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import { Matrix4 } from './Matrix4';
import { BufferAttribute } from './../core/BufferAttribute';
import { Vector3 } from './Vector3';
* ( interface Matrix<T> )
export interface Matrix {
* Array with matrix values.
elements: number[];
* identity():T;
identity(): Matrix;
* copy(m:T):T;
copy(m: this): this;
* multiplyScalar(s:number):T;
multiplyScalar(s: number): Matrix;
determinant(): number;
* getInverse(matrix:T, throwOnInvertible?:boolean):T;
getInverse(matrix: Matrix, throwOnInvertible?: boolean): Matrix;
* transpose():T;
transpose(): Matrix;
* clone():T;
clone(): this;
* ( class Matrix3 implements Matrix<Matrix3> )
export class Matrix3 implements Matrix {
* Creates an identity matrix.
* Array with matrix values.
elements: number[];
n11: number,
n12: number,
n13: number,
n21: number,
n22: number,
n23: number,
n31: number,
n32: number,
n33: number
): Matrix3;
identity(): Matrix3;
clone(): this;
copy(m: Matrix3): this;
setFromMatrix4(m: Matrix4): Matrix3;
* @deprecated Use {@link Matrix3#applyToBufferAttribute matrix3.applyToBufferAttribute( attribute )} instead.
buffer: BufferAttribute,
offset?: number,
length?: number
): BufferAttribute;
applyToBufferAttribute(attribute: BufferAttribute): BufferAttribute;
multiplyScalar(s: number): Matrix3;
determinant(): number;
getInverse(matrix: Matrix3, throwOnDegenerate?: boolean): Matrix3;
* Transposes this matrix in place.
transpose(): Matrix3;
getNormalMatrix(matrix4: Matrix4): Matrix3;
* Transposes this matrix into the supplied array r, and returns itself.
transposeIntoArray(r: number[]): number[];
fromArray(array: number[], offset?: number): Matrix3;
toArray(): number[];
* Multiplies this matrix by m.
multiply(m: Matrix3): Matrix3;
premultiply(m: Matrix3): Matrix3;
* Sets this matrix to a x b.
multiplyMatrices(a: Matrix3, b: Matrix3): Matrix3;
* @deprecated Use {@link Vector3.applyMatrix3 vector.applyMatrix3( matrix )} instead.
multiplyVector3(vector: Vector3): any;
* @deprecated This method has been removed completely.
multiplyVector3Array(a: any): any;
getInverse(matrix: Matrix4, throwOnDegenerate?: boolean): Matrix3;
* @deprecated Use {@link Matrix3#toArray .toArray()} instead.
flattenToArrayOffset(array: number[], offset: number): number[];