midi-composer / app.py
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import random
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
import rtmidi
import MIDI
import base64
import io
import os
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
from midi_synthesizer import MidiSynthesizer
MAX_SEED = np.iinfo(np.int32).max
# Example song data (simplified from original)
"title": "Do You Believe in Love",
"progression": ["G", "D", "Em", "C"],
"lyrics": ["I was walking down a one-way street", "Just a-looking for someone to meet"]
class MIDIDeviceManager:
def __init__(self):
self.midiout = rtmidi.MidiOut()
self.midiin = rtmidi.MidiIn()
def get_available_devices(self):
return self.midiout.get_ports() or ["No MIDI devices"]
def get_device_info(self):
devices = self.get_available_devices()
return "\n".join([f"Port {i}: {name}" for i, name in enumerate(devices)]) if devices else "No MIDI devices detected"
class MIDIManager:
def __init__(self):
self.soundfont_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id="skytnt/midi-model", filename="soundfont.sf2")
self.synthesizer = MidiSynthesizer(self.soundfont_path)
self.loaded_midi = {} # midi_id: (file_path, midi_obj)
self.modified_files = []
self.is_playing = False
self.example_files = self.load_example_midis()
def load_example_midis(self):
examples = {}
example_dir = "examples"
if os.path.exists(example_dir):
for file in os.listdir(example_dir):
if file.endswith(".mid") or file.endswith(".midi"):
midi_id = f"example_{len(examples)}"
file_path = os.path.join(example_dir, file)
examples[midi_id] = (file_path, MIDI.load(file_path))
if not examples:
midi = MIDI.MIDIFile(1)
midi.addNote(0, 0, 60, 0, 100, 100) # Default C4
examples["example_0"] = ("Simple C4.mid", midi)
return examples
def load_midi(self, file_path):
midi = MIDI.load(file_path)
midi_id = f"midi_{len(self.loaded_midi) - len(self.example_files)}"
self.loaded_midi[midi_id] = (file_path, midi)
return midi_id
def extract_notes_and_instruments(self, midi):
notes = []
instruments = set()
for track in midi.tracks:
for event in track.events:
if event.type == 'note_on' and event.velocity > 0:
notes.append((event.note, event.velocity, event.time))
if hasattr(event, 'program'):
return notes, list(instruments)
def generate_variation(self, midi_id, length_factor=2, variation=0.3):
if midi_id not in self.loaded_midi:
return None
_, midi = self.loaded_midi[midi_id]
notes, instruments = self.extract_notes_and_instruments(midi)
new_notes = []
for _ in range(int(length_factor)):
for note, vel, time in notes:
if random.random() < variation:
new_note = min(127, max(0, note + random.randint(-2, 2)))
new_vel = min(127, max(0, vel + random.randint(-10, 10)))
new_notes.append((new_note, new_vel, time))
new_notes.append((note, vel, time))
new_midi = MIDI.MIDIFile(len(instruments) or 1)
for i, inst in enumerate(instruments or [0]):
new_midi.addProgramChange(i, 0, 0, inst)
for note, vel, time in new_notes:
new_midi.addNote(i, 0, note, time, 100, vel)
output = io.BytesIO()
midi_data = base64.b64encode(output.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
return midi_data
def apply_synth_effect(self, midi_data, effect, intensity):
midi = MIDI.load(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(midi_data)))
if effect == "tempo":
factor = 1 + (intensity - 0.5) * 0.4
for track in midi.tracks:
for event in track.events:
event.time = int(event.time * factor)
output = io.BytesIO()
midi_data = base64.b64encode(output.getvalue()).decode('utf-8')
return midi_data
def play_with_loop(self, midi_data):
self.is_playing = True
midi_file = MIDI.load(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(midi_data)))
while self.is_playing:
return "Stopped"
def stop_playback(self):
self.is_playing = False
return "Stopping..."
midi_manager = MIDIDeviceManager()
midi_processor = MIDIManager()
def create_download_list():
html = "<h3>Downloads</h3><ul>"
for i, data in enumerate(midi_processor.modified_files):
html += f'<li><a href="data:audio/midi;base64,{data}" download="midi_{i}.mid">MIDI {i}</a></li>'
html += "</ul>"
return html
def get_midi_choices():
return [(os.path.basename(path), midi_id) for midi_id, (path, _) in midi_processor.loaded_midi.items()]
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Soft()) as app:
gr.Markdown("<h1>🎵 MIDI Composer 🎵</h1>")
with gr.Tabs():
# Tab 1: Upload MIDI
with gr.Tab("Upload MIDI"):
midi_files = gr.File(label="Upload MIDI Files", file_count="multiple")
loaded_display = gr.HTML(value="No files loaded")
output = gr.Audio(label="Generated Preview", type="bytes", autoplay=True)
def load_and_generate(files):
html = "<h3>Loaded Files</h3>"
midi_data = None
for file in files or []:
midi_id = midi_processor.load_midi(file.name)
html += f"<div>{file.name} <button onclick=\"remove_midi('{midi_id}')\">X</button></div>"
midi_data = midi_processor.generate_variation(midi_id) # Auto-generate
return html, (io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(midi_data)) if midi_data else None), get_midi_choices()
midi_files.change(load_and_generate, inputs=[midi_files],
outputs=[loaded_display, output, gr.State(get_midi_choices())])
# Tab 2: Generate & Perform
with gr.Tab("Generate & Perform"):
midi_select = gr.Dropdown(label="Select MIDI", choices=get_midi_choices(), value=None)
length_factor = gr.Slider(1, 5, value=2, step=1, label="Length Factor")
variation = gr.Slider(0, 1, value=0.3, label="Variation")
generate_btn = gr.Button("Generate")
effect = gr.Radio(["tempo"], label="Synth Effect", value="tempo")
intensity = gr.Slider(0, 1, value=0.5, label="Effect Intensity")
apply_btn = gr.Button("Apply Effect")
stop_btn = gr.Button("Stop Playback")
output = gr.Audio(label="Preview", type="bytes", autoplay=True)
status = gr.Textbox(label="Status", value="Ready")
midi_device = gr.Dropdown(label="MIDI Output Device", choices=midi_manager.get_available_devices(), type="index")
tempo = gr.Slider(label="Tempo (BPM)", minimum=40, maximum=200, value=120, step=1)
def update_dropdown(choices):
return gr.update(choices=choices)
gr.State(get_midi_choices()).change(update_dropdown, inputs=[gr.State()], outputs=[midi_select])
def generate(midi_id, length, var):
if not midi_id:
return None, "Select a MIDI file"
midi_data = midi_processor.generate_variation(midi_id, length, var)
return io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(midi_data)), "Playing"
def apply_effect(midi_data, fx, inten):
if not midi_data:
return None, "Generate a MIDI first"
new_data = midi_processor.apply_synth_effect(midi_data.decode('utf-8'), fx, inten)
return io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(new_data)), "Playing"
generate_btn.click(generate, inputs=[midi_select, length_factor, variation],
outputs=[output, status])
apply_btn.click(apply_effect, inputs=[output, effect, intensity],
outputs=[output, status])
stop_btn.click(midi_processor.stop_playback, inputs=None, outputs=[status])
# Tab 3: Downloads
with gr.Tab("Downloads"):
downloads = gr.HTML(value="No files yet")
def update_downloads(*args):
return create_download_list()
gr.on(triggers=[midi_files.change, generate_btn.click, apply_btn.click],
fn=update_downloads, inputs=None, outputs=[downloads])
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