import { Matrix4 } from './Matrix4'; import { Quaternion } from './Quaternion'; import { Matrix3 } from './Matrix3'; import { BufferAttribute } from './../core/BufferAttribute'; import { Vector } from './Vector2'; /** * @deprecated use {@link Vector3 THREE.Vector3} instead. */ /** * 4D vector. * * ( class Vector4 implements Vector ) */ export class Vector4 implements Vector { constructor(x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number); x: number; y: number; z: number; w: number; isVector4: true; /** * Sets value of this vector. */ set(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number): this; /** * Sets all values of this vector. */ setScalar(scalar: number): this; /** * Sets X component of this vector. */ setX(x: number): this; /** * Sets Y component of this vector. */ setY(y: number): this; /** * Sets Z component of this vector. */ setZ(z: number): this; /** * Sets w component of this vector. */ setW(w: number): this; setComponent(index: number, value: number): this; getComponent(index: number): number; /** * Clones this vector. */ clone(): this; /** * Copies value of v to this vector. */ copy(v: Vector4): this; /** * Adds v to this vector. */ add(v: Vector4, w?: Vector4): this; addScalar(scalar: number): this; /** * Sets this vector to a + b. */ addVectors(a: Vector4, b: Vector4): this; addScaledVector(v: Vector4, s: number): this; /** * Subtracts v from this vector. */ sub(v: Vector4): this; subScalar(s: number): this; /** * Sets this vector to a - b. */ subVectors(a: Vector4, b: Vector4): this; /** * Multiplies this vector by scalar s. */ multiplyScalar(s: number): this; applyMatrix4(m: Matrix4): this; /** * Divides this vector by scalar s. * Set vector to ( 0, 0, 0 ) if s == 0. */ divideScalar(s: number): this; /** * * @param q is assumed to be normalized */ setAxisAngleFromQuaternion(q: Quaternion): this; /** * * @param m assumes the upper 3x3 of m is a pure rotation matrix (i.e, unscaled) */ setAxisAngleFromRotationMatrix(m: Matrix3): this; min(v: Vector4): this; max(v: Vector4): this; clamp(min: Vector4, max: Vector4): this; clampScalar(min: number, max: number): this; floor(): this; ceil(): this; round(): this; roundToZero(): this; /** * Inverts this vector. */ negate(): this; /** * Computes dot product of this vector and v. */ dot(v: Vector4): number; /** * Computes squared length of this vector. */ lengthSq(): number; /** * Computes length of this vector. */ length(): number; /** * Computes the Manhattan length of this vector. * * @return {number} * * @see {@link|Wikipedia: Taxicab Geometry} */ manhattanLength(): number; /** * Normalizes this vector. */ normalize(): this; /** * Normalizes this vector and multiplies it by l. */ setLength(length: number): this; /** * Linearly interpolate between this vector and v with alpha factor. */ lerp(v: Vector4, alpha: number): this; lerpVectors(v1: Vector4, v2: Vector4, alpha: number): this; /** * Checks for strict equality of this vector and v. */ equals(v: Vector4): boolean; fromArray(xyzw: number[], offset?: number): this; toArray(xyzw?: number[], offset?: number): number[]; fromBufferAttribute( attribute: BufferAttribute, index: number, offset?: number ): this; }