web3d / node_modules /three /src /core /BufferAttribute.js
julien-c's picture
julien-c HF staff
do not gitignore the builds
import { Vector4 } from '../math/Vector4.js';
import { Vector3 } from '../math/Vector3.js';
import { Vector2 } from '../math/Vector2.js';
import { Color } from '../math/Color.js';
* @author mrdoob / http://mrdoob.com/
function BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
if ( Array.isArray( array ) ) {
throw new TypeError( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: array should be a Typed Array.' );
this.name = '';
this.array = array;
this.itemSize = itemSize;
this.count = array !== undefined ? array.length / itemSize : 0;
this.normalized = normalized === true;
this.dynamic = false;
this.updateRange = { offset: 0, count: - 1 };
this.version = 0;
Object.defineProperty( BufferAttribute.prototype, 'needsUpdate', {
set: function ( value ) {
if ( value === true ) this.version ++;
} );
Object.assign( BufferAttribute.prototype, {
isBufferAttribute: true,
onUploadCallback: function () {},
setArray: function ( array ) {
if ( Array.isArray( array ) ) {
throw new TypeError( 'THREE.BufferAttribute: array should be a Typed Array.' );
this.count = array !== undefined ? array.length / this.itemSize : 0;
this.array = array;
return this;
setDynamic: function ( value ) {
this.dynamic = value;
return this;
copy: function ( source ) {
this.name = source.name;
this.array = new source.array.constructor( source.array );
this.itemSize = source.itemSize;
this.count = source.count;
this.normalized = source.normalized;
this.dynamic = source.dynamic;
return this;
copyAt: function ( index1, attribute, index2 ) {
index1 *= this.itemSize;
index2 *= attribute.itemSize;
for ( var i = 0, l = this.itemSize; i < l; i ++ ) {
this.array[ index1 + i ] = attribute.array[ index2 + i ];
return this;
copyArray: function ( array ) {
this.array.set( array );
return this;
copyColorsArray: function ( colors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = colors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var color = colors[ i ];
if ( color === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyColorsArray(): color is undefined', i );
color = new Color();
array[ offset ++ ] = color.r;
array[ offset ++ ] = color.g;
array[ offset ++ ] = color.b;
return this;
copyVector2sArray: function ( vectors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var vector = vectors[ i ];
if ( vector === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector2sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
vector = new Vector2();
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
return this;
copyVector3sArray: function ( vectors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var vector = vectors[ i ];
if ( vector === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector3sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
vector = new Vector3();
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.z;
return this;
copyVector4sArray: function ( vectors ) {
var array = this.array, offset = 0;
for ( var i = 0, l = vectors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
var vector = vectors[ i ];
if ( vector === undefined ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.BufferAttribute.copyVector4sArray(): vector is undefined', i );
vector = new Vector4();
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.x;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.y;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.z;
array[ offset ++ ] = vector.w;
return this;
set: function ( value, offset ) {
if ( offset === undefined ) offset = 0;
this.array.set( value, offset );
return this;
getX: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize ];
setX: function ( index, x ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize ] = x;
return this;
getY: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 1 ];
setY: function ( index, y ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 1 ] = y;
return this;
getZ: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 2 ];
setZ: function ( index, z ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 2 ] = z;
return this;
getW: function ( index ) {
return this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 3 ];
setW: function ( index, w ) {
this.array[ index * this.itemSize + 3 ] = w;
return this;
setXY: function ( index, x, y ) {
index *= this.itemSize;
this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
return this;
setXYZ: function ( index, x, y, z ) {
index *= this.itemSize;
this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
this.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
return this;
setXYZW: function ( index, x, y, z, w ) {
index *= this.itemSize;
this.array[ index + 0 ] = x;
this.array[ index + 1 ] = y;
this.array[ index + 2 ] = z;
this.array[ index + 3 ] = w;
return this;
onUpload: function ( callback ) {
this.onUploadCallback = callback;
return this;
clone: function () {
return new this.constructor( this.array, this.itemSize ).copy( this );
} );
function Int8BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Int8Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Int8BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Int8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Int8BufferAttribute;
function Uint8BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint8Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint8BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint8BufferAttribute;
function Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint8ClampedArray( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint8ClampedBufferAttribute;
function Int16BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Int16Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Int16BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Int16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Int16BufferAttribute;
function Uint16BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint16Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint16BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint16BufferAttribute;
function Int32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Int32Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Int32BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Int32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Int32BufferAttribute;
function Uint32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Uint32Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Uint32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Uint32BufferAttribute;
function Float32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Float32Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Float32BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Float32BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Float32BufferAttribute;
function Float64BufferAttribute( array, itemSize, normalized ) {
BufferAttribute.call( this, new Float64Array( array ), itemSize, normalized );
Float64BufferAttribute.prototype = Object.create( BufferAttribute.prototype );
Float64BufferAttribute.prototype.constructor = Float64BufferAttribute;
export {