import { Material } from './../materials/Material'; import { LoaderHandler } from './FileLoader'; // Loaders ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Base class for implementing loaders. * * Events: * load * Dispatched when the image has completed loading * content — loaded image * * error * * Dispatched when the image can't be loaded * message — error message */ export class Loader { constructor(); /** * Will be called when load starts. * The default is a function with empty body. */ onLoadStart: () => void; /** * Will be called while load progresses. * The default is a function with empty body. */ onLoadProgress: () => void; /** * Will be called when load completes. * The default is a function with empty body. */ onLoadComplete: () => void; /** * default — null. * If set, assigns the crossOrigin attribute of the image to the value of crossOrigin, prior to starting the load. */ crossOrigin: string; /** * @deprecated Use THREE.LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase() instead. */ extractUrlBase(url: string): string; initMaterials(materials: Material[], texturePath: string): Material[]; createMaterial( m: Material, texturePath: string, crossOrigin?: string ): boolean; static Handlers: LoaderHandler; }