import streamlit as st # Function for temperature conversion def convert_temperature(value, from_unit, to_unit): if from_unit == "Celsius" and to_unit == "Fahrenheit": return (value * 9/5) + 32 elif from_unit == "Fahrenheit" and to_unit == "Celsius": return (value - 32) * 5/9 elif from_unit == "Celsius" and to_unit == "Kelvin": return value + 273.15 elif from_unit == "Kelvin" and to_unit == "Celsius": return value - 273.15 elif from_unit == "Fahrenheit" and to_unit == "Kelvin": return (value - 32) * 5/9 + 273.15 elif from_unit == "Kelvin" and to_unit == "Fahrenheit": return (value - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32 else: return value # Streamlit interface st.title('Temperature Converter') st.write('This app allows you to convert between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.') # Input from the user value = st.number_input("Enter the temperature value:", min_value=-273.15) from_unit = st.selectbox("Select the unit to convert from:", ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit", "Kelvin"]) to_unit = st.selectbox("Select the unit to convert to:", ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit", "Kelvin"]) # Perform conversion if st.button("Convert"): if from_unit != to_unit: result = convert_temperature(value, from_unit, to_unit) st.write(f"The converted temperature is {result:.2f} {to_unit}.") else: st.write("Please select different units for conversion.")