FloraJ's picture
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36.7 kB
"Video Demos": [
"link": "https://youtu.be/it0E_B7iWnM",
"title": "Renee Video",
"content": "Emulation video showing demonstrating how\u00a0the Renee emulator can be used for realistic robotic network emulation, 2017."
"link": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/LA_Sumo.mp4",
"title": "SUMO Video",
"content": "Simulation of urban mobility based on LA Open Street Map and given Origin Destination Matrix."
"link": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/RouteSwarm5.avi",
"title": "RouteSwarm Video",
"content": "July 2013. Simulation video showing automated network reconfiguration using robotic nodes in response to dynamic flow\u00a0activation/deactivation. This is described in the following paper: \u201cRouteSwarm: Wireless Network Optimization through Mobility\u201d, by \u00a0Ryan Williams, Andrea Gasparri, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, currently in submission."
"link": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=gZQv8DFR6vo",
"title": "Coded Vehicular Storage Video",
"content": "Simulation video showing that the use of erasure code can significantly speed up the dissemination of large-files in a vehicular network. This is described in the following paper: \u201c,\u201d by Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy, Alex Dimakis, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Fan Bai, IEEE INFOCOM Mini-conference, 2012."
"Code and Datasets": [
"title": "D-MAC Protocol for Adaptive Energy-Efficient and Low-Latency Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks",
"links": [
"type": "NS-2 code",
"url": "http://http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/ns2-dmac.tar.gz"
"type": "Important README file",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/dmac_readme.txt"
"type": "IEEE WMAN ’04 Paper",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/DMAC.pdf"
"contributors": "Gang Lu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol for Low Rate Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks",
"links": [
"type": "NS-2 code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/ns-pan.tar.gz"
"type": "Important README",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/README_ns_pan.txt"
"type": "IEEE EWCN’04 Paper",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/LuKrishnamachariRaghavendra_802154_EWCN.pdf"
"type": "PowerPoint Slides",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/802_15_4MAC.ppt"
"contributors": "Gang Lu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Realistic Wireless Link Quality Model and Generator. (Version 1.1, Updated on December 2005)",
"links": [
"type": "Tutorial",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/LinkModellingTutorial.pdf"
"type": "JAVA code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/LinkLayerModelJAVA.zip"
"type": "MATLAB code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/LinkLayerModelMATLAB.zip"
"contributors": "Marco Zuniga, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Rahul Urgaonkar"
"title": "Experimental Data on Concurrent Packet Transmissions in Low Power Wireless Networks",
"links": [
"type": "Zipped Excel Files with Readme.txt",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/ConcurrentTransmissionsExperimentalData.zip"
"type": "Corresponding Technical Report",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/SonKrishnamachariHeidemann_ConcurrentPacketTransmmissions.pdf"
"contributors": "Dongjin Son, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, John Heidemann"
"title": "Integrating a Structural Simulator with TOSSIM (TinyOS simulator)",
"links": [
"type": "Tutorial Website with Code",
"url": "http://ceng.usc.edu/~anrg/projects/shm/install.html"
"contributors": "Avinash Sridharan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Measurement of pairwise PRR values from two real 100-node rectangular grid deployments at an indoor basketball court at USC consisting of 59 Moteiv Tmote Sky nodes interspersed with 41 Crossbow MicaZ nodes",
"links": [
"type": "Deployment 1 Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/PRRMatrixAndLocations_Sensys06Deployment1.mat.gz"
"type": "Deployment 2 Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/PRRMatrixAndLocations_Sensys06Deployment2.mat.gz"
"contributors": "Marco Zuniga, Avinash Sridharan, Shyam Kapadia, Sundeep Pattem, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Raw experimental data giving measurements of link quality (radio signal strength and LQI) over a long period of time from two deployments of MicaZ motes in dynamic settings",
"links": [
"type": "Deployment 1 Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/RawData_MicaZ_sensys06.zip"
"type": "Deployment 2 Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/RawData_MicaZ_Mobility_sensys06.zip"
"contributors": "Marco Zuniga, Avinash Sridharan, Shyam Kapadia, Sundeep Pattem, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Recordings of experimental data from the RitmNet testbed at the University of Delaware",
"links": [
"type": "Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/RITMNet_1_12_2009_largescale_real_indoors.zip"
"contributors": "Sundeep Pattem, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Time stamped packet exchange data with CC2420-equipped motes.",
"description": "Useful for evaluating time synchronization techniques. Collected by (Data may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgement: “This data was obtained from experiments conducted by the University of Southern California’s Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://ceng.usc.edu/~anrg“.)",
"date": "August 2006",
"links": [
"type": "Data in Excel Format",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/TimeStampData.xls"
"type": "Matlab Code to Retrieve Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/TimeStampExtract.m"
"type": "Readme",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/README_TimeStampData.txt"
"contributors": "Maulik Desai, Xiaofan Qiu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Sequence-Based Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks.",
"description": "(Data may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgement: “This data was obtained from experiments conducted by the University of Southern California’s Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu“.)",
"date": "November 2005",
"links": [
"type": "C++ code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/SBL.zip"
"contributors": "Kiran Yedavalli, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Data from human contact trace collection experiment",
"description": "(Data may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgement: “This data was obtained from experiments conducted by the University of Southern California’s Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu“.)",
"date": "November 2008",
"links": [
"type": "Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/contact_result.tar"
"contributors": "Yi Wang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Packet Broadcast Test Application under TinyOS 2.x (beta2)",
"description": "The source code of packet broadcast system. The code was used to evaluate how the packet broadcast performs; which node gets the packets when and on which route.",
"date": "November 2008",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/FloodApp.tgz"
"contributors": "Joon Ahn, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "TDMA Scheduling for Aggregated Convergecast",
"description": "The source code contains a TDMA scheduling algorithm using multiple frequency channels for aggregated convergecast on three different routing tree topologies. Among other things, it contains the code to generate connected graphs and routing trees. It outputs the average schedule length of the algorithm, and average maximum degree and average radius of the trees.",
"date": "January 2009",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/aggregated_convergecast.zip"
"contributors": "Amitabha Ghosh, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Human motion traces classified by Nokia N95 accelerometer",
"description": "(Data may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: “This data was obtained from experiments conducted by the University of Southern California’s Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu“.)",
"date": "March 2010",
"links": [
"type": "Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Human_Motion_Traces.rar"
"contributors": "Yi Wang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "The Backpressure Collection Protocol (BCP)",
"description": "The Backpressure Collection Protocol, described in our IPSN 2010 paper, is available through TinyOS Contrib.",
"date": "April 2010",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tinyos/tinyos-2.x-contrib/usc/bcp/src/"
"contributors": "Scott Moeller, Avinash Sridharan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Omprakash Gnawali"
"title": "Resources for Energy Efficient Mobile Sensing Research (conducted by Yi Wang)",
"description": "",
"date": "April 2011",
"links": [
"type": "Matlab-Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/EnergyEfficientMobileSensing_MatlabCode_YiWang_2011.rar"
"type": "Symbian-Code-Carbide",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/EnergyEfficientMobileSensing_SymbianCode_YiWang_2011.rar"
"type": "J2ME-Code (EEMSS)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/EnergyEfficientMobileSensing_J2MECode_YiWang_2011.rar"
"contributors": "Yi Wang"
"title": "Matlab Code to Estimate 2-State Markov Transition Matrix from a Subsampled Sequence",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "July 2011",
"links": [
"type": "Report (pdf)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Transition_Matrix_MLE.pdf"
"type": "Code+Report (zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Transition_Matrix_MLE.zip"
"contributors": "Samantha Massengill, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Normalized cellular traffic trace during one week",
"description": "(Data may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This data was obtained from experiments conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "October 2011",
"links": [
"type": "Data (zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/NormalizedTrafficTrace.zip"
"contributors": "Kyuho Son, Eunsung Oh, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Backpressure with Adaptive Redundancy (BWAR)",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "October 2011",
"links": [
"type": "Code (zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BWAR.zip"
"type": "Code for BWAR on Random Walk (zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BWAR-RandomWalk.zip"
"type": "Code for BWAR on Beijing trace (zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BWAR-BeijingRealTraces.zip"
"type": "Paper (arXiv)",
"url": "http://arxiv.org/abs/1108.4063"
"contributors": "Majed Alresaini, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "(Re)Enabling Support for the CC2420 chip on the TinyOS simulator",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "January 2012",
"links": [
"type": "Code (tar.gz)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/EE652tinyos.tar.gz"
"type": "Report (pdf)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Report_TOSSIM_CC2420.pdf"
"contributors": "Srikanth Nori, Mo Zhu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "TinyOS code with BLIP working on Tossim",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "November 2012",
"links": [
"type": "Code (tar.gz)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/tinyos-2.1.2-tossimblip.tar.bz2"
"contributors": "Srikanth Nori, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Coded Storage Content Access Simulator for Vehicular Networks",
"description": "This is a Java-based simulator for evaluating the performance of coded storage in content downloads in vehicular networks. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "June 2012",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/netcoding.zip"
"type": "Beijing Trace (.sql)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/beijing_trace09.sql"
"contributors": "Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Matlab Code for Online Learning for Combinatorial Network Optimization",
"description": "This is the Matlab simulation codes for the paper titled 'Combinatorial Network Optimization with Unknown Variables: Multi-Armed Bandits with Linear Rewards and Individual Observations', published at IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 20, no. 5, 2012. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "June 2012",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/TON2012.zip"
"contributors": "Yi Gai, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "GEopt code for WiOpt paper",
"description": "The simulation codes are for the paper titled 'Online Learning to Optimize Transmission over an Unknown Gilbert-Elliott Channel', published at '10th Intl. Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2012'. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/GEopt_code_Wiopt.zip"
"contributors": "Yanting Wu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "RateGame code for GameNet paper",
"description": "The simulation codes are for the paper titled 'A Competitive Rate Allocation Game.', published at '3rd International Conference on Game Theory for Networks, 2012'. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/RateGame_code_GameNet.zip"
"contributors": "Yanting Wu, George Rabanca, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Amotz Bar-Noy"
"title": "Code walkthrough of the BLIP stack on TinyOS",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "November 2012",
"links": [
"type": "BLIP Packet's path (.pdf)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BLIP-packet-path.pdf"
"type": "BLIP (.pdf)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BLIP.pdf"
"contributors": "Srikanth Nori, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Vehicle-trace Datasets",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "May 2013",
"links": [
"type": "Beijing Taxis Full Dataset (mysql)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/beijing_trace09.sql"
"type": "Beijing Taxis Full Dataset (mongodb)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/beijingfull_mongodb.zip"
"type": "Beijing Taxis Dataset consisting of Well Connected Nodes (mongodb)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/beijingWC_NID_mongodb.zip"
"type": "Chicago Bus Dataset (mysql)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/chicagobus_mysql.sql"
"type": "Chicago Bus Dataset [mongodb)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/chicagobus_mongodb.zip"
"contributors": "Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "ROBO BCP on Contiki",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"date": "Summer 2013",
"links": [
"type": "Code for message ferrying",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BCP_project.zip"
"contributors": "Vignesh Babu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "BCP on Contiki",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/BCP_project.zip"
"contributors": "Nicolas Tisa-Leonard, Juan Gutierrez, He Ren, Pradipta Ghosh, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Simulation code for Efficient Scheduling for Energy-Delay Tradeoff on a Time-Slotted Channel",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/schedule_codes_YW.zip"
"contributors": "Yanting Wu, Rajgopal Kannan, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Hermes: Latency Optimal Task Assignment for Resource-constrained Mobile Computing",
"description": "This is a Java-based simulation code for the Hermes algorithm presented in the Infocom 2015 paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Hermes.zip"
"contributors": "Yi-Hsuan Kao, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Moo-Ryong Ra, Fan Bai"
"title": "Optimizing Mobile Computational Offloading with Delay Constraints",
"description": "This is a C++ simulation code for the DTP and PTP algorithms presented in the Globecom 2014 paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/DTP.zip"
"contributors": "Yi-Hsuan Kao, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "RiverSwarm: Topology-Aware Distributed Planning for Obstacle Encirclement in Connected Robotic Swarms",
"description": "This is simulation code used in the RSN 2014 paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code (.zip)",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/RIVERSWARM.zip"
"contributors": "Pradipta Ghosh, Jie Gao, Andrea Gasparri, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Multichannel Collection Protocol (MCC) on TinyOS",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8_1hUbax2b4ekJabjRnVlNtamc/view?usp=sharing"
"contributors": "Ying Chen, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Packet Reception Ratio (PRR) from 55-node network running on Tutornet",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Tutornet_PRR.tar.gz"
"contributors": "Pedro Henrique Gomes, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Zombie Tag for Contiki",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/zombie-tag.zip"
"contributors": "Spencer Congero"
"title": "ALABAMO: A LoAd BAlancing MOdel for RPL",
"description": "(Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/ALABAMO-RPL.zip"
"contributors": "Tarcisio Bruno Oliveira, Pedro Henrique Gomes, Danielo G. Gomes, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "The Optimism Principle: A Unified Framework for Optimal Robotic Network Deployment in An Unknown Obstructed Environment",
"description": "This is simulation code used in the IROS 2015 paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/LEONA_ETX_FI.zip"
"contributors": "Shangxing Wang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Nora Ayanian"
"title": "Robotic Message Ferrying for Wireless Networks Using Coarse-Grained Backpressure Control",
"description": "This is simulation code used in the TMC 2016 paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/CBGP_FI.zip"
"contributors": "Shangxing Wang, Andrea Gasparri, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Waterfilling Algorithm Illustration",
"description": "An illustration of the waterfilling algorithm for power allocation over parallel channels using rate-adaptive radios. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgment: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/Waterfilling.zip"
"contributors": "Shangxing Wang, Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "MERLIN",
"description": "Code repository for the MERLIN paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgement: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "https://github.com/ANRGUSC/merlin"
"contributors": "Various"
"title": "A Unifying Bayesian Optimization Framework for Radio Frequency Localization",
"description": "Code for the paper. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgement: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "https://github.com/ANRGUSC/Lczn.jl"
"type": "Data",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/nachi_lczn_data.zip"
"contributors": "Nachikethas A. Jagadeesan and Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"title": "Renee: Robotic Wireless Network Emulator",
"description": "Code for the robotic wireless network emulator. (Code may be used freely, with a suitable acknowledgement: 'This code was obtained from research conducted by the University of Southern California's Autonomous Networks Research Group, http://anrg.usc.edu'.)",
"links": [
"type": "Code",
"url": "https://github.com/ANRGUSC/Renee"
"type": "Project Page",
"url": "https://anrgusc.github.io/Renee/"
"contributors": "Jake Goodman, Jessica Koe, Jun Shin, Davina Zahabian, Vidhi Goel, Pradipta Ghosh, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari"
"Course Materials": [
"title": "Lecture Notes and Tutorials from EE 652 Wireless Sensor Networks class offered in Fall 2007 at USC by Prof. Bhaskar Krishnamachari.",
"links": [
"type": "Lecture Notes and Tutorials",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/www/download_files/652ClassMaterials.zip"
"contributors": "Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Amitabha Ghosh, Avinash Sridharan, and Kiran Yedavalli."
"title": "Reading list on wireless sensor networks from EE/CS 652 at USC, Fall 2011.",
"links": [
"type": "Reading List",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/~ee652/readinglist.html"
"title": "Final Projects from Wireless and Mobile Networks Design and Laboratory, EE 579 offered in Spring 2012 at USC.",
"description": "Instructor: Bhaskar Krishnamachari, TA: Maheswaran Sathiamoorthy.",
"links": [
"type": "Final Projects",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/ee579_2012/"
"title": "Video-taped lectures and lecture notes on wireless networks by Bhaskar Krishnamachari from EE 597, USC, Fall 2012.",
"links": [
"type": "Video-taped Lectures",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/~ee597/"
"type": "Lecture Notes",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/~ee597/"
"title": "Final Projects from Wireless and Mobile Networks Design and Laboratory, EE 579 offered in Spring 2016 at USC.",
"description": "Instructor: Bhaskar Krishnamachari, TA: Pradipta Ghosh.",
"links": [
"type": "Final Projects",
"url": "http://anrg.usc.edu/ee579/"