const MIDI_OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE = 4; // Automatically set by Python backend, do not change. // Utility to query elements across shadow DOM function deepQuerySelector(selector) { function deepSearch(root, selector) { let element = root.querySelector(selector); if (element) return element; const shadowHosts = root.querySelectorAll('*'); for (let host of shadowHosts) { if (host.shadowRoot) { element = deepSearch(host.shadowRoot, selector); if (element) return element; } } return null; } return deepSearch(this, selector); } Element.prototype.deepQuerySelector = deepQuerySelector; Document.prototype.deepQuerySelector = deepQuerySelector; // Get Gradio app root function gradioApp() { const elems = document.getElementsByTagName('gradio-app'); const gradioShadowRoot = elems.length ? elems[0].shadowRoot : null; return gradioShadowRoot || document; } // Callback registries const uiUpdateCallbacks = []; const msgReceiveCallbacks = []; function onUiUpdate(callback) { uiUpdateCallbacks.push(callback); } function onMsgReceive(callback) { msgReceiveCallbacks.push(callback); } function runCallback(callback, data) { try { callback(data); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } function executeCallbacks(queue, data) { queue.forEach((callback) => runCallback(callback, data)); } // Observe DOM changes document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { executeCallbacks(uiUpdateCallbacks, mutations); }); observer.observe(gradioApp(), { childList: true, subtree: true }); }); // HSV to RGB conversion for note coloring function HSVtoRGB(h, s, v) { let r, g, b, i = Math.floor(h * 6), f = h * 6 - i, p = v * (1 - s), q = v * (1 - f * s), t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s); switch (i % 6) { case 0: r = v; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = v; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = v; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = v; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = v; break; case 5: r = v; g = p; b = q; break; } return { r: Math.round(r * 255), g: Math.round(g * 255), b: Math.round(b * 255) }; } // Detect mobile devices function isMobile() { return /iPhone|iPad|iPod|Android|Windows Phone/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } // MIDI Visualizer Custom Element class MidiVisualizer extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); this.midiEvents = []; this.activeNotes = []; this.midiTimes = []; this.trackMap = new Map(); this.patches = Array(16).fill().map(() => [[0, 0]]); this.config = { noteHeight: isMobile() ? 1 : 4, beatWidth: isMobile() ? 16 : 32 }; this.timePreBeat = 16; this.svgWidth = 0; this.t1 = 0; this.totalTimeMs = 0; this.playTime = 0; this.playTimeMs = 0; this.lastUpdateTime = 0; this.colorMap = new Map(); this.playing = false; this.version = "v2"; this.init(); } init() { this.innerHTML = ''; const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = " {stroke: black; stroke-width: 0.75; stroke-opacity: 0.75;}"; const container = document.createElement('div'); = "flex"; = `${this.config.noteHeight * 128 + 25}px`; const pianoRoll = document.createElement('div'); = "scroll"; = "1"; const svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); = `${this.config.noteHeight * 128}px`; const timeLine = document.createElementNS('', 'line'); = "green"; = isMobile() ? "1" : "2"; shadow.appendChild(style); shadow.appendChild(container); container.appendChild(pianoRoll); pianoRoll.appendChild(svg); svg.appendChild(timeLine); this.container = container; this.pianoRoll = pianoRoll; this.svg = svg; this.timeLine = timeLine; for (let i = 0; i < 128; i++) { this.colorMap.set(i, HSVtoRGB(i / 128, 1, 1)); } this.setPlayTime(0); } getTrack(tr, cl) { const id = tr * 16 + cl; let track = this.trackMap.get(id); if (!track) { const color = this.colorMap.get((this.trackMap.size * 53) % 128); track = { id, tr, cl, svg: document.createElementNS('', 'g'), color }; this.svg.appendChild(track.svg); this.trackMap.set(id, track); } return track; } clearMidiEvents() { this.midiEvents = []; this.activeNotes = []; this.midiTimes = []; this.trackMap.clear(); this.patches = Array(16).fill().map(() => [[0, 0]]); this.t1 = 0; this.setPlayTime(0); this.totalTimeMs = 0; this.playTimeMs = 0; this.lastUpdateTime = 0; this.svgWidth = 0; this.svg.innerHTML = ''; this.svg.appendChild(this.timeLine); = `${this.svgWidth}px`; } appendMidiEvent(midiEvent) { if (Array.isArray(midiEvent) && midiEvent.length > 0) { this.t1 += midiEvent[1]; const t = this.t1 * this.timePreBeat + midiEvent[2]; midiEvent = [midiEvent[0], t].concat(midiEvent.slice(3)); if (midiEvent[0] === "note") { const track = midiEvent[2]; const channel = midiEvent[3]; const pitch = midiEvent[4]; const velocity = midiEvent[5]; const duration = midiEvent[6]; const visTrack = this.getTrack(track, channel); const x = (t / this.timePreBeat) * this.config.beatWidth; const y = (127 - pitch) * this.config.noteHeight; const w = (duration / this.timePreBeat) * this.config.beatWidth; const h = this.config.noteHeight; this.svgWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(x + w, this.svgWidth)); const opacity = Math.min(1, velocity / 127 + 0.1).toFixed(2); const rect = this.drawNote(visTrack, x, y, w, h, opacity); midiEvent.push(rect); this.setPlayTime(t); this.pianoRoll.scrollTo(this.svgWidth - this.pianoRoll.offsetWidth, 0); } this.midiEvents.push(midiEvent); = `${this.svgWidth}px`; } } drawNote(track, x, y, w, h, opacity) { const rect = document.createElementNS('', 'rect'); rect.classList.add('note'); const color = track.color; rect.setAttribute('fill', `rgba(${color.r}, ${color.g}, ${color.b}, ${opacity})`); rect.setAttribute('x', `${Math.round(x)}`); rect.setAttribute('y', `${Math.round(y)}`); rect.setAttribute('width', `${Math.round(w)}`); rect.setAttribute('height', `${Math.round(h)}`); track.svg.appendChild(rect); return rect; } finishAppendMidiEvent() { this.midiEvents.sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]); let tempo = (60 / 120) * 1000; let ms = 0; let lastT = 0; this.midiTimes.push({ ms, t: 0, tempo }); this.midiEvents.forEach((midiEvent) => { const t = midiEvent[1]; ms += ((t - lastT) / this.timePreBeat) * tempo; if (midiEvent[0] === "note") { this.totalTimeMs = Math.max(this.totalTimeMs, ms + (midiEvent[6] / this.timePreBeat) * tempo); } else { this.totalTimeMs = Math.max(this.totalTimeMs, ms); } lastT = t; }); } setPlayTime(t) { this.playTime = t; const x = Math.round((t / this.timePreBeat) * this.config.beatWidth); this.timeLine.setAttribute('x1', `${x}`); this.timeLine.setAttribute('y1', '0'); this.timeLine.setAttribute('x2', `${x}`); this.timeLine.setAttribute('y2', `${this.config.noteHeight * 128}`); this.pianoRoll.scrollTo(Math.max(0, x - this.pianoRoll.offsetWidth / 2), 0); if (this.playing && - this.lastUpdateTime > 50) { const activeNotes = []; this.removeActiveNotes(this.activeNotes); this.midiEvents.forEach((midiEvent) => { if (midiEvent[0] === "note") { const time = midiEvent[1]; const duration = midiEvent[6]; const note = midiEvent[midiEvent.length - 1]; if (time <= this.playTime && time + duration >= this.playTime) { activeNotes.push(note); } } }); this.addActiveNotes(activeNotes); this.lastUpdateTime =; } } addActiveNotes(notes) { notes.forEach((note) => { this.activeNotes.push(note); note.classList.add('active'); }); } removeActiveNotes(notes) { notes.forEach((note) => { const idx = this.activeNotes.indexOf(note); if (idx > -1) this.activeNotes.splice(idx, 1); note.classList.remove('active'); }); } play() { this.playing = true; } pause() { this.removeActiveNotes(this.activeNotes); this.playing = false; } bindAudioPlayer(audio) { this.pause(); audio.addEventListener("play", () =>; audio.addEventListener("pause", () => this.pause()); audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => { this.totalTimeMs = audio.duration * 1000; }); audio.addEventListener("timeupdate", () => { this.setPlayTimeMs(audio.currentTime * 1000); }); } } customElements.define('midi-visualizer', MidiVisualizer); // Setup visualizers and progress bar (() => { const midiVisualizers = Array.from({ length: MIDI_OUTPUT_BATCH_SIZE }, () => document.createElement('midi-visualizer')); midiVisualizers.forEach((visualizer, idx) => { onUiUpdate(() => { const app = gradioApp(); const container = app.querySelector(`#midi_visualizer_container_${idx}`); if (container && !container.contains(visualizer)) { container.appendChild(visualizer); } const audio = app.querySelector(`#midi_audio_${idx} audio`); if (audio) { visualizer.bindAudioPlayer(audio); } }); }); let hasProgressBar = false; let outputTabsInited = null; onUiUpdate(() => { const app = gradioApp(); const outputTabs = app.querySelector("#output_tabs"); if (outputTabs && outputTabsInited !== outputTabs) { outputTabsInited = outputTabs; } }); function createProgressBar() { const parent = outputTabsInited.parentNode; const divProgress = document.createElement('div'); divProgress.className = 'progressDiv'; = "100%"; = "#b4c0cc"; = "8px"; const divInner = document.createElement('div'); divInner.className = 'progress'; = "white"; = "#0060df"; = "right"; = "bold"; = "8px"; = "20px"; = "20px"; = "8px"; = "0%"; divProgress.appendChild(divInner); parent.insertBefore(divProgress, outputTabsInited); hasProgressBar = true; return divInner; } function setProgressBar(progress, total) { if (!hasProgressBar) createProgressBar(); const divInner = gradioApp().querySelector(".progress"); if (divInner) { = `${(progress / total) * 100}%`; divInner.textContent = `${progress}/${total}`; } } onMsgReceive((msgs) => { msgs.forEach((msg) => { const { name, data } = msg; const idx = data[0]; const visualizer = midiVisualizers[idx]; switch (name) { case "visualizer_clear": visualizer.clearMidiEvents(); break; case "visualizer_append": data[1].forEach((event) => visualizer.appendMidiEvent(event)); break; case "visualizer_end": visualizer.finishAppendMidiEvent(); visualizer.setPlayTime(0); break; case "progress": setProgressBar(data[0], data[1]); break; } }); }); })();