File size: 4,209 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
from menu import menu_with_redirect
# Standard imports
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# Path manipulation
from pathlib import Path
# Custom and other imports
import project_config
from utils import load_kg
# Redirect to if not logged in, otherwise show the navigation menu
# Header
st.image(str(project_config.MEDIA_DIR / 'input_header.svg'), use_column_width=True)
# Main content
# st.markdown(f"Hello, {}!")
st.subheader("Construct Query", divider = "red")
# # Checkbox to allow reverse edges
# allow_reverse_edges = st.checkbox("Reverse Edges", value = False)
# Load knowledge graph
kg_nodes = load_kg()
with st.spinner('Loading knowledge graph...'):
# kg_nodes = nodes = pd.read_csv(project_config.DATA_DIR / 'kg_nodes.csv', dtype = {'node_index': int}, low_memory = False)
node_types = pd.read_csv(project_config.DATA_DIR / 'kg_node_types.csv')
edge_types = pd.read_csv(project_config.DATA_DIR / 'kg_edge_types.csv')
# if not allow_reverse_edges:
# edge_types = edge_types[edge_types.direction == 'forward']
# If query is not in session state, initialize it
if "query" not in st.session_state:
source_node_type_index = 0
source_node_index = 0
target_node_type_index = 0
relation_index = 0
source_node_type_index = st.session_state.query_options['source_node_type'].index(st.session_state.query['source_node_type'])
source_node_index = st.session_state.query_options['source_node'].index(st.session_state.query['source_node'])
target_node_type_index = st.session_state.query_options['target_node_type'].index(st.session_state.query['target_node_type'])
relation_index = st.session_state.query_options['relation'].index(st.session_state.query['relation'])
# Select source node type
# source_node_type_options = node_types['node_type']
# source_node_type = st.selectbox("Source Node Type", source_node_type_options,
# format_func = lambda x: x.replace("_", " "), index = source_node_type_index)
source_node_type = "disease"
# Select source node
# source_node_options = kg_nodes[kg_nodes['node_type'] == source_node_type]['node_name']
# source_node = st.selectbox("Source Node", source_node_options,
# index = source_node_index)
source_node = "Parkinson disease"
# Select target node type
target_node_type_options = edge_types[edge_types.x_type == source_node_type].y_type.unique()
target_node_type = st.selectbox("Target Node Type", target_node_type_options,
format_func = lambda x: x.replace("_", " "), index = target_node_type_index)
# Select relation
relation_options = edge_types[(edge_types.x_type == source_node_type) & (edge_types.y_type == target_node_type)].relation.unique()
relation = st.selectbox("Edge Type", relation_options,
format_func = lambda x: x.replace("_", "-"), index = relation_index)
# Button to submit query
if st.button("Submit Query"):
# Save query to session state
st.session_state.query = {
"source_node_type": source_node_type,
"source_node": source_node,
"target_node_type": target_node_type,
"relation": relation
# Save query options to session state
st.session_state.query_options = {
# "source_node_type": list(source_node_type_options),
# "source_node": list(source_node_options),
"source_node_type": ["disease"],
"source_node": ["Parkinson disease"],
"target_node_type": list(target_node_type_options),
"relation": list(relation_options)
# # Write query to console
# st.write("Current Query:")
# st.write(st.session_state.query)
st.write("Query submitted.")
# Switch to the Predict page
# st.subheader("Knowledge Graph", divider = "red")
# display_data = kg_nodes[['node_id', 'node_type', 'node_name', 'node_source']].copy()
# display_data = display_data.rename(columns = {'node_id': 'ID', 'node_type': 'Type', 'node_name': 'Name', 'node_source': 'Database'})
# st.dataframe(display_data, use_container_width = True) |