OrbitCamera.yawOffset = new pc.Quat(); | |
OrbitCamera.prototype._calcPitch = function (quat, yaw) { | |
var quatWithoutYaw = OrbitCamera.quatWithoutYaw; | |
var yawOffset = OrbitCamera.yawOffset; | |
yawOffset.setFromEulerAngles(0, -yaw, 0); | |
quatWithoutYaw.mul2(yawOffset, quat); | |
var transformedForward = new pc.Vec3(); | |
quatWithoutYaw.transformVector(pc.Vec3.FORWARD, transformedForward); | |
return Math.atan2(transformedForward.y, -transformedForward.z) * pc.math.RAD_TO_DEG; | |
}; | |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// Orbit Camera Mouse Input Script // | |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
var OrbitCameraInputMouse = pc.createScript('orbitCameraInputMouse'); | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.attributes.add('orbitSensitivity', { | |
type: 'number', | |
default: 0.5, | |
title: 'Orbit Sensitivity', | |
description: 'How fast the camera moves around the orbit. Higher is faster' | |
}); | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.attributes.add('distanceSensitivity', { | |
type: 'number', | |
default: 0.5, | |
title: 'Distance Sensitivity', | |
description: 'How fast the camera moves in and out. Higher is faster' | |
}); | |
// initialize code called once per entity | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.initialize = function () { | |
this.orbitCamera = this.entity.script.orbitCamera; | |
if (this.orbitCamera) { | |
var self = this; | |
var onMouseOut = function (e) { | |
self.onMouseOut(e); | |
}; | |, this.onMouseDown, this); | |, this.onMouseUp, this); | |, this.onMouseMove, this); | |, this.onMouseWheel, this); | |
// Listen to when the mouse travels out of the window | |
window.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut, false); | |
// Remove the listeners so if this entity is destroyed | |
this.on('destroy', function () { | |, this.onMouseDown, this); | |, this.onMouseUp, this); | |, this.onMouseMove, this); | |, this.onMouseWheel, this); | |
window.removeEventListener('mouseout', onMouseOut, false); | |
}); | |
} | |
// Disabling the context menu stops the browser displaying a menu when | |
// you right-click the page | |; | |
this.lookButtonDown = false; | |
this.panButtonDown = false; | |
this.lastPoint = new pc.Vec2(); | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.fromWorldPoint = new pc.Vec3(); | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.toWorldPoint = new pc.Vec3(); | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.worldDiff = new pc.Vec3(); | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.pan = function (screenPoint) { | |
var fromWorldPoint = OrbitCameraInputMouse.fromWorldPoint; | |
var toWorldPoint = OrbitCameraInputMouse.toWorldPoint; | |
var worldDiff = OrbitCameraInputMouse.worldDiff; | |
// For panning to work at any zoom level, we use screen point to world projection | |
// to work out how far we need to pan the pivotEntity in world space | |
var camera =; | |
var distance = this.orbitCamera.distance; | |
camera.screenToWorld(screenPoint.x, screenPoint.y, distance, fromWorldPoint); | |
camera.screenToWorld(this.lastPoint.x, this.lastPoint.y, distance, toWorldPoint); | |
worldDiff.sub2(toWorldPoint, fromWorldPoint); | |
this.orbitCamera.pivotPoint.add(worldDiff); | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.onMouseDown = function (event) { | |
switch (event.button) { | |
this.lookButtonDown = true; | |
break; | |
this.panButtonDown = true; | |
break; | |
} | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.onMouseUp = function (event) { | |
switch (event.button) { | |
this.lookButtonDown = false; | |
break; | |
this.panButtonDown = false; | |
break; | |
} | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.onMouseMove = function (event) { | |
if (this.lookButtonDown) { | |
this.orbitCamera.pitch -= event.dy * this.orbitSensitivity; | |
this.orbitCamera.yaw -= event.dx * this.orbitSensitivity; | |
} else if (this.panButtonDown) { | |
this.pan(event); | |
} | |
this.lastPoint.set(event.x, event.y); | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.onMouseWheel = function (event) { | |
this.orbitCamera.distance -= event.wheelDelta * -2 * this.distanceSensitivity * (this.orbitCamera.distance * 0.1); | |
} else { | |
this.orbitCamera.orthoHeight -= event.wheelDelta * -2 * this.distanceSensitivity; | |
} | |
event.event.preventDefault(); | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputMouse.prototype.onMouseOut = function (event) { | |
this.lookButtonDown = false; | |
this.panButtonDown = false; | |
}; | |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// Orbit Camera Touch Input Script // | |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
var OrbitCameraInputTouch = pc.createScript('orbitCameraInputTouch'); | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.attributes.add('orbitSensitivity', { | |
type: 'number', | |
default: 0.6, | |
title: 'Orbit Sensitivity', | |
description: 'How fast the camera moves around the orbit. Higher is faster' | |
}); | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.attributes.add('distanceSensitivity', { | |
type: 'number', | |
default: 0.5, | |
title: 'Distance Sensitivity', | |
description: 'How fast the camera moves in and out. Higher is faster' | |
}); | |
// initialize code called once per entity | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.prototype.initialize = function () { | |
this.orbitCamera = this.entity.script.orbitCamera; | |
// Store the position of the touch so we can calculate the distance moved | |
this.lastTouchPoint = new pc.Vec2(); | |
this.lastPinchMidPoint = new pc.Vec2(); | |
this.lastPinchDistance = 0; | |
if (this.orbitCamera && { | |
// Use the same callback for the touchStart, touchEnd and touchCancel events as they | |
// all do the same thing which is to deal the possible multiple touches to the screen | |, this.onTouchStartEndCancel, this); | |, this.onTouchStartEndCancel, this); | |, this.onTouchStartEndCancel, this); | |, this.onTouchMove, this); | |
this.on('destroy', function () { | |, this.onTouchStartEndCancel, this); | |, this.onTouchStartEndCancel, this); | |, this.onTouchStartEndCancel, this); | |, this.onTouchMove, this); | |
}); | |
} | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.prototype.getPinchDistance = function (pointA, pointB) { | |
// Return the distance between the two points | |
var dx = pointA.x - pointB.x; | |
var dy = pointA.y - pointB.y; | |
return Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)); | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.prototype.calcMidPoint = function (pointA, pointB, result) { | |
result.set(pointB.x - pointA.x, pointB.y - pointA.y); | |
result.mulScalar(0.5); | |
result.x += pointA.x; | |
result.y += pointA.y; | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.prototype.onTouchStartEndCancel = function (event) { | |
// We only care about the first touch for camera rotation. As the user touches the screen, | |
// we stored the current touch position | |
var touches = event.touches; | |
if (touches.length === 1) { | |
this.lastTouchPoint.set(touches[0].x, touches[0].y); | |
} else if (touches.length === 2) { | |
// If there are 2 touches on the screen, then set the pinch distance | |
this.lastPinchDistance = this.getPinchDistance(touches[0], touches[1]); | |
this.calcMidPoint(touches[0], touches[1], this.lastPinchMidPoint); | |
} | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.fromWorldPoint = new pc.Vec3(); | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.toWorldPoint = new pc.Vec3(); | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.worldDiff = new pc.Vec3(); | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.prototype.pan = function (midPoint) { | |
var fromWorldPoint = OrbitCameraInputTouch.fromWorldPoint; | |
var toWorldPoint = OrbitCameraInputTouch.toWorldPoint; | |
var worldDiff = OrbitCameraInputTouch.worldDiff; | |
// For panning to work at any zoom level, we use screen point to world projection | |
// to work out how far we need to pan the pivotEntity in world space | |
var camera =; | |
var distance = this.orbitCamera.distance; | |
camera.screenToWorld(midPoint.x, midPoint.y, distance, fromWorldPoint); | |
camera.screenToWorld(this.lastPinchMidPoint.x, this.lastPinchMidPoint.y, distance, toWorldPoint); | |
worldDiff.sub2(toWorldPoint, fromWorldPoint); | |
this.orbitCamera.pivotPoint.add(worldDiff); | |
}; | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.pinchMidPoint = new pc.Vec2(); | |
OrbitCameraInputTouch.prototype.onTouchMove = function (event) { | |
var pinchMidPoint = OrbitCameraInputTouch.pinchMidPoint; | |
// We only care about the first touch for camera rotation. Work out the difference moved since the last event | |
// and use that to update the camera target position | |
var touches = event.touches; | |
if (touches.length === 1) { | |
var touch = touches[0]; | |
this.orbitCamera.pitch -= (touch.y - this.lastTouchPoint.y) * this.orbitSensitivity; | |
this.orbitCamera.yaw -= (touch.x - this.lastTouchPoint.x) * this.orbitSensitivity; | |
this.lastTouchPoint.set(touch.x, touch.y); | |
} else if (touches.length === 2) { | |
// Calculate the difference in pinch distance since the last event | |
var currentPinchDistance = this.getPinchDistance(touches[0], touches[1]); | |
var diffInPinchDistance = currentPinchDistance - this.lastPinchDistance; | |
this.lastPinchDistance = currentPinchDistance; | |
this.orbitCamera.distance -= (diffInPinchDistance * this.distanceSensitivity * 0.1) * (this.orbitCamera.distance * 0.1); | |
// Calculate pan difference | |
this.calcMidPoint(touches[0], touches[1], pinchMidPoint); | |
this.pan(pinchMidPoint); | |
this.lastPinchMidPoint.copy(pinchMidPoint); | |
} | |
}; | |