""" |
This module contains chord evaluation functionality. |
It provides the evaluation measures used for the MIREX ACE task, and |
tries to follow [1]_ and [2]_ as closely as possible. |
Notes |
----- |
This implementation tries to follow the references and their implementation |
(e.g., https://github.com/jpauwels/MusOOEvaluator for [2]_). However, there |
are some known (and possibly some unknown) differences. If you find one not |
listed in the following, please file an issue: |
- Detected chord segments are adjusted to fit the length of the annotations. |
In particular, this means that, if necessary, filler segments of 'no chord' |
are added at beginnings and ends. This can result in different segmentation |
scores compared to the original implementation. |
References |
---------- |
.. [1] Christopher Harte, "Towards Automatic Extraction of Harmony Information |
from Music Signals." Dissertation, |
Department for Electronic Engineering, Queen Mary University of London, |
2010. |
.. [2] Johan Pauwels and Geoffroy Peeters. |
"Evaluating Automatically Estimated Chord Sequences." |
In Proceedings of ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 2013. |
""" |
import numpy as np |
import pandas as pd |
import mir_eval |
CHORD_DTYPE = [('root', np.int64), |
('bass', np.int64), |
('intervals', np.int64, (12,)), |
('is_major',np.bool)] |
CHORD_ANN_DTYPE = [('start', np.float64), |
('end', np.float64), |
('chord', CHORD_DTYPE)] |
NO_CHORD = (-1, -1, np.zeros(12, dtype=np.int64), False) |
UNKNOWN_CHORD = (-1, -1, np.ones(12, dtype=np.int64) * -1, False) |
PITCH_CLASS = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'] |
def idx_to_chord(idx): |
if idx == 24: |
return "-" |
elif idx == 25: |
return u"\u03B5" |
minmaj = idx % 2 |
root = idx // 2 |
return PITCH_CLASS[root] + ("M" if minmaj == 0 else "m") |
class Chords: |
def __init__(self): |
self._shorthands = { |
'maj': self.interval_list('(1,3,5)'), |
'min': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5)'), |
'dim': self.interval_list('(1,b3,b5)'), |
'aug': self.interval_list('(1,3,#5)'), |
'maj7': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,7)'), |
'min7': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5,b7)'), |
'7': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,b7)'), |
'6': self.interval_list('(1,6)'), |
'5': self.interval_list('(1,5)'), |
'4': self.interval_list('(1,4)'), |
'1': self.interval_list('(1)'), |
'dim7': self.interval_list('(1,b3,b5,bb7)'), |
'hdim7': self.interval_list('(1,b3,b5,b7)'), |
'minmaj7': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5,7)'), |
'maj6': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,6)'), |
'min6': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5,6)'), |
'9': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,b7,9)'), |
'maj9': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,7,9)'), |
'min9': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5,b7,9)'), |
'sus2': self.interval_list('(1,2,5)'), |
'sus4': self.interval_list('(1,4,5)'), |
'11': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,b7,9,11)'), |
'min11': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5,b7,9,11)'), |
'13': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,b7,13)'), |
'maj13': self.interval_list('(1,3,5,7,13)'), |
'min13': self.interval_list('(1,b3,5,b7,13)') |
} |
def chords(self, labels): |
""" |
Transform a list of chord labels into an array of internal numeric |
representations. |
Parameters |
---------- |
labels : list |
List of chord labels (str). |
Returns |
------- |
chords : numpy.array |
Structured array with columns 'root', 'bass', and 'intervals', |
containing a numeric representation of chords. |
""" |
crds = np.zeros(len(labels), dtype=CHORD_DTYPE) |
cache = {} |
for i, lbl in enumerate(labels): |
cv = cache.get(lbl, None) |
if cv is None: |
cv = self.chord(lbl) |
cache[lbl] = cv |
crds[i] = cv |
return crds |
def label_error_modify(self, label): |
if label == 'Emin/4': label = 'E:min/4' |
elif label == 'A7/3': label = 'A:7/3' |
elif label == 'Bb7/3': label = 'Bb:7/3' |
elif label == 'Bb7/5': label = 'Bb:7/5' |
elif label.find(':') == -1: |
if label.find('min') != -1: |
label = label[:label.find('min')] + ':' + label[label.find('min'):] |
return label |
def chord(self, label): |
""" |
Transform a chord label into the internal numeric represenation of |
(root, bass, intervals array). |
Parameters |
---------- |
label : str |
Chord label. |
Returns |
------- |
chord : tuple |
Numeric representation of the chord: (root, bass, intervals array). |
""" |
try: |
is_major = False |
if label == 'N': |
return NO_CHORD |
if label == 'X': |
label = self.label_error_modify(label) |
c_idx = label.find(':') |
s_idx = label.find('/') |
if c_idx == -1: |
quality_str = 'maj' |
if s_idx == -1: |
root_str = label |
bass_str = '' |
else: |
root_str = label[:s_idx] |
bass_str = label[s_idx + 1:] |
else: |
root_str = label[:c_idx] |
if s_idx == -1: |
quality_str = label[c_idx + 1:] |
bass_str = '' |
else: |
quality_str = label[c_idx + 1:s_idx] |
bass_str = label[s_idx + 1:] |
root = self.pitch(root_str) |
bass = self.interval(bass_str) if bass_str else 0 |
ivs = self.chord_intervals(quality_str) |
ivs[bass] = 1 |
if 'min' in quality_str: |
is_major = False |
else: |
is_major = True |
except Exception as e: |
print(e, label) |
return root, bass, ivs, is_major |
_l = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] |
_chroma_id = (np.arange(len(_l) * 2) + 1) + np.array(_l + _l).cumsum() - 1 |
def modify(self, base_pitch, modifier): |
""" |
Modify a pitch class in integer representation by a given modifier string. |
A modifier string can be any sequence of 'b' (one semitone down) |
and '#' (one semitone up). |
Parameters |
---------- |
base_pitch : int |
Pitch class as integer. |
modifier : str |
String of modifiers ('b' or '#'). |
Returns |
------- |
modified_pitch : int |
Modified root note. |
""" |
for m in modifier: |
if m == 'b': |
base_pitch -= 1 |
elif m == '#': |
base_pitch += 1 |
else: |
raise ValueError('Unknown modifier: {}'.format(m)) |
return base_pitch |
def pitch(self, pitch_str): |
""" |
Convert a string representation of a pitch class (consisting of root |
note and modifiers) to an integer representation. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pitch_str : str |
String representation of a pitch class. |
Returns |
------- |
pitch : int |
Integer representation of a pitch class. |
""" |
return self.modify(self._chroma_id[(ord(pitch_str[0]) - ord('C')) % 7], |
pitch_str[1:]) % 12 |
def interval(self, interval_str): |
""" |
Convert a string representation of a musical interval into a pitch class |
(e.g. a minor seventh 'b7' into 10, because it is 10 semitones above its |
base note). |
Parameters |
---------- |
interval_str : str |
Musical interval. |
Returns |
------- |
pitch_class : int |
Number of semitones to base note of interval. |
""" |
for i, c in enumerate(interval_str): |
if c.isdigit(): |
return self.modify(self._chroma_id[int(interval_str[i:]) - 1], |
interval_str[:i]) % 12 |
def interval_list(self, intervals_str, given_pitch_classes=None): |
""" |
Convert a list of intervals given as string to a binary pitch class |
representation. For example, 'b3, 5' would become |
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]. |
Parameters |
---------- |
intervals_str : str |
List of intervals as comma-separated string (e.g. 'b3, 5'). |
given_pitch_classes : None or numpy array |
If None, start with empty pitch class array, if numpy array of length |
12, this array will be modified. |
Returns |
------- |
pitch_classes : numpy array |
Binary pitch class representation of intervals. |
""" |
if given_pitch_classes is None: |
given_pitch_classes = np.zeros(12, dtype=np.int64) |
for int_def in intervals_str[1:-1].split(','): |
int_def = int_def.strip() |
if int_def[0] == '*': |
given_pitch_classes[self.interval(int_def[1:])] = 0 |
else: |
given_pitch_classes[self.interval(int_def)] = 1 |
return given_pitch_classes |
def chord_intervals(self, quality_str): |
""" |
Convert a chord quality string to a pitch class representation. For |
example, 'maj' becomes [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]. |
Parameters |
---------- |
quality_str : str |
String defining the chord quality. |
Returns |
------- |
pitch_classes : numpy array |
Binary pitch class representation of chord quality. |
""" |
list_idx = quality_str.find('(') |
if list_idx == -1: |
return self._shorthands[quality_str].copy() |
if list_idx != 0: |
ivs = self._shorthands[quality_str[:list_idx]].copy() |
else: |
ivs = np.zeros(12, dtype=np.int64) |
return self.interval_list(quality_str[list_idx:], ivs) |
def load_chords(self, filename): |
""" |
Load chords from a text file. |
The chord must follow the syntax defined in [1]_. |
Parameters |
---------- |
filename : str |
File containing chord segments. |
Returns |
------- |
crds : numpy structured array |
Structured array with columns "start", "end", and "chord", |
containing the beginning, end, and chord definition of chord |
segments. |
References |
---------- |
.. [1] Christopher Harte, "Towards Automatic Extraction of Harmony |
Information from Music Signals." Dissertation, |
Department for Electronic Engineering, Queen Mary University of |
London, 2010. |
""" |
start, end, chord_labels = [], [], [] |
with open(filename, 'r') as f: |
for line in f: |
if line: |
splits = line.split() |
if len(splits) == 3: |
s = splits[0] |
e = splits[1] |
l = splits[2] |
start.append(float(s)) |
end.append(float(e)) |
chord_labels.append(l) |
crds = np.zeros(len(start), dtype=CHORD_ANN_DTYPE) |
crds['start'] = start |
crds['end'] = end |
crds['chord'] = self.chords(chord_labels) |
return crds |
def reduce_to_triads(self, chords, keep_bass=False): |
""" |
Reduce chords to triads. |
The function follows the reduction rules implemented in [1]_. If a chord |
chord does not contain a third, major second or fourth, it is reduced to |
a power chord. If it does not contain neither a third nor a fifth, it is |
reduced to a single note "chord". |
Parameters |
---------- |
chords : numpy structured array |
Chords to be reduced. |
keep_bass : bool |
Indicates whether to keep the bass note or set it to 0. |
Returns |
------- |
reduced_chords : numpy structured array |
Chords reduced to triads. |
References |
---------- |
.. [1] Johan Pauwels and Geoffroy Peeters. |
"Evaluating Automatically Estimated Chord Sequences." |
In Proceedings of ICASSP 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 2013. |
""" |
unison = chords['intervals'][:, 0].astype(bool) |
maj_sec = chords['intervals'][:, 2].astype(bool) |
min_third = chords['intervals'][:, 3].astype(bool) |
maj_third = chords['intervals'][:, 4].astype(bool) |
perf_fourth = chords['intervals'][:, 5].astype(bool) |
dim_fifth = chords['intervals'][:, 6].astype(bool) |
perf_fifth = chords['intervals'][:, 7].astype(bool) |
aug_fifth = chords['intervals'][:, 8].astype(bool) |
no_chord = (chords['intervals'] == NO_CHORD[-1]).all(axis=1) |
reduced_chords = chords.copy() |
ivs = reduced_chords['intervals'] |
ivs[~no_chord] = self.interval_list('(1)') |
ivs[unison & perf_fifth] = self.interval_list('(1,5)') |
ivs[~perf_fourth & maj_sec] = self._shorthands['sus2'] |
ivs[perf_fourth & ~maj_sec] = self._shorthands['sus4'] |
ivs[min_third] = self._shorthands['min'] |
ivs[min_third & aug_fifth & ~perf_fifth] = self.interval_list('(1,b3,#5)') |
ivs[min_third & dim_fifth & ~perf_fifth] = self._shorthands['dim'] |
ivs[maj_third] = self._shorthands['maj'] |
ivs[maj_third & dim_fifth & ~perf_fifth] = self.interval_list('(1,3,b5)') |
ivs[maj_third & aug_fifth & ~perf_fifth] = self._shorthands['aug'] |
if not keep_bass: |
reduced_chords['bass'] = 0 |
else: |
reduced_chords['bass'] *= ivs[range(len(reduced_chords)), |
reduced_chords['bass']] |
reduced_chords['bass'][no_chord] = -1 |
return reduced_chords |
def convert_to_id(self, root, is_major): |
if root == -1: |
return 24 |
else: |
if is_major: |
return root * 2 |
else: |
return root * 2 + 1 |
def get_converted_chord(self, filename): |
loaded_chord = self.load_chords(filename) |
triads = self.reduce_to_triads(loaded_chord['chord']) |
df = self.assign_chord_id(triads) |
df['start'] = loaded_chord['start'] |
df['end'] = loaded_chord['end'] |
return df |
def assign_chord_id(self, entry): |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=entry[['root', 'is_major']]) |
df['chord_id'] = df.apply(lambda row: self.convert_to_id(row['root'], row['is_major']), axis=1) |
return df |
def convert_to_id_voca(self, root, quality): |
if root == -1: |
return 169 |
else: |
if quality == 'min': |
return root * 14 |
elif quality == 'maj': |
return root * 14 + 1 |
elif quality == 'dim': |
return root * 14 + 2 |
elif quality == 'aug': |
return root * 14 + 3 |
elif quality == 'min6': |
return root * 14 + 4 |
elif quality == 'maj6': |
return root * 14 + 5 |
elif quality == 'min7': |
return root * 14 + 6 |
elif quality == 'minmaj7': |
return root * 14 + 7 |
elif quality == 'maj7': |
return root * 14 + 8 |
elif quality == '7': |
return root * 14 + 9 |
elif quality == 'dim7': |
return root * 14 + 10 |
elif quality == 'hdim7': |
return root * 14 + 11 |
elif quality == 'sus2': |
return root * 14 + 12 |
elif quality == 'sus4': |
return root * 14 + 13 |
else: |
return 168 |
def get_converted_chord_voca(self, filename): |
loaded_chord = self.load_chords(filename) |
triads = self.reduce_to_triads(loaded_chord['chord']) |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=triads[['root', 'is_major']]) |
(ref_intervals, ref_labels) = mir_eval.io.load_labeled_intervals(filename) |
ref_labels = self.lab_file_error_modify(ref_labels) |
idxs = list() |
for i in ref_labels: |
chord_root, quality, scale_degrees, bass = mir_eval.chord.split(i, reduce_extended_chords=True) |
root, bass, ivs, is_major = self.chord(i) |
idxs.append(self.convert_to_id_voca(root=root, quality=quality)) |
df['chord_id'] = idxs |
df['start'] = loaded_chord['start'] |
df['end'] = loaded_chord['end'] |
return df |
def lab_file_error_modify(self, ref_labels): |
for i in range(len(ref_labels)): |
if ref_labels[i][-2:] == ':4': |
ref_labels[i] = ref_labels[i].replace(':4', ':sus4') |
elif ref_labels[i][-2:] == ':6': |
ref_labels[i] = ref_labels[i].replace(':6', ':maj6') |
elif ref_labels[i][-4:] == ':6/2': |
ref_labels[i] = ref_labels[i].replace(':6/2', ':maj6/2') |
elif ref_labels[i] == 'Emin/4': |
ref_labels[i] = 'E:min/4' |
elif ref_labels[i] == 'A7/3': |
ref_labels[i] = 'A:7/3' |
elif ref_labels[i] == 'Bb7/3': |
ref_labels[i] = 'Bb:7/3' |
elif ref_labels[i] == 'Bb7/5': |
ref_labels[i] = 'Bb:7/5' |
elif ref_labels[i].find(':') == -1: |
if ref_labels[i].find('min') != -1: |
ref_labels[i] = ref_labels[i][:ref_labels[i].find('min')] + ':' + ref_labels[i][ref_labels[i].find('min'):] |
return ref_labels |