/** | |
* @author WestLangley / | |
* @author Mugen87 / | |
*/ | |
import { BufferGeometry } from '../core/BufferGeometry.js'; | |
import { Float32BufferAttribute } from '../core/BufferAttribute.js'; | |
import { Geometry } from '../core/Geometry.js'; | |
import { _Math } from '../math/Math.js'; | |
function EdgesGeometry( geometry, thresholdAngle ) { | | this ); | |
this.type = 'EdgesGeometry'; | |
this.parameters = { | |
thresholdAngle: thresholdAngle | |
}; | |
thresholdAngle = ( thresholdAngle !== undefined ) ? thresholdAngle : 1; | |
// buffer | |
var vertices = []; | |
// helper variables | |
var thresholdDot = Math.cos( _Math.DEG2RAD * thresholdAngle ); | |
var edge = [ 0, 0 ], edges = {}, edge1, edge2; | |
var key, keys = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]; | |
// prepare source geometry | |
var geometry2; | |
if ( geometry.isBufferGeometry ) { | |
geometry2 = new Geometry(); | |
geometry2.fromBufferGeometry( geometry ); | |
} else { | |
geometry2 = geometry.clone(); | |
} | |
geometry2.mergeVertices(); | |
geometry2.computeFaceNormals(); | |
var sourceVertices = geometry2.vertices; | |
var faces = geometry2.faces; | |
// now create a data structure where each entry represents an edge with its adjoining faces | |
for ( var i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) { | |
var face = faces[ i ]; | |
for ( var j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) { | |
edge1 = face[ keys[ j ] ]; | |
edge2 = face[ keys[ ( j + 1 ) % 3 ] ]; | |
edge[ 0 ] = Math.min( edge1, edge2 ); | |
edge[ 1 ] = Math.max( edge1, edge2 ); | |
key = edge[ 0 ] + ',' + edge[ 1 ]; | |
if ( edges[ key ] === undefined ) { | |
edges[ key ] = { index1: edge[ 0 ], index2: edge[ 1 ], face1: i, face2: undefined }; | |
} else { | |
edges[ key ].face2 = i; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// generate vertices | |
for ( key in edges ) { | |
var e = edges[ key ]; | |
// an edge is only rendered if the angle (in degrees) between the face normals of the adjoining faces exceeds this value. default = 1 degree. | |
if ( e.face2 === undefined || faces[ e.face1 ] faces[ e.face2 ].normal ) <= thresholdDot ) { | |
var vertex = sourceVertices[ e.index1 ]; | |
vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z ); | |
vertex = sourceVertices[ e.index2 ]; | |
vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z ); | |
} | |
} | |
// build geometry | |
this.addAttribute( 'position', new Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) ); | |
} | |
EdgesGeometry.prototype = Object.create( BufferGeometry.prototype ); | |
EdgesGeometry.prototype.constructor = EdgesGeometry; | |
export { EdgesGeometry }; | |