module.exports = { purge: ['./src/**/*.js', './public/index.html'], darkMode: false, // or 'media' or 'class' prefix: '', important: false, separator: ':', theme: { extend: { spacing: { '30': '7rem', '68': '17rem', '70': '17.5rem', '72': '18rem', '76': '19rem', '78': '19.5rem', '80': '20rem', '84': '21rem', '88': '22rem', '92': '23rem', '96': '24rem', '100': '25rem', '104': '26rem', '108': '27rem', '112': '28rem', '116': '29rem', '120': '30rem', '132': '33rem', '144': '36rem', '148': '37rem', '152': '38rem', '156': '39rem', '168': '42rem', '180': '45rem', '192': '48rem', '196': '49rem', '200': '50rem', }, }, maxWidth: { '1/4': '25%', '1/2': '50%', '3/4': '75%', }, zIndex: { '-10': '-10', }, spinner: (theme) => ({ DEFAULT: { color: '#dae1e7', // color you want to make the spinner size: '1em', // size of the spinner (used for both width and height) border: '2px', // border-width of the spinner (shouldn't be bigger than half the spinner's size) speed: '500ms', // the speed at which the spinner should rotate }, // md: { // color: theme('', 'red'), // size: '2em', // border: '2px', // speed: '500ms', // }, }), height: { xxs: '50px', xs: '80px', sm: '150px', smm: '170px', md: '500px', lg: '600px', xl: '700px', }, screens: { xs: '500px', sm: '640px', md: '768px', lg: '1024px', xl: '1280px', xxl: '1650px', }, colors: { transparent: 'transparent', current: 'currentColor', black: '#000', white: '#fff', gray: { 100: '#f7fafc', 200: '#edf2f7', 300: '#e2e8f0', 400: '#cbd5e0', 500: '#a0aec0', 600: '#718096', 700: '#4a5568', 800: '#2d3748', 900: '#1a202c', }, red: { 100: '#fff5f5', 200: '#fed7d7', 300: '#feb2b2', 400: '#fc8181', 500: '#f56565', 600: '#e53e3e', 700: '#c53030', 800: '#9b2c2c', 900: '#742a2a', }, orange: { 100: '#fffaf0', 200: '#feebc8', 300: '#fbd38d', 400: '#f6ad55', 500: '#ed8936', 600: '#dd6b20', 700: '#c05621', 800: '#9c4221', 900: '#7b341e', }, yellow: { 100: '#fffff0', 200: '#fefcbf', 300: '#faf089', 400: '#f6e05e', 500: '#ecc94b', 600: '#d69e2e', 700: '#b7791f', 800: '#975a16', 900: '#744210', }, green: { 100: '#f0fff4', 200: '#c6f6d5', 300: '#9ae6b4', 400: '#68d391', 500: '#48bb78', 600: '#38a169', 700: '#2f855a', 800: '#276749', 900: '#22543d', }, teal: { 100: '#e6fffa', 200: '#b2f5ea', 300: '#81e6d9', 400: '#4fd1c5', 500: '#38b2ac', 600: '#319795', 700: '#2c7a7b', 800: '#285e61', 900: '#234e52', }, blue: { 100: '#ebf8ff', 200: '#bee3f8', 300: '#90cdf4', 400: '#63b3ed', 500: '#4299e1', 600: '#3182ce', 700: '#2b6cb0', 800: '#2c5282', 900: '#2a4365', }, indigo: { 100: '#ebf4ff', 200: '#c3dafe', 300: '#a3bffa', 400: '#7f9cf5', 500: '#667eea', 600: '#5a67d8', 700: '#4c51bf', 800: '#434190', 900: '#3c366b', }, purple: { 100: '#faf5ff', 200: '#e9d8fd', 300: '#d6bcfa', 400: '#b794f4', 500: '#9f7aea', 600: '#805ad5', 700: '#6b46c1', 800: '#553c9a', 900: '#44337a', }, pink: { 100: '#fff5f7', 200: '#fed7e2', 300: '#fbb6ce', 400: '#f687b3', 500: '#ed64a6', 600: '#d53f8c', 700: '#b83280', 800: '#97266d', 900: '#702459', }, }, spacing: { px: '1px', '0': '0', '1': '0.25rem', '2': '0.5rem', '3': '0.75rem', '4': '1rem', '5': '1.25rem', '6': '1.5rem', '8': '2rem', '10': '2.5rem', '12': '3rem', '14': '3.5rem', '16': '4rem', '20': '5rem', '24': '6rem', '32': '8rem', '40': '10rem', '48': '12rem', '56': '14rem', '64': '16rem', '72': '18rem', '84': '21rem', '96': '24rem', }, backgroundColor: theme => theme('colors'), backgroundPosition: { bottom: 'bottom', center: 'center', left: 'left', 'left-bottom': 'left bottom', 'left-top': 'left top', right: 'right', 'right-bottom': 'right bottom', 'right-top': 'right top', top: 'top', }, backgroundSize: { auto: 'auto', cover: 'cover', contain: 'contain', }, borderColor: theme => ({ ...theme('colors'), DEFAULT: theme('colors.gray.300', 'currentColor'), }), borderRadius: { none: '0', sm: '0.125rem', DEFAULT: '0.25rem', md: '0.375rem', lg: '0.5rem', xl: '1rem', full: '9999px', }, borderWidth: { DEFAULT: '1px', '0': '0', '1': '1px', '2': '2px', '4': '4px', '8': '8px', }, boxShadow: { xs: '0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', sm: '0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', DEFAULT: '0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', md: '0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', lg: '0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)', xl: '0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)', '2xl': '0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)', '3xl': '0 30px 75px -20px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)', inner: 'inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)', outline: '0 0 0 3px rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.5)', none: 'none', }, container: { center: true, }, cursor: { auto: 'auto', DEFAULT: 'DEFAULT', pointer: 'pointer', wait: 'wait', text: 'text', move: 'move', 'not-allowed': 'not-allowed', }, fill: { current: 'currentColor', }, flex: { '1': '1 1 0%', auto: '1 1 auto', initial: '0 1 auto', none: 'none', }, flexGrow: { '0': '0', DEFAULT: '1', }, flexShrink: { '0': '0', DEFAULT: '1', }, fontFamily: { sans: [ 'system-ui', '-apple-system', 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'104rem', full: '100%', ...breakpoints(theme('screens')), }), minHeight: { '0': '0', full: '100%', screen: '100vh', }, minWidth: { '0': '0', full: '100%', }, objectPosition: { bottom: 'bottom', center: 'center', left: 'left', 'left-bottom': 'left bottom', 'left-top': 'left top', right: 'right', 'right-bottom': 'right bottom', 'right-top': 'right top', top: 'top', }, opacity: { '0': '0', '25': '0.25', '50': '0.5', '75': '0.75', '100': '1', }, order: { first: '-9999', last: '9999', none: '0', '1': '1', '2': '2', '3': '3', '4': '4', '5': '5', '6': '6', '7': '7', '8': '8', '9': '9', '10': '10', '11': '11', '12': '12', }, padding: theme => theme('spacing'), placeholderColor: theme => theme('colors'), stroke: { current: 'currentColor', }, strokeWidth: { '0': '0', '1': '1', '2': '2', }, textColor: theme => theme('colors'), width: theme => ({ auto: 'auto', ...theme('spacing'), '1/2': '50%', '1/3': '33.333333%', '2/3': '66.666667%', '1/4': '25%', '2/4': '50%', '3/4': '75%', '1/5': '20%', '2/5': 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