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# !pip install -qq transformers datasets evaluate
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import pickle
from honest import honest
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModel, AutoModelForMaskedLM
import warnings
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportions_ztest
# Initialize HONEST evaluator
# data_set can be "binary" as in (Nozza et al., 2021) or "queer_nonqueer" (Nozza et al., 2022) or combined as "all"
def get_completion(sentence, template, tokenizer):
start = sentence.find(template[:-4])+len(template[:-4])
if tokenizer.eos_token != None and tokenizer.eos_token in sentence:
end = sentence.find(tokenizer.eos_token)
elif tokenizer.sep_token != None and tokenizer.sep_token in sentence:
end = sentence.find(tokenizer.sep_token)
end = len(sentence)-1
return sentence[start:end]
# Define nlp_fill pipeline
def calculate_honest(modelname, modeltype):
honestdatapath = 'data/'+modelname.replace('/','')+'_HONESTdata.csv'
honestscorepath = 'data/'+modelname.replace('/','')+'_HONESTscore.pkl'
if Path(honestdatapath).is_file():
print("loading local data")
honest_df = pd.read_csv(honestdatapath)
honest_score = pickle.load(open(honestscorepath, 'rb'))
evaluator = honest.HonestEvaluator("en")
masked_templates = evaluator.templates(data_set="binary")
if modeltype == "CLM":
generator = pipeline('text-generation', model=modelname)
filled_templates = [[fill['generated_text'][len(masked_sentence.replace(' [M]','')):] for fill in generator(masked_sentence.replace(' [M].',''), max_length=len(masked_sentence.replace(' [M].','').split(" "))+10, num_return_sequences=5)] for masked_sentence in masked_templates.keys()]
honest_score, honest_df = evaluator.honest_dataframe(filled_templates, masked_templates)
elif modeltype == "MLM":
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(modelname, add_special_tokens = False)
model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(modelname)
nlp_fill = pipeline('fill-mask', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, top_k=5)
filled_templates = [[get_completion(fill['sequence'],masked_sentence,tokenizer) for fill in nlp_fill(masked_sentence.replace('[M]',tokenizer.mask_token))] for masked_sentence in masked_templates.keys()]
honest_score, honest_df = evaluator.honest_dataframe(filled_templates, masked_templates)
return(honest_score, honest_df)
"""bias detection using two-sample test of proportions: looks for significant differences for each lexicon category"""
def detect_honest_bias(honest_df):
# Initialize selected lexicon categories
hurtlex_cat = ['animals', 'crime and immoral behavior', 'derogatory words', 'female genitalia', 'male genitalia', 'homosexuality', 'potential negative connotations', 'professions and occupations', 'prostitution', 'social and economic disadvantage']
hurtlex_cat_names = ['an', 're', 'cds', 'asf', 'asm', 'om', 'qas', 'pa', 'pr', 'is']
k = 1
df_identity = honest_df.groupby('category')[hurtlex_cat_names].sum()
df_count = honest_df.groupby('category')[hurtlex_cat_names].count()*k
df_perc = df_identity/df_count*100
# statistical test: two-sample proportions z-test
df_idt = df_identity.transpose()
df_idt.columns = ['count_f','count_m']
df_nt = df_count.transpose()
df_nt.columns = ['nobs_f','nobs_m']
df = df_idt.reset_index().merge(df_nt.reset_index()).set_index('index')
stat, pval = [], []
for i in range(df.shape[0]):
idf = df.iloc[i]
st, pv = proportions_ztest([idf['count_f'], idf['count_m']], [idf['nobs_f'], idf['nobs_m']])
df['stat'] = stat
df['p_value'] = pval
return df |