# From https://docs.streamlit.io/develop/tutorials/multipage/st.page_link-nav import streamlit as st import project_config def authenticated_menu(): # Insert profile picture st.sidebar.image(str(project_config.MEDIA_DIR / 'pfp' / f"{st.session_state.profile_pic}.png"), use_column_width=True) st.sidebar.markdown("---") # Show a navigation menu for authenticated users # st.sidebar.page_link("app.py", label="Switch Accounts", icon="🔒") st.sidebar.page_link("pages/about.py", label="About", icon="📖") st.sidebar.page_link("pages/input.py", label="Input", icon="💡") st.sidebar.page_link("pages/predict.py", label="Predict", icon="🔍", disabled=("query" not in st.session_state)) st.sidebar.page_link("pages/validate.py", label="Validate", icon="✅", disabled=("query" not in st.session_state)) # st.sidebar.page_link("pages/explore.py", label="Explore", icon="🔍") if st.session_state.role in ["admin"]: st.sidebar.page_link("pages/admin.py", label="Manage Users", icon="🔧") # Show the logout button st.sidebar.markdown("---") st.sidebar.button("Log Out", on_click=lambda: st.session_state.clear()) def unauthenticated_menu(): # Show a navigation menu for unauthenticated users st.sidebar.page_link("app.py", label="Log In", icon="🔒") def menu(): # Determine if a user is logged in or not, then show the correct navigation menu if "role" not in st.session_state or st.session_state.role is None: unauthenticated_menu() return authenticated_menu() def menu_with_redirect(): # Redirect users to the main page if not logged in, otherwise continue to # render the navigation menu if "role" not in st.session_state or st.session_state.role is None: st.switch_page("app.py") menu()