import os |
import time as reqtime |
import datetime |
from pytz import timezone |
import torch |
import spaces |
import gradio as gr |
from x_transformer_1_23_2 import * |
import random |
from statistics import mode |
import tqdm |
from midi_to_colab_audio import midi_to_colab_audio |
import TMIDIX |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
in_space = os.getenv("SYSTEM") == "spaces" |
@spaces.GPU |
def classify_GPU(input_data): |
print('Loading model...') |
SEQ_LEN = 1024 |
PAD_IDX = 14627 |
DEVICE = 'cpu' |
model = TransformerWrapper( |
num_tokens = PAD_IDX+1, |
max_seq_len = SEQ_LEN, |
attn_layers = Decoder(dim = 1024, depth = 12, heads = 16, attn_flash = True) |
) |
model = AutoregressiveWrapper(model, ignore_index = PAD_IDX) |
model.to(DEVICE) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Loading model checkpoint...') |
model.load_state_dict( |
torch.load('Annotated_MIDI_Dataset_Classifier_Trained_Model_21269_steps_0.4335_loss_0.8716_acc.pth', |
map_location=DEVICE)) |
print('=' * 70) |
model.eval() |
if DEVICE == 'cpu': |
dtype = torch.bfloat16 |
else: |
dtype = torch.bfloat16 |
ctx = torch.amp.autocast(device_type=DEVICE, dtype=dtype) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
number_of_batches = 1 |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Annotated MIDI Dataset Classifier') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Classifying...') |
torch.cuda.empty_cache() |
model.eval() |
results = [] |
for input in input_data: |
x = torch.tensor([input[:1022]] * number_of_batches, dtype=torch.long, device='cuda') |
with ctx: |
out = model.generate(x, |
1, |
temperature=0.3, |
filter_logits_fn=top_k, |
filter_kwargs={'k': 1}, |
return_prime=False, |
verbose=False) |
y = out.tolist() |
output = [l[0] for l in y] |
result = mode(output) |
results.append(result) |
return output, results |
def ClassifyMIDI(input_midi): |
SEQ_LEN = 1024 |
PAD_IDX = 14627 |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Req start time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) |
start_time = reqtime.time() |
print('=' * 70) |
fn = os.path.basename(input_midi.name) |
fn1 = fn.split('.')[0] |
print('-' * 70) |
print('Input file name:', fn) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Loading MIDI file...') |
midi_name = fn |
raw_score = TMIDIX.midi2single_track_ms_score(open(input_midi.name, 'rb').read()) |
escore_notes = TMIDIX.advanced_score_processor(raw_score, return_enhanced_score_notes=True)[0] |
escore = [e for e in TMIDIX.augment_enhanced_score_notes(escore_notes, timings_divider=32) if e[6] < 80] |
cscore = TMIDIX.chordify_score([1000, escore]) |
melody_chords = [] |
pe = cscore[0][0] |
for c in cscore: |
pitches = [] |
for e in c: |
if e[4] not in pitches: |
dtime = max(0, min(127, e[1]-pe[1])) |
dur = max(1, min(127, e[2])) |
ptc = max(1, min(127, e[4])) |
melody_chords.append([dtime, dur, ptc]) |
pitches.append(ptc) |
pe = e |
seq = [] |
input_data = [] |
notes_counter = 0 |
for mm in melody_chords: |
time = mm[0] |
dur = mm[1] |
ptc = mm[2] |
seq.extend([time, dur+128, ptc+256]) |
notes_counter += 1 |
for i in range(0, len(seq)-SEQ_LEN-4, (SEQ_LEN-4) // 4): |
schunk = seq[i:i+SEQ_LEN-4] |
input_data.append([14624] + schunk + [14625]) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
classification_summary_string = '=' * 70 |
classification_summary_string += '\n' |
print('Composition has', notes_counter, 'notes') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Composition was split into' , len(input_data), 'chunks of 340 notes each with 255 notes overlap') |
print('Number of notes in all composition chunks:', len(input_data) * 340) |
classification_summary_string += 'Composition has ' + str(notes_counter) + ' notes\n' |
classification_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
classification_summary_string += '\n' |
classification_summary_string += 'Composition was split into ' + str(len(input_data)) + ' chunks of 340 notes each with 170 notes overlap\n' |
classification_summary_string += 'Number of notes in all composition chunks: ' + str(len(input_data) * 340) + '\n' |
classification_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
classification_summary_string += '\n' |
output, results = classify_GPU(input_data) |
all_results_labels = [classifier_labels[0][r-384] for r in results] |
final_result = mode(results) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Most common classification label:', classifier_labels[0][final_result-384]) |
print('Most common classification label ratio:' , results.count(final_result) / len(results)) |
print('Most common classification label index', final_result) |
print('=' * 70) |
classification_summary_string += 'Most common classification label: ' + str(classifier_labels[0][final_result-384]) + '\n' |
classification_summary_string += 'Most common classification label ratio: ' + str(results.count(final_result) / len(results)) + '\n' |
classification_summary_string += 'Most common classification label index '+ str(final_result) + '\n' |
classification_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
classification_summary_string += '\n' |
print('All classification labels summary:') |
print('=' * 70) |
for i, a in enumerate(all_results_labels): |
print('Notes', i*85, '-', (i*85)+340, '===', a) |
classification_summary_string += 'Notes ' + str(i*85) + ' - ' + str((i*85)+340) + ' === ' + str(a) + '\n' |
classification_summary_string += '=' * 70 |
classification_summary_string += '\n' |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Rendering results...') |
score_idx = processed_scores_labels.index(classifier_labels[0][final_result-384]) |
output_score = processed_scores[score_idx][1][:6000] |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Sample INTs', results[:15]) |
print('=' * 70) |
fn1 = processed_scores[score_idx][0] |
output_score = TMIDIX.recalculate_score_timings(output_score) |
output_score, patches, overflow_patches = TMIDIX.patch_enhanced_score_notes(output_score) |
detailed_stats = TMIDIX.Tegridy_ms_SONG_to_MIDI_Converter(output_score, |
output_signature = 'Advanced MIDI Classifier', |
output_file_name = fn1, |
track_name='Project Los Angeles', |
list_of_MIDI_patches=patches, |
timings_multiplier=16 |
) |
new_fn = fn1+'.mid' |
audio = midi_to_colab_audio(new_fn, |
soundfont_path=soundfont, |
sample_rate=16000, |
volume_scale=10, |
output_for_gradio=True |
) |
print('Done!') |
print('=' * 70) |
output_midi_title = str(fn1) |
output_midi_summary = classification_summary_string |
output_midi = str(new_fn) |
output_audio = (16000, audio) |
output_plot = TMIDIX.plot_ms_SONG(output_score, plot_title=output_midi, return_plt=True, timings_multiplier=16) |
print('Output MIDI file name:', output_midi) |
print('Output MIDI title:', output_midi_title) |
print('=' * 70) |
print('-' * 70) |
print('Req end time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) |
print('-' * 70) |
print('Req execution time:', (reqtime.time() - start_time), 'sec') |
return output_midi_title, output_midi_summary, output_midi, output_audio, output_plot |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
PDT = timezone('US/Pacific') |
print('=' * 70) |
print('App start time: {:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(datetime.datetime.now(PDT))) |
print('=' * 70) |
soundfont = "SGM-v2.01-YamahaGrand-Guit-Bass-v2.7.sf2" |
print('Loading Annotated MIDI Dataset processed scores...') |
processed_scores = TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Reader('processed_scores') |
processed_scores_labels = [l[0] for l in processed_scores] |
print('=' * 70) |
print('Loading Annotated MIDI Dataset Classifier Songs Artists Labels...') |
classifier_labels = TMIDIX.Tegridy_Any_Pickle_File_Reader('Annotated_MIDI_Dataset_Classifier_Songs_Artists_Labels') |
print('=' * 70) |
app = gr.Blocks() |
with app: |
gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1rem'>Advanced MIDI Classifier</h1>") |
gr.Markdown("<h1 style='text-align: center; margin-bottom: 1rem'>Detailed MIDI classification with transformers</h1>") |
gr.Markdown( |
"\n\n" |
"This is a demo for Annotated MIDI Dataset\n\n" |
"Check out [Annotated MIDI Dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/asigalov61/Annotated-MIDI-Dataset) on Hugging Face!\n\n" |
) |
input_midi = gr.File(label="Input MIDI", file_types=[".midi", ".mid", ".kar"]) |
run_btn = gr.Button("classify", variant="primary") |
gr.Markdown("## Classification results") |
output_midi_title = gr.Textbox(label="Best classification match MIDI title") |
output_midi_summary = gr.Textbox(label="MIDI classification summary") |
output_audio = gr.Audio(label="Best classification match MIDI audio", format="wav", elem_id="midi_audio") |
output_plot = gr.Plot(label="Best classification match MIDI score plot") |
output_midi = gr.File(label="Best classification match MIDI file", file_types=[".mid"]) |
run_event = run_btn.click(ClassifyMIDI, [input_midi], |
[output_midi_title, output_midi_summary, output_midi, output_audio, output_plot]) |
app.queue().launch() |