Browse files
@@ -9381,6 +9381,351 @@ def advanced_add_drums_to_escore_notes(escore_notes,
9381 |
9382 |
return delta_score_to_abs_score(drums_score)
9383 |
9384 |
9385 |
9386 |
# This is the end of the TMIDI X Python module
9381 |
9382 |
return delta_score_to_abs_score(drums_score)
9383 |
9384 |
9385 |
9386 |
MIDI_TEXT_EVENTS = ['text_event',
9387 |
9388 |
9389 |
9390 |
9391 |
9392 |
9393 |
9394 |
9395 |
9396 |
9397 |
9398 |
9399 |
9400 |
9401 |
9402 |
9403 |
9404 |
9405 |
import hashlib
9406 |
import re
9407 |
9408 |
9409 |
9410 |
def get_md5_hash(data):
9411 |
return hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
9412 |
9413 |
9414 |
9415 |
def is_valid_md5_hash(string):
9416 |
return bool(re.match(r'^[a-fA-F0-9]{32}$', string))
9417 |
9418 |
9419 |
9420 |
def clean_string(original_string,
9421 |
regex=r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]',
9422 |
9423 |
9424 |
9425 |
9426 |
cstr1 = re.sub(regex, '', original_string)
9427 |
9428 |
if title:
9429 |
cstr1 = cstr1.title()
9430 |
9431 |
if remove_duplicate_spaces:
9432 |
return re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', cstr1).strip()
9433 |
9434 |
9435 |
return cstr1
9436 |
9437 |
9438 |
9439 |
def encode_to_ord(text, chars_range=[], sub_char='', chars_shift=0):
9440 |
9441 |
if not chars_range:
9442 |
chars_range = [32] + list(range(65, 91)) + list(range(97, 123))
9443 |
9444 |
if sub_char:
9445 |
9446 |
9447 |
chars_range = sorted(set(chars_range))
9448 |
9449 |
encoded = []
9450 |
9451 |
for char in text:
9452 |
if ord(char) in chars_range:
9453 |
encoded.append(chars_range.index(ord(char)) + chars_shift)
9454 |
9455 |
9456 |
if sub_char:
9457 |
encoded.append(chars_range.index(ord(sub_char)) + chars_shift)
9458 |
9459 |
9460 |
return [encoded, chars_range]
9461 |
9462 |
9463 |
9464 |
def decode_from_ord(ord_list, chars_range=[], sub_char='', chars_shift=0):
9465 |
9466 |
if not chars_range:
9467 |
chars_range = [32] + list(range(65, 91)) + list(range(97, 123))
9468 |
9469 |
if sub_char:
9470 |
9471 |
9472 |
chars_range = sorted(set(chars_range))
9473 |
9474 |
return ''.join(chr(chars_range[num-chars_shift]) if 0 <= num-chars_shift < len(chars_range) else sub_char for num in ord_list)
9475 |
9476 |
9477 |
9478 |
def lists_similarity(list1, list2, by_elements=True, by_sum=True):
9479 |
9480 |
if len(list1) != len(list2):
9481 |
return -1
9482 |
9483 |
element_ratios = []
9484 |
total_counts1 = sum(list1)
9485 |
total_counts2 = sum(list2)
9486 |
9487 |
for a, b in zip(list1, list2):
9488 |
if a == 0 and b == 0:
9489 |
9490 |
elif a == 0 or b == 0:
9491 |
9492 |
9493 |
element_ratios.append(min(a, b) / max(a, b))
9494 |
9495 |
average_element_ratio = sum(element_ratios) / len(element_ratios)
9496 |
9497 |
total_counts_ratio = min(total_counts1, total_counts2) / max(total_counts1, total_counts2)
9498 |
9499 |
if by_elements and by_sum:
9500 |
return (average_element_ratio + total_counts_ratio) / 2
9501 |
9502 |
elif by_elements and not by_sum:
9503 |
return average_element_ratio
9504 |
9505 |
elif not by_elements and by_sum:
9506 |
return total_counts_ratio
9507 |
9508 |
9509 |
return -1
9510 |
9511 |
9512 |
9513 |
def find_indexes(lst, value, mode='equal', dual_mode=True):
9514 |
9515 |
indexes = []
9516 |
9517 |
if mode == 'equal' or dual_mode:
9518 |
indexes.extend([index for index, elem in enumerate(lst) if elem == value])
9519 |
9520 |
if mode == 'smaller':
9521 |
indexes.extend([index for index, elem in enumerate(lst) if elem < value])
9522 |
9523 |
if mode == 'larger':
9524 |
indexes.extend([index for index, elem in enumerate(lst) if elem > value])
9525 |
9526 |
return sorted(set(indexes))
9527 |
9528 |
9529 |
9530 |
NUMERALS = ["one", "two", "three", "four",
9531 |
"five", "six", "seven", "eight",
9532 |
"nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve",
9533 |
"thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen"
9534 |
9535 |
9536 |
SEMITONES = ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
9537 |
9538 |
MOOD_SCALES = ['Major', 'Minor', 'Major Minor']
9539 |
9540 |
9541 |
9542 |
def alpha_str(string):
9543 |
return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z ()]', '', string).strip()
9544 |
9545 |
9546 |
9547 |
def escore_notes_to_text_description(escore_notes, song_name='', artist_name=''):
9548 |
9549 |
9550 |
9551 |
song_time_min = (escore_notes[-1][1] * 16) / 1000 / 60
9552 |
9553 |
if song_time_min < 1.5:
9554 |
song_length = 'short'
9555 |
9556 |
elif 1.5 <= song_time_min < 2.5:
9557 |
song_length = 'average'
9558 |
9559 |
elif song_time_min >= 2.5:
9560 |
song_length = 'long'
9561 |
9562 |
9563 |
9564 |
escore_times = [e[1] for e in escore_notes if e[3] != 9]
9565 |
9566 |
if len(escore_times) > 0:
9567 |
if len(escore_times) == len(set(escore_times)):
9568 |
comp_type = 'melody only'
9569 |
9570 |
elif len(escore_times) >= len(set(escore_times)) and 1 in Counter(escore_times).values():
9571 |
comp_type = 'melody and accompaniment'
9572 |
9573 |
elif len(escore_times) >= len(set(escore_times)) and 1 not in Counter(escore_times).values():
9574 |
comp_type = 'accompaniment only'
9575 |
9576 |
9577 |
comp_type = 'mixed'
9578 |
9579 |
9580 |
comp_type = 'drums only'
9581 |
9582 |
9583 |
9584 |
patches = sorted(set([e[6] for e in escore_notes]))
9585 |
9586 |
instruments = [alpha_str(Number2patch[p]) for p in patches if p < 128]
9587 |
9588 |
if 128 in patches:
9589 |
drums_present = True
9590 |
9591 |
9592 |
drums_present = False
9593 |
9594 |
drums_pitches = [e[4] for e in escore_notes if e[3] == 9]
9595 |
9596 |
most_common_drums = [alpha_str(Notenum2percussion[p[0]]) for p in Counter(drums_pitches).most_common(3)]
9597 |
9598 |
9599 |
9600 |
pitches = [e[4] for e in escore_notes if e[3] != 9]
9601 |
9602 |
key = SEMITONES[statistics.mode(pitches) % 12]
9603 |
9604 |
9605 |
9606 |
cscore = chordify_score([1000, escore_notes])
9607 |
9608 |
tones_chords = Counter()
9609 |
9610 |
for c in cscore:
9611 |
if len([e for e in c if e[3] != 9]) > 1:
9612 |
tones_chords[tuple(sorted(set([e[4] % 12 for e in c if e[3] != 9])))] += 1
9613 |
9614 |
most_common_tones_chords = [check_and_fix_tones_chord(list(c[0])) for c in tones_chords.most_common(10)]
9615 |
9616 |
mood_scale = statistics.mode(tones_chords_to_types(most_common_tones_chords, return_chord_type_index=True)) % 3
9617 |
9618 |
mood = MOOD_SCALES[mood_scale]
9619 |
9620 |
9621 |
9622 |
escore_averages = escore_notes_averages(escore_notes, return_ptcs_and_vels=True)
9623 |
9624 |
if escore_averages[0] < 8:
9625 |
rythm = 'fast'
9626 |
9627 |
elif 8 <= escore_averages[0] <= 12:
9628 |
rythm = 'average'
9629 |
9630 |
elif escore_averages[0] > 12:
9631 |
rythm = 'slow'
9632 |
9633 |
if escore_averages[1] < 16:
9634 |
tempo = 'fast'
9635 |
9636 |
elif 16 <= escore_averages[1] <= 24:
9637 |
tempo = 'average'
9638 |
9639 |
elif escore_averages[1] > 24:
9640 |
tempo = 'slow'
9641 |
9642 |
if escore_averages[2] < 50:
9643 |
tone = 'bass'
9644 |
9645 |
elif 50 <= escore_averages[2] <= 70:
9646 |
tone = 'midrange'
9647 |
9648 |
elif escore_averages[2] > 70:
9649 |
tone = 'treble'
9650 |
9651 |
if escore_averages[3] < 80:
9652 |
dynamics = 'quiet'
9653 |
9654 |
elif 80 <= escore_averages[3] <= 100:
9655 |
dynamics = 'average'
9656 |
9657 |
elif escore_averages[3] > 100:
9658 |
dynamics = 'loud'
9659 |
9660 |
9661 |
9662 |
description = ''
9663 |
9664 |
if song_name != '':
9665 |
description = 'Song "' + song_name + '"'
9666 |
9667 |
if artist_name != '':
9668 |
description += ' by ' + artist_name
9669 |
9670 |
if song_name != '' or artist_name != '':
9671 |
description += '.'
9672 |
description += '\n'
9673 |
9674 |
description += 'The song is '
9675 |
9676 |
if song_length != 'average':
9677 |
description += 'a ' + song_length
9678 |
9679 |
9680 |
description += 'an ' + song_length
9681 |
9682 |
description += ' duration '
9683 |
9684 |
description += comp_type + ' composition'
9685 |
9686 |
if comp_type != 'drums only' or comp_type != 'mixed':
9687 |
9688 |
if drums_present:
9689 |
description += ' with drums'
9690 |
9691 |
9692 |
description += ' without drums'
9693 |
9694 |
if key and mood:
9695 |
description += ' in ' + key + ' ' + mood
9696 |
9697 |
description += '.'
9698 |
9699 |
description += '\n'
9700 |
9701 |
description += 'It has '
9702 |
9703 |
description += rythm + ' rythm, '
9704 |
description += tempo + ' tempo, '
9705 |
description += tone + ' tone and '
9706 |
description += dynamics + ' dynamics.'
9707 |
9708 |
description += '\n'
9709 |
9710 |
description += 'The song '
9711 |
9712 |
if len(instruments) == 1:
9713 |
description += 'is played on a solo ' + instruments + '.'
9714 |
9715 |
9716 |
description += 'features ' + NUMERALS[len(instruments)-1] + ' instruments: '
9717 |
description += ', '.join(instruments[:-1]) + ' and ' + instruments[-1] + '.'
9718 |
9719 |
description += '\n'
9720 |
9721 |
if drums_present:
9722 |
description += 'The drum track has predominant '
9723 |
description += ', '.join(most_common_drums[:-1]) + ' and ' + most_common_drums[-1] + '.'
9724 |
9725 |
9726 |
9727 |
return description
9728 |
9729 |
9730 |
9731 |
# This is the end of the TMIDI X Python module