import os |
import librosa |
from utils.chords import Chords |
import re |
from enum import Enum |
import pyrubberband as pyrb |
import torch |
import math |
class FeatureTypes(Enum): |
cqt = 'cqt' |
class Preprocess(): |
def __init__(self, config, feature_to_use, dataset_names, root_dir): |
self.config = config |
self.dataset_names = dataset_names |
self.root_path = root_dir + '/' |
self.time_interval = config.feature["hop_length"]/config.mp3["song_hz"] |
self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence = math.ceil(config.mp3['inst_len'] / self.time_interval) |
self.Chord_class = Chords() |
self.isophonic_directory = self.root_path + 'isophonic/' |
self.uspop_directory = self.root_path + 'uspop/' |
self.uspop_audio_path = 'audio/' |
self.uspop_lab_path = 'annotations/uspopLabels/' |
self.uspop_index_path = 'annotations/uspopLabels.txt' |
self.robbie_williams_directory = self.root_path + 'robbiewilliams/' |
self.robbie_williams_audio_path = 'audio/' |
self.robbie_williams_lab_path = 'chords/' |
self.feature_name = feature_to_use |
self.is_cut_last_chord = False |
def find_mp3_path(self, dirpath, word): |
for filename in os.listdir(dirpath): |
last_dir = dirpath.split("/")[-2] |
if ".mp3" in filename: |
tmp = filename.replace(".mp3", "") |
tmp = tmp.replace(last_dir, "") |
filename_lower = tmp.lower() |
filename_lower = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", filename_lower)) |
if word.lower().replace(" ", "") in filename_lower.replace(" ", ""): |
return filename |
def find_mp3_path_robbiewilliams(self, dirpath, word): |
for filename in os.listdir(dirpath): |
if ".mp3" in filename: |
tmp = filename.replace(".mp3", "") |
filename_lower = tmp.lower() |
filename_lower = filename_lower.replace("robbie williams", "") |
filename_lower = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", filename_lower)) |
filename_lower = self.song_pre(filename_lower) |
if self.song_pre(word.lower()).replace(" ", "") in filename_lower.replace(" ", ""): |
return filename |
def get_all_files(self): |
res_list = [] |
if "isophonic" in self.dataset_names: |
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.isophonic_directory): |
if not dirnames: |
for filename in filenames: |
if ".lab" in filename: |
tmp = filename.replace(".lab", "") |
song_name = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", tmp)).replace("CD", "") |
mp3_path = self.find_mp3_path(dirpath, song_name) |
res_list.append([song_name, os.path.join(dirpath, filename), os.path.join(dirpath, mp3_path), |
os.path.join(self.root_path, "result", "isophonic")]) |
if "uspop" in self.dataset_names: |
with open(os.path.join(self.uspop_directory, self.uspop_index_path)) as f: |
uspop_lab_list = f.readlines() |
uspop_lab_list = [x.strip() for x in uspop_lab_list] |
for lab_path in uspop_lab_list: |
spl = lab_path.split('/') |
lab_artist = self.uspop_pre(spl[2]) |
lab_title = self.uspop_pre(spl[4][3:-4]) |
lab_path = lab_path.replace('./uspopLabels/', '') |
lab_path = os.path.join(self.uspop_directory, self.uspop_lab_path, lab_path) |
for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.uspop_directory, self.uspop_audio_path)): |
if not '.csv' in filename: |
spl = filename.split('-') |
mp3_artist = self.uspop_pre(spl[0]) |
mp3_title = self.uspop_pre(spl[1][:-4]) |
if lab_artist == mp3_artist and lab_title == mp3_title: |
res_list.append([mp3_artist + mp3_title, lab_path, |
os.path.join(self.uspop_directory, self.uspop_audio_path, filename), |
os.path.join(self.root_path, "result", "uspop")]) |
break |
if "robbiewilliams" in self.dataset_names: |
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.robbie_williams_directory): |
if not dirnames: |
for filename in filenames: |
if ".txt" in filename and (not 'README' in filename): |
tmp = filename.replace(".txt", "") |
song_name = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", tmp)).replace("GTChords", "") |
mp3_dir = dirpath.replace("chords", "audio") |
mp3_path = self.find_mp3_path_robbiewilliams(mp3_dir, song_name) |
res_list.append([song_name, os.path.join(dirpath, filename), os.path.join(mp3_dir, mp3_path), |
os.path.join(self.root_path, "result", "robbiewilliams")]) |
return res_list |
def uspop_pre(self, text): |
text = text.lower() |
text = text.replace('_', '') |
text = text.replace(' ', '') |
text = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", text)) |
return text |
def song_pre(self, text): |
to_remove = ["'", '`', '(', ')', ' ', '&', 'and', 'And'] |
for remove in to_remove: |
text = text.replace(remove, '') |
return text |
def config_to_folder(self): |
mp3_config = self.config.mp3 |
feature_config = self.config.feature |
mp3_string = "%d_%.1f_%.1f" % \ |
(mp3_config['song_hz'], mp3_config['inst_len'], |
mp3_config['skip_interval']) |
feature_string = "%s_%d_%d_%d" % \ |
(self.feature_name.value, feature_config['n_bins'], feature_config['bins_per_octave'], feature_config['hop_length']) |
return mp3_config, feature_config, mp3_string, feature_string |
def generate_labels_features_new(self, all_list): |
pid = os.getpid() |
mp3_config, feature_config, mp3_str, feature_str = self.config_to_folder() |
i = 0 |
j = 0 |
k = 0 |
total = 0 |
stretch_factors = [1.0] |
shift_factors = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
loop_broken = False |
for song_name, lab_path, mp3_path, save_path in all_list: |
if loop_broken: |
loop_broken = False |
i += 1 |
print(pid, "generating features from ...", os.path.join(mp3_path)) |
if i % 10 == 0: |
print(i, ' th song') |
original_wav, sr = librosa.load(os.path.join(mp3_path), sr=mp3_config['song_hz']) |
result_path = os.path.join(save_path, mp3_str, feature_str, song_name.strip()) |
if not os.path.exists(result_path): |
os.makedirs(result_path) |
for stretch_factor in stretch_factors: |
if loop_broken: |
loop_broken = False |
break |
for shift_factor in shift_factors: |
idx = 0 |
chord_info = self.Chord_class.get_converted_chord(os.path.join(lab_path)) |
k += 1 |
x = pyrb.time_stretch(original_wav, sr, stretch_factor) |
x = pyrb.pitch_shift(x, sr, shift_factor) |
audio_length = x.shape[0] |
chord_info['start'] = chord_info['start'] * 1/stretch_factor |
chord_info['end'] = chord_info['end'] * 1/stretch_factor |
last_sec = chord_info.iloc[-1]['end'] |
last_sec_hz = int(last_sec * mp3_config['song_hz']) |
if audio_length + mp3_config['skip_interval'] < last_sec_hz: |
print('loaded song is too short :', song_name) |
loop_broken = True |
j += 1 |
break |
elif audio_length > last_sec_hz: |
x = x[:last_sec_hz] |
origin_length = last_sec_hz |
origin_length_in_sec = origin_length / mp3_config['song_hz'] |
current_start_second = 0 |
while current_start_second + mp3_config['inst_len'] < origin_length_in_sec: |
inst_start_sec = current_start_second |
curSec = current_start_second |
chord_list = [] |
while curSec < inst_start_sec + mp3_config['inst_len']: |
try: |
available_chords = chord_info.loc[(chord_info['start'] <= curSec) & ( |
chord_info['end'] > curSec + self.time_interval)].copy() |
if len(available_chords) == 0: |
available_chords = chord_info.loc[((chord_info['start'] >= curSec) & ( |
chord_info['start'] <= curSec + self.time_interval)) | ( |
(chord_info['end'] >= curSec) & ( |
chord_info['end'] <= curSec + self.time_interval))].copy() |
if len(available_chords) == 1: |
chord = available_chords['chord_id'].iloc[0] |
elif len(available_chords) > 1: |
max_starts = available_chords.apply(lambda row: max(row['start'], curSec), |
axis=1) |
available_chords['max_start'] = max_starts |
min_ends = available_chords.apply( |
lambda row: min(row.end, curSec + self.time_interval), axis=1) |
available_chords['min_end'] = min_ends |
chords_lengths = available_chords['min_end'] - available_chords['max_start'] |
available_chords['chord_length'] = chords_lengths |
chord = available_chords.ix[available_chords['chord_length'].idxmax()]['chord_id'] |
else: |
chord = 24 |
except Exception as e: |
chord = 24 |
print(e) |
print(pid, "no chord") |
raise RuntimeError() |
finally: |
if chord != 24: |
chord += shift_factor * 2 |
chord = chord % 24 |
chord_list.append(chord) |
curSec += self.time_interval |
if len(chord_list) == self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence: |
try: |
sequence_start_time = current_start_second |
sequence_end_time = current_start_second + mp3_config['inst_len'] |
start_index = int(sequence_start_time * mp3_config['song_hz']) |
end_index = int(sequence_end_time * mp3_config['song_hz']) |
song_seq = x[start_index:end_index] |
etc = '%.1f_%.1f' % ( |
current_start_second, current_start_second + mp3_config['inst_len']) |
aug = '%.2f_%i' % (stretch_factor, shift_factor) |
if self.feature_name == FeatureTypes.cqt: |
feature = librosa.cqt(song_seq, sr=sr, n_bins=feature_config['n_bins'], |
bins_per_octave=feature_config['bins_per_octave'], |
hop_length=feature_config['hop_length']) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
if feature.shape[1] > self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence: |
feature = feature[:, :self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence] |
if feature.shape[1] != self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence: |
print('loaded features length is too short :', song_name) |
loop_broken = True |
j += 1 |
break |
result = { |
'feature': feature, |
'chord': chord_list, |
'etc': etc |
} |
filename = aug + "_" + str(idx) + ".pt" |
torch.save(result, os.path.join(result_path, filename)) |
idx += 1 |
total += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
print(pid, "feature error") |
raise RuntimeError() |
else: |
print("invalid number of chord datapoints in sequence :", len(chord_list)) |
current_start_second += mp3_config['skip_interval'] |
print(pid, "total instances: %d" % total) |
def generate_labels_features_voca(self, all_list): |
pid = os.getpid() |
mp3_config, feature_config, mp3_str, feature_str = self.config_to_folder() |
i = 0 |
j = 0 |
k = 0 |
total = 0 |
stretch_factors = [1.0] |
shift_factors = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
loop_broken = False |
for song_name, lab_path, mp3_path, save_path in all_list: |
save_path = save_path + '_voca' |
if loop_broken: |
loop_broken = False |
i += 1 |
print(pid, "generating features from ...", os.path.join(mp3_path)) |
if i % 10 == 0: |
print(i, ' th song') |
original_wav, sr = librosa.load(os.path.join(mp3_path), sr=mp3_config['song_hz']) |
result_path = os.path.join(save_path, mp3_str, feature_str, song_name.strip()) |
if not os.path.exists(result_path): |
os.makedirs(result_path) |
for stretch_factor in stretch_factors: |
if loop_broken: |
loop_broken = False |
break |
for shift_factor in shift_factors: |
idx = 0 |
try: |
chord_info = self.Chord_class.get_converted_chord_voca(os.path.join(lab_path)) |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
print(pid, " chord lab file error : %s" % song_name) |
loop_broken = True |
j += 1 |
break |
k += 1 |
x = pyrb.time_stretch(original_wav, sr, stretch_factor) |
x = pyrb.pitch_shift(x, sr, shift_factor) |
audio_length = x.shape[0] |
chord_info['start'] = chord_info['start'] * 1/stretch_factor |
chord_info['end'] = chord_info['end'] * 1/stretch_factor |
last_sec = chord_info.iloc[-1]['end'] |
last_sec_hz = int(last_sec * mp3_config['song_hz']) |
if audio_length + mp3_config['skip_interval'] < last_sec_hz: |
print('loaded song is too short :', song_name) |
loop_broken = True |
j += 1 |
break |
elif audio_length > last_sec_hz: |
x = x[:last_sec_hz] |
origin_length = last_sec_hz |
origin_length_in_sec = origin_length / mp3_config['song_hz'] |
current_start_second = 0 |
while current_start_second + mp3_config['inst_len'] < origin_length_in_sec: |
inst_start_sec = current_start_second |
curSec = current_start_second |
chord_list = [] |
while curSec < inst_start_sec + mp3_config['inst_len']: |
try: |
available_chords = chord_info.loc[(chord_info['start'] <= curSec) & (chord_info['end'] > curSec + self.time_interval)].copy() |
if len(available_chords) == 0: |
available_chords = chord_info.loc[((chord_info['start'] >= curSec) & (chord_info['start'] <= curSec + self.time_interval)) | ((chord_info['end'] >= curSec) & (chord_info['end'] <= curSec + self.time_interval))].copy() |
if len(available_chords) == 1: |
chord = available_chords['chord_id'].iloc[0] |
elif len(available_chords) > 1: |
max_starts = available_chords.apply(lambda row: max(row['start'], curSec),axis=1) |
available_chords['max_start'] = max_starts |
min_ends = available_chords.apply(lambda row: min(row.end, curSec + self.time_interval), axis=1) |
available_chords['min_end'] = min_ends |
chords_lengths = available_chords['min_end'] - available_chords['max_start'] |
available_chords['chord_length'] = chords_lengths |
chord = available_chords.ix[available_chords['chord_length'].idxmax()]['chord_id'] |
else: |
chord = 169 |
except Exception as e: |
chord = 169 |
print(e) |
print(pid, "no chord") |
raise RuntimeError() |
finally: |
if chord != 169 and chord != 168: |
chord += shift_factor * 14 |
chord = chord % 168 |
chord_list.append(chord) |
curSec += self.time_interval |
if len(chord_list) == self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence: |
try: |
sequence_start_time = current_start_second |
sequence_end_time = current_start_second + mp3_config['inst_len'] |
start_index = int(sequence_start_time * mp3_config['song_hz']) |
end_index = int(sequence_end_time * mp3_config['song_hz']) |
song_seq = x[start_index:end_index] |
etc = '%.1f_%.1f' % ( |
current_start_second, current_start_second + mp3_config['inst_len']) |
aug = '%.2f_%i' % (stretch_factor, shift_factor) |
if self.feature_name == FeatureTypes.cqt: |
feature = librosa.cqt(song_seq, sr=sr, n_bins=feature_config['n_bins'], |
bins_per_octave=feature_config['bins_per_octave'], |
hop_length=feature_config['hop_length']) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError |
if feature.shape[1] > self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence: |
feature = feature[:, :self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence] |
if feature.shape[1] != self.no_of_chord_datapoints_per_sequence: |
print('loaded features length is too short :', song_name) |
loop_broken = True |
j += 1 |
break |
result = { |
'feature': feature, |
'chord': chord_list, |
'etc': etc |
} |
filename = aug + "_" + str(idx) + ".pt" |
torch.save(result, os.path.join(result_path, filename)) |
idx += 1 |
total += 1 |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
print(pid, "feature error") |
raise RuntimeError() |
else: |
print("invalid number of chord datapoints in sequence :", len(chord_list)) |
current_start_second += mp3_config['skip_interval'] |
print(pid, "total instances: %d" % total) |