'''Copyright 2024 Ashok Kumar |
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
You may obtain a copy of the License at |
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
limitations under the License.''' |
import os |
import requests |
import json |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import requests |
import geopandas as gpd |
import contextily as ctx |
import tzlocal |
import pytz |
from PIL import Image |
from datetime import datetime |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from geopy.exc import GeocoderTimedOut |
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim |
import warnings |
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') |
from plotly.graph_objs import Marker |
import plotly.express as px |
import streamlit as st |
from data import flight_data |
from huggingface_hub import InferenceApi, login, InferenceClient |
hf_token = os.getenv("HF_TOKEN") |
if hf_token is None: |
raise ValueError("Hugging Face token not found. Please set the HF_TOKEN environment variable.") |
login(hf_token) |
API_URL = "https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq" |
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hf_token}"} |
def query(payload): |
response = requests.post(API_URL, headers=headers, json=payload) |
return response.json() |
def query_flight_data(geo_df, question): |
table_data = { |
"icao24": geo_df["icao24"].astype(str).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"callsign": geo_df["callsign"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: None, np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"origin_country": geo_df["origin_country"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: None, np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"time_position": geo_df["time_position"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"last_contact": geo_df["last_contact"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"longitude": geo_df["longitude"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"latitude": geo_df["latitude"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"baro_altitude": geo_df["baro_altitude"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"on_ground": geo_df["on_ground"].astype(str).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"velocity": geo_df["velocity"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"true_track": geo_df["true_track"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"vertical_rate": geo_df["vertical_rate"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"sensors": geo_df["sensors"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: None, np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"geo_altitude": geo_df["geo_altitude"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"squawk": geo_df["squawk"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: None, np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"spi": geo_df["spi"].astype(str).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"position_source": geo_df["position_source"].astype(str).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"time": geo_df["time"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: '0', np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist(), |
"geometry": geo_df["geometry"].astype(str).replace({np.nan: None, np.inf: '0'}).iloc[:100].tolist() |
} |
payload = { |
"inputs": { |
"query": question, |
"table": table_data, |
} |
} |
response = query(payload) |
if 'answer' in response: |
answer = response['answer'] |
return f"The answer to your question '{question}': :orange[{answer}]" |
else: |
return "The model could not find an answer to your question." |
def flight_tracking(flight_view_level, country, local_time_zone, flight_info, airport, color): |
geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="flight_tracker") |
loc = geolocator.geocode(country) |
loc_box = loc[1] |
extend_left =+12*flight_view_level |
extend_right =+10*flight_view_level |
extend_top =+10*flight_view_level |
extend_bottom =+ 18*flight_view_level |
lat_min, lat_max = (loc_box[0] - extend_left), loc_box[0]+extend_right |
lon_min, lon_max = (loc_box[1] - extend_bottom), loc_box[1]+extend_top |
tile_zoom = 8 |
figsize = (15, 15) |
columns = ["icao24","callsign","origin_country","time_position","last_contact","longitude","latitude", |
"baro_altitude","on_ground","velocity","true_track","vertical_rate","sensors","geo_altitude", |
"squawk","spi","position_source",] |
data_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ashok2216-A/ashok_airport-data/main/data/airports.dat" |
column_names = ["Airport ID", "Name", "City", "Country", "IATA/FAA", "ICAO", "Latitude", "Longitude", |
"Altitude", "Timezone", "DST", "Tz database time zone", "Type", "Source"] |
airport_df = pd.read_csv(data_url, header=None, names=column_names) |
airport_locations = airport_df[["Name", "City", "Country", "IATA/FAA", "Latitude", "Longitude"]] |
airport_country_loc = airport_locations[airport_locations['Country'] == str(loc)] |
airport_country_loc = airport_country_loc[(airport_country_loc['Country'] == str(loc)) & (airport_country_loc['Latitude'] >= lat_min) & |
(airport_country_loc['Latitude'] <= lat_max) & (airport_country_loc['Longitude'] >= lon_min) & |
(airport_country_loc['Longitude'] <= lon_max)] |
def get_traffic_gdf(): |
url_data = ( |
f"https://@opensky-network.org/api/states/all?" |
f"lamin={str(lat_min)}" |
f"&lomin={str(lon_min)}" |
f"&lamax={str(lat_max)}" |
f"&lomax={str(lon_max)}") |
json_dict = requests.get(url_data).json() |
unix_timestamp = int(json_dict["time"]) |
local_timezone = pytz.timezone(local_time_zone) |
local_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp, local_timezone).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') |
time = [] |
for i in range(len(json_dict['states'])): |
time.append(local_time) |
df_time = pd.DataFrame(time,columns=['time']) |
state_df = pd.DataFrame(json_dict["states"],columns=columns) |
state_df['time'] = df_time |
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( |
state_df, |
geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(state_df.longitude, state_df.latitude), |
crs={"init": "epsg:4326"}, |
) |
st.title("Live Flight Tracker") |
st.subheader('Flight Details', divider='rainbow') |
st.write('Location: {0}'.format(loc)) |
st.write('Current Local Time: {0}-{1}:'.format(local_time, local_time_zone)) |
st.write("Minimum_latitude is {0} and Maximum_latitude is {1}".format(lat_min, lat_max)) |
st.write("Minimum_longitude is {0} and Maximum_longitude is {1}".format(lon_min, lon_max)) |
st.write('Number of Visible Flights: {}'.format(len(json_dict['states']))) |
st.write('Plotting the flight: {}'.format(flight_info)) |
st.subheader('Map Visualization', divider='rainbow') |
st.write('****Click ":orange[Update Map]" Button to Refresh the Map****') |
return gdf |
geo_df = get_traffic_gdf() |
if airport == 0: |
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(geo_df, lat="latitude", lon="longitude",color=flight_info, |
color_continuous_scale=color, zoom=4,width=1200, height=600,opacity=1, |
hover_name ='origin_country',hover_data=['callsign', 'baro_altitude', |
'on_ground', 'velocity', 'true_track', 'vertical_rate', 'geo_altitude'], template='plotly_dark') |
elif airport == 1: |
fig = px.scatter_mapbox(geo_df, lat="latitude", lon="longitude",color=flight_info, |
color_continuous_scale=color, zoom=4,width=1200, height=600,opacity=1, |
hover_name ='origin_country',hover_data=['callsign', 'baro_altitude', |
'on_ground', 'velocity', 'true_track', 'vertical_rate', 'geo_altitude'], template='plotly_dark') |
fig.add_trace(px.scatter_mapbox(airport_country_loc, lat="Latitude", lon="Longitude", |
hover_name ='Name', hover_data=["City", "Country", "IATA/FAA"]).data[0]) |
else: None |
fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="carto-darkmatter") |
fig.update_layout(margin={"r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0}) |
out = st.plotly_chart(fig, theme=None) |
return out |
st.set_page_config( |
layout="wide" |
) |
image = Image.open('logo.png') |
add_selectbox = st.sidebar.image( |
image, width=150 |
) |
add_selectbox = st.sidebar.subheader( |
"Configure Map",divider='rainbow' |
) |
with st.sidebar: |
Refresh = st.button('Update Map', key=1) |
on = st.toggle('View Airports') |
if on: |
air_port = 1 |
st.write(':rainbow[Nice Work Buddy!]') |
st.write('Now Airports are Visible') |
else: |
air_port=0 |
view = st.slider('Increase Flight Visibility',1,6,2) |
st.write("You Selected:", view) |
cou = st.text_input('Type Country Name', 'north america') |
st.write('The current Country name is', cou) |
time = st.text_input('Type Time Zone Name (Ex: America/Toronto, Europe/Berlin)', 'Asia/Kolkata') |
st.write('The current Time Zone is', time) |
info = st.selectbox( |
'Select Flight Information', |
('baro_altitude', |
'on_ground', 'velocity', |
'geo_altitude')) |
st.write('Plotting the data of Flight:', info) |
clr = st.radio('Pick A Color for Scatter Plot',["rainbow","ice","hot"]) |
if clr == "rainbow": |
st.write('The current color is', "****:rainbow[Rainbow]****") |
elif clr == 'ice': |
st.write('The current color is', "****:blue[Ice]****") |
elif clr == 'hot': |
st.write('The current color is', "****:red[Hot]****") |
else: None |
flight_tracking(flight_view_level=view, country=cou,flight_info=info, |
local_time_zone=time, airport=air_port, color=clr) |
st.subheader('Ask your Questions!', divider='rainbow') |
st.write("Google's TAPAS base LLM model 🤖") |
geo_df = flight_data(flight_view_level = view, country= cou, flight_info=info, local_time_zone=time, airport=1) |
question = st.text_input('Type your questions here', "What is the squawk code for SWR9XD?") |
result = query_flight_data(geo_df, question) |
st.markdown(result) |