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// Copyright (c) 2020 Idiap Research Institute,
// Written by Angelos Katharopoulos <[email protected]>,
// Apoorv Vyas <[email protected]>
// For modifications made inside namespace nvidia (authored by jdemouth):
// Copyright (c) 2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
// subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include <torch/extension.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
namespace nvidia {
constexpr int THREADS_PER_WARP = 32;
constexpr int LOW_OCCUPANCY_THRESHOLD = 40; // TODO: Make it HW specific (like 1/2 SMs).
static inline __device__ __host__ int div_up(int m, int n) {
return (m + n-1) / n;
static inline __device__ __host__ int round_up(int m, int n) {
return div_up(m, n) * n;
template< typename T >
struct Lmha_params {
// The output buffer. Dimensions [B, H, L, M].
T *out;
// The input Qs. Dimensions [B, H, L, E].
const T *q;
// The input Ks. Dimensions [B, H, L, E].
const T *k;
// The input Vs. Dimensions [B, H, L, M].
const T *v;
// The different dimensions.
int B, L, H, E, M;
// The strides for the different tensors.
int q_stride_B, q_stride_H, q_stride_L;
int k_stride_B, k_stride_H, k_stride_L;
int v_stride_B, v_stride_H, v_stride_L;
int o_stride_B, o_stride_H, o_stride_L;
template< int E, bool GO_BACKWARD, int WARPS, int COLS_PER_THREAD = 4 >
__global__ __launch_bounds__(WARPS * THREADS_PER_WARP)
void lmha_low_occupancy_kernel(Lmha_params<float> params) {
// The number of threads per block.
// The number of rows per thread.
// The number of steps per iteration.
// Make sure E is a multiple of the warp size.
static_assert(E % THREADS_PER_WARP == 0, "");
// Shared memory to store V/O.
__shared__ float smem_v[COLS_PER_ITER], smem_o[COLS_PER_ITER];
// Shared memory buffer to performance the reductions.
__shared__ float smem_reds[E * WARPS];
// The sequence processed by that block.
const int bi = blockIdx.z;
// The head processed by that block.
const int hi = blockIdx.y;
// The hidden cell in the V/output buffers.
const int vi = blockIdx.x;
// The linear index of the thread.
const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
// Decompose the block in warp/lane.
const int warp = tidx / THREADS_PER_WARP;
const int lane = tidx % THREADS_PER_WARP;
// The base offset loaded by the thread in Q and K.
int offset_q = bi*params.q_stride_B + hi*params.q_stride_H + lane;
int offset_k = bi*params.k_stride_B + hi*params.k_stride_H + lane;
// If we walk backward, account for the extra offset.
offset_q += (params.L-1)*params.q_stride_L;
offset_k += (params.L-1)*params.k_stride_L;
// Position the warp at the beginning of the proper timestep.
offset_q -= warp*COLS_PER_THREAD*params.q_stride_L;
offset_k -= warp*COLS_PER_THREAD*params.k_stride_L;
} else {
offset_q += warp*COLS_PER_THREAD*params.q_stride_L;
offset_k += warp*COLS_PER_THREAD*params.k_stride_L;
// Determine the base pointers for Q and K.
const float *ptr_q = &params.q[offset_q];
const float *ptr_k = &params.k[offset_k];
// Is a given row valid?
int valid_qk[ROWS_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
valid_qk[ii] = lane + ii*THREADS_PER_WARP < params.E;
// The offset to the position loaded by the thread in V.
int offset_v = bi*params.v_stride_B + hi*params.v_stride_H + vi;
int offset_o = bi*params.o_stride_B + hi*params.o_stride_H + vi;
// If we walk backward, account for the extra offset.
offset_v += (params.L-1)*params.v_stride_L;
offset_o += (params.L-1)*params.o_stride_L;
// We load/store a strided matrix of COLS_PER_ITER x OUTPUTS_PER_BLOCK.
offset_v -= tidx*params.v_stride_L;
offset_o -= tidx*params.o_stride_L;
} else {
offset_v += tidx*params.v_stride_L;
offset_o += tidx*params.o_stride_L;
// Determine the base pointer for V.
const float *ptr_v = &params.v[offset_v];
// The output pointer.
float *ptr_o = &params.out[offset_o];
// The running KVs.
float running_kv[ROWS_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
running_kv[ri] = 0.f;
// Iterate over the timesteps. TODO: Use params.loop_count!!!
for( int iter = 0; iter < params.L; iter += COLS_PER_ITER ) {
// Each thread loads a matrix of elements.
// Trigger the memory loads for Q and K.
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
// For Q/K, each warp loads from various timesteps.
int ti = iter + warp*COLS_PER_THREAD;
ti = params.L - 1 - ti;
// Is it a valid access?
int valid;
valid = valid_qk[ri] && ti - ci >= 0;
} else {
valid = valid_qk[ri] && ti + ci < params.L;
// The extra offset to add.
offset_q = ri*THREADS_PER_WARP - ci*params.q_stride_L;
offset_k = ri*THREADS_PER_WARP - ci*params.k_stride_L;
} else {
offset_q = ri*THREADS_PER_WARP + ci*params.q_stride_L;
offset_k = ri*THREADS_PER_WARP + ci*params.k_stride_L;
// Load Q/K if they are valid.
q[ri][ci] = valid ? ptr_q[offset_q] : 0.f;
k[ri][ci] = valid ? ptr_k[offset_k] : 0.f;
// For the V tensor, we assign contiguous thread to different loads. So, ti is different.
int ti = iter + tidx;
ti = params.L - 1 - ti;
// Is it a valid access?
int valid_vo = tidx < COLS_PER_ITER;
valid_vo &= ti >= 0;
} else {
valid_vo &= ti < params.L;
// Trigger the loads for V.
float ldg_v = valid_vo ? *ptr_v : 0.f;
// Move the load pointers.
ptr_q -= COLS_PER_ITER*params.q_stride_L;
ptr_k -= COLS_PER_ITER*params.k_stride_L;
ptr_v -= COLS_PER_ITER*params.v_stride_L;
} else {
ptr_q += COLS_PER_ITER*params.q_stride_L;
ptr_k += COLS_PER_ITER*params.k_stride_L;
ptr_v += COLS_PER_ITER*params.v_stride_L;
// Store to shared memory.
if( tidx < COLS_PER_ITER ) {
smem_v[tidx] = ldg_v;
// Make sure V is in shared memory.
// Read V from shared memory.
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
v[ci] = smem_v[warp*COLS_PER_THREAD + ci];
// Each thread computes local K*V products.
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
kv[ri][ci] = 0.f;
// Update the K*V^T product.
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
kv[ri][ci] += k[ri][ci] * v[ci];
// We must perform the prefix sums within the thread-block. Start with the thread.
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 1; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
kv[ri][ci] += kv[ri][ci-1];
// Store the partial sums to shared memory. Unless we have no inter-warp reduction to perform.
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
smem_reds[warp*E + ri*THREADS_PER_WARP + lane] = kv[ri][COLS_PER_THREAD-1];
// Make sure the data is in shared memory.
// Each thread deals with one or more column(s) of the matrix.
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0, idx = tidx; ii < SUMS_PER_THREAD; ++ii, idx += THREADS_PER_BLOCK ) {
if( idx < E ) {
float sum = smem_reds[idx];
#pragma unroll
for( int jj = 1; jj < WARPS; ++jj ) {
smem_reds[idx + jj*E] = sum += smem_reds[idx + jj*E];
// Make sure the reductions are stored in shared memory.
// Each thread updates his partial products.
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
float sum = running_kv[ri];
if( warp > 0 ) {
sum += smem_reds[(warp-1)*E + lane + ri*THREADS_PER_WARP];
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
kv[ri][ci] += sum;
// Compute the partial output values for that thread.
float sum[COLS_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
sum[ci] = q[0][ci] * kv[0][ci];
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 1; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
sum[ci] += q[ri][ci] * kv[ri][ci];
// Run the parallel reductions inside the warp.
#pragma unroll
for( int mask = THREADS_PER_WARP / 2; mask >= 1; mask /= 2 ) {
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
sum[ci] += __shfl_xor_sync(uint32_t(-1), sum[ci], mask);
// Store the final output to shared memory.
if( lane == 0 ) {
#pragma unroll
for( int ci = 0; ci < COLS_PER_THREAD; ++ci ) {
smem_o[warp*COLS_PER_THREAD + ci] = sum[ci];
// Make sure the data is in shared memory.
// Store the output.
if( valid_vo ) {
*ptr_o = smem_o[tidx];
// Each thread updates his running kv.
#pragma unroll
for( int ri = 0; ri < ROWS_PER_THREAD; ++ri ) {
running_kv[ri] += smem_reds[(WARPS-1)*E + lane + ri*THREADS_PER_WARP];
// Move to next location.
ptr_o -= COLS_PER_ITER*params.o_stride_L;
} else {
ptr_o += COLS_PER_ITER*params.o_stride_L;
template< int E, bool GO_BACKWARD, int WARPS >
int lmha_low_occupancy_(const Lmha_params<float> &params) {
// Make sure we are not going to launch an invalid grid.
if( params.H > 65535 || params.B > 65535 ) {
return 1;
// Prepare the grid and trigger the CUDA kernel.
dim3 grid;
grid.x = params.M;
grid.y = params.H;
grid.z = params.B;
lmha_low_occupancy_kernel<E, GO_BACKWARD, WARPS><<<grid, WARPS*THREADS_PER_WARP>>>(params);
return 0;
template< int E, bool GO_BACKWARD >
int lmha_low_occupancy_(const Lmha_params<float> &params, int blocks) {
if( params.M * blocks >= 8*LOW_OCCUPANCY_THRESHOLD ) {
return lmha_low_occupancy_<E, GO_BACKWARD, 4>(params);
} else if( params.M * blocks >= 4*LOW_OCCUPANCY_THRESHOLD ) {
return lmha_low_occupancy_<E, GO_BACKWARD, 8>(params);
} else {
return lmha_low_occupancy_<E, GO_BACKWARD, 16>(params);
return 1;
template< int E, typename Params >
static inline __device__ __host__ int smem_buffer_elts_(const Params &params) {
int M = round_up(params.M, 4);
return 2*E + 2*M;
template< int E, int THREADS_PER_HEAD, bool GO_BACKWARD >
void lmha_kernel(Lmha_params<float> params) {
// Make sure E is a multiple of 4.
static_assert(E % 4 == 0, "");
// The amount of shared memory per buffer (2 buffers for double-buffering).
const int smem_buffer_elts = smem_buffer_elts_<E>(params);
// The M dimension for shared memory.
const int M = round_up(params.M, 4);
// Shared memory to store Q, K and V. Size is 2*smem_buffer_elts.
extern __shared__ float smem_[];
// The various shared memory buffers.
float *smem_q = &smem_[0*E];
float *smem_k = &smem_[1*E];
float *smem_v = &smem_[2*E];
float *smem_o = &smem_[2*E + M];
// The index of the shared memory buffer (for double-buffering).
int smem_curr = 0;
// The sequence processed by that block.
const int bi = blockIdx.y;
// The head processed by that block.
const int hi = blockIdx.x;
// The linear index of the thread.
const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
// The offset to the position loaded by the thread in Q.
int offset_q = bi*params.q_stride_B + hi*params.q_stride_H + tidx;
// The offset to the position loaded by the thread in K.
int offset_k = bi*params.k_stride_B + hi*params.k_stride_H + tidx;
// If we walk backward, account for the extra offset.
offset_q += (params.L-1)*params.q_stride_L;
offset_k += (params.L-1)*params.k_stride_L;
// Determine the base pointers for Q and K.
const float *ptr_q = &params.q[offset_q];
const float *ptr_k = &params.k[offset_k];
// The offset to the position loaded by the thread in V and O.
int offset_v = bi*params.v_stride_B + hi*params.v_stride_H + tidx;
int offset_o = bi*params.o_stride_B + hi*params.o_stride_H + tidx;
// If we walk backward, account for the extra offset.
offset_v += (params.L-1)*params.v_stride_L;
offset_o += (params.L-1)*params.o_stride_L;
// Determine the base pointers for V.
const float *ptr_v = &params.v[offset_v];
// Is it an active Q/K thread?
const int active_qk = tidx < params.E;
// Trigger the memory loads for Q and K.
float ldg_q = 0.f, ldg_k = 0.f;
if( active_qk ) {
ldg_q = *ptr_q;
ldg_k = *ptr_k;
// Is it an active V thread?
const int active_v = tidx < params.M;
// Trigger the memory loads for V.
float ldg_v = 0.f;
if( active_v ) {
ldg_v = *ptr_v;
// Move the load pointers.
ptr_q -= params.q_stride_L;
ptr_k -= params.k_stride_L;
ptr_v -= params.v_stride_L;
} else {
ptr_q += params.q_stride_L;
ptr_k += params.k_stride_L;
ptr_v += params.v_stride_L;
// The number of FLOAT4s per head.
constexpr int FLOAT4s_PER_HEAD = E / 4;
// The number of FLOAT4s per thread.
// The storage for the K*V^T values.
float4 kv[FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
kv[ii] = make_float4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// The output pointer.
float *out_ptr = &params.out[offset_o];
// Store to shared memory Q and K.
if( tidx < E ) {
smem_q[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx] = ldg_q;
smem_k[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx] = ldg_k;
// Store to shared memory V. All threads store valid values.
if( tidx < M ) {
smem_v[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx] = ldg_v;
// The position of the thread in the V dimension.
int vo = tidx / THREADS_PER_HEAD;
int vi = tidx % THREADS_PER_HEAD;
// Iterate over the timesteps.
for( int ti = 0; ti < params.L; ++ti ) {
// Is it the last iteration?
int is_last = ti == params.L - 1;
// Trigger the next loads for Q and K.
if( !is_last && active_qk ) {
ldg_q = *ptr_q;
ldg_k = *ptr_k;
// Trigger the next loads for V.
if( !is_last && active_v ) {
ldg_v = *ptr_v;
// Move the load pointers.
ptr_q -= params.q_stride_L;
ptr_k -= params.k_stride_L;
ptr_v -= params.v_stride_L;
} else {
ptr_q += params.q_stride_L;
ptr_k += params.k_stride_L;
ptr_v += params.v_stride_L;
// Make sure the data is in shared memory.
// Each thread loads 4 values from K.
float4 k[FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
int ki = tidx % THREADS_PER_HEAD * 4 + ii * THREADS_PER_HEAD * 4;
k[ii] = *reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(&smem_k[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + ki]);
// Each thread loads a single V value.
float v = 0.f;
if( vo < params.M ) {
v = *reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&smem_v[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + vo]);
// Update the K*V^T product.
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
kv[ii].x += k[ii].x * v;
kv[ii].y += k[ii].y * v;
kv[ii].z += k[ii].z * v;
kv[ii].w += k[ii].w * v;
// Load the Q values from shared memory.
float4 q[FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
int qi = tidx % THREADS_PER_HEAD * 4 + ii * THREADS_PER_HEAD * 4;
q[ii] = *reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(&smem_q[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + qi]);
// Compute the partial output value for that thread.
float sum = 0.f;
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
sum += q[ii].x * kv[ii].x;
sum += q[ii].y * kv[ii].y;
sum += q[ii].z * kv[ii].z;
sum += q[ii].w * kv[ii].w;
// Finalize the computation of the sum (if we have more than 1 thread per head).
if( THREADS_PER_HEAD > 1 ) {
// Finalize the sum for each head.
#pragma unroll
for( int mask = THREADS_PER_HEAD / 2; mask >= 1; mask /= 2 ) {
sum += __shfl_xor_sync(uint32_t(-1), sum, mask);
// Store to shared memory.
if( vo < M && vi == 0 ) {
smem_o[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + vo] = sum;
// Make sure the data is in shared memory.
// Active threads read the data to store.
if( active_v ) {
sum = smem_o[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx];
// Store the output. All the threads are active.
if( active_v ) {
*out_ptr = sum;
// Move to next location.
out_ptr -= params.o_stride_L;
} else {
out_ptr += params.o_stride_L;
// Move the shared memory buffer.
smem_curr = (smem_curr + 1) % 2;
// Store to shared memory for Q and K.
if( !is_last && tidx < E ) {
smem_q[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx] = ldg_q;
smem_k[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx] = ldg_k;
// Store to shared memory for V.
if( !is_last && tidx < M ) {
smem_v[smem_curr*smem_buffer_elts + tidx] = ldg_v;
template< int E, int THREADS_PER_HEAD, bool GO_BACKWARD >
int lmha_(const Lmha_params<float> &params) {
// The M dimension rounded up to 4.
int M = round_up(params.M, 4);
// The number of threads in the block.
int block = round_up(max(E, M*THREADS_PER_HEAD), 32);
if( block > 512 || params.B > 65535 ) {
return 1;
// Prepare the kernel.
dim3 grid(params.H, params.B);
size_t smem = smem_buffer_elts_<E>(params)*2*sizeof(float);
lmha_kernel<E, THREADS_PER_HEAD, GO_BACKWARD><<<grid, block, smem>>>(params);
return 0;
template< bool GO_BACKWARD >
int lmha(const Lmha_params<float> &params) {
int blocks = params.B * params.H;
int res = 1;
if( params.E <= 32 ) {
res = lmha_low_occupancy_< 32, GO_BACKWARD>(params, blocks);
} else if( params.E <= 64 ) {
res = lmha_low_occupancy_< 64, GO_BACKWARD>(params, blocks);
} else if( params.E <= 128 ) {
res = lmha_low_occupancy_<128, GO_BACKWARD>(params, blocks);
} else if( params.E <= 256 ) {
res = lmha_low_occupancy_<256, GO_BACKWARD>(params, blocks);
} else {
if( params.E <= 32 ) {
res = lmha_< 32, 1, GO_BACKWARD>(params);
} else if( params.E <= 48 ) {
res = lmha_< 48, 1, GO_BACKWARD>(params);
} else if( params.E <= 64 ) {
res = lmha_< 64, 1, GO_BACKWARD>(params);
} else if( params.E <= 128 ) {
res = lmha_<128, 2, GO_BACKWARD>(params);
} else if( params.E <= 256 ) {
res = lmha_<256, 4, GO_BACKWARD>(params);
return res;
template< typename T >
inline void set_params(Lmha_params<T> &params,
const torch::Tensor q,
const torch::Tensor k,
const torch::Tensor v,
torch::Tensor o) {
// Define the pointers.
params.out = o.data_ptr<T>();
params.q = q.data_ptr<T>();
params.k = k.data_ptr<T>();
params.v = v.data_ptr<T>();
// Define the strides.
params.q_stride_B = (int) q.stride(0);
params.q_stride_H = (int) q.stride(1);
params.q_stride_L = (int) q.stride(2);
params.k_stride_B = (int) k.stride(0);
params.k_stride_H = (int) k.stride(1);
params.k_stride_L = (int) k.stride(2);
params.v_stride_B = (int) v.stride(0);
params.v_stride_H = (int) v.stride(1);
params.v_stride_L = (int) v.stride(2);
params.o_stride_B = (int) o.stride(0);
params.o_stride_H = (int) o.stride(1);
params.o_stride_L = (int) o.stride(2);
// Extract the dimensions.
int N = q.size(0);
int H = q.size(1);
int L = q.size(2);
int E = q.size(3);
int M = v.size(3);
params.B = N;
params.L = L;
params.H = H;
params.E = E;
params.M = M;
int lmha_fwd(const torch::Tensor queries,
const torch::Tensor keys,
const torch::Tensor values,
torch::Tensor product) {
// Make sure that we are using the correct GPU device
torch::DeviceGuard _guard(queries.device());
// Make sure the inner-most dimension of the tensors is packed.
assert(queries.stride(3) == 1);
assert(keys .stride(3) == 1);
assert(values .stride(3) == 1);
assert(product.stride(3) == 1);
// Extract the dimensions.
int N = queries.size(0);
int H = queries.size(1);
int L = queries.size(2);
int E = queries.size(3);
int M = values.size (3);
// The structure of params.
Lmha_params<float> params;
set_params(params, queries, keys, values, product);
// Launch the kernel.
return lmha<false>(params);
template< typename T >
struct Lmha_bwd_params {
// The output buffer for K. Dimensions [B, H, L, D].
T *out_k;
// The output buffer for V. Dimensions [B, H, L, D].
T *out_v;
// The input Qs. Dimensions [B, H, L, D].
const T *q;
// The input Ks. Dimensions [B, H, L, D].
const T *k;
// The input Vs. Dimensions [B, H, L, D].
const T *v;
// The input Gs. Dimensions [B, H, L, D].
const T *g;
// The dimensions.
int B, L, H, M, E;
// The strides for the input tensors.
int q_stride_B, q_stride_L, q_stride_H;
int k_stride_B, k_stride_L, k_stride_H;
int v_stride_B, v_stride_L, v_stride_H;
int g_stride_B, g_stride_L, g_stride_H;
// The strides for the outputs.
int out_k_stride_B, out_k_stride_L, out_k_stride_H;
int out_v_stride_B, out_v_stride_L, out_v_stride_H;
template< int D, int THREADS_PER_HEAD >
__global__ __launch_bounds__(D*THREADS_PER_HEAD*2)
void lmha_bwd_kernel(Lmha_bwd_params<float> params) {
// Make sure D is a multiple of 4.
static_assert(D % 4 == 0, "");
// The shared memory buffers.
__shared__ struct Smem { float qg[2*D], kv[2*D], out_kv[2*D]; } smem_[2];
// The index of the shared memory buffer (for double-buffering).
int smem_curr = 0;
// The sequence processed by that block.
const int bi = blockIdx.y;
// The head processed by that block.
const int hi = blockIdx.x;
// The linear index of the thread.
const int tidx = threadIdx.x;
// Split the threads into two slices.
int so = tidx / (D*THREADS_PER_HEAD);
int si = tidx % (D*THREADS_PER_HEAD);
// The strides for B/L/H for the Q/G tensors.
int qg_stride_B, qg_stride_L, qg_stride_H;
if( so == 0 ) {
qg_stride_B = params.q_stride_B;
qg_stride_L = params.q_stride_L;
qg_stride_H = params.q_stride_H;
} else {
qg_stride_B = params.g_stride_B;
qg_stride_L = params.g_stride_L;
qg_stride_H = params.g_stride_H;
// The strides for B/L/H for the K/V tensors.
int kv_stride_B, kv_stride_L, kv_stride_H;
if( so == 0 ) {
kv_stride_B = params.k_stride_B;
kv_stride_L = params.k_stride_L;
kv_stride_H = params.k_stride_H;
} else {
kv_stride_B = params.v_stride_B;
kv_stride_L = params.v_stride_L;
kv_stride_H = params.v_stride_H;
// The hidden size.
int hidden_size_per_head = 0;
if( so == 0 ) {
hidden_size_per_head = params.E;
} else {
hidden_size_per_head = params.M;
// Where to start reading from.
int offset_qg = bi*qg_stride_B + hi*qg_stride_H + si;
int offset_kv = bi*kv_stride_B + hi*kv_stride_H + si;
// We walk backward, account for the extra offset.
offset_qg += (params.L-1)*qg_stride_L;
offset_kv += (params.L-1)*kv_stride_L;
// Determine the base pointers for Q, K, V and G.
const float *ptr_qg = &(so == 0 ? params.q : params.g)[offset_qg];
const float *ptr_kv = &(so == 0 ? params.k : params.v)[offset_kv];
// Is it an active thread?
const int active = si < hidden_size_per_head;
// Trigger the memory loads for Q, K, V and G.
float ldg_qg = 0.f, ldg_kv = 0.f;
if( active ) {
ldg_qg = *ptr_qg;
ldg_kv = *ptr_kv;
// Move the load pointers (backward).
ptr_qg -= qg_stride_L;
ptr_kv -= kv_stride_L;
// The number of FLOAT4s per head.
constexpr int FLOAT4s_PER_HEAD = D / 4;
// The number of FLOAT4s per thread.
// The storage for the G*Q^T or Q^T*G values.
float4 gq[FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
gq[ii] = make_float4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// The strides for B/L/H for the K/V tensors.
int out_kv_stride_B, out_kv_stride_L, out_kv_stride_H;
if( so == 0 ) {
out_kv_stride_B = params.out_k_stride_B;
out_kv_stride_L = params.out_k_stride_L;
out_kv_stride_H = params.out_k_stride_H;
} else {
out_kv_stride_B = params.out_v_stride_B;
out_kv_stride_L = params.out_v_stride_L;
out_kv_stride_H = params.out_v_stride_H;
// Where to start reading from.
int offset_out_kv = bi*out_kv_stride_B + hi*out_kv_stride_H + si;
// We walk backward, account for the extra offset.
offset_out_kv += (params.L-1)*out_kv_stride_L;
// The output pointer.
float *ptr_out_kv = &(so == 0 ? params.out_k : params.out_v)[offset_out_kv];
// Store to shared memory.
if( si < D ) {
smem_[smem_curr].qg[so*D + si] = ldg_qg;
smem_[smem_curr].kv[so*D + si] = ldg_kv;
// The position of the thread in the output dimension.
int oo = si / THREADS_PER_HEAD % D;
int oi = si % THREADS_PER_HEAD * 4;
// Iterate over the timesteps.
for( int ti = 0; ti < params.L; ++ti ) {
// Is it the last iteration?
int is_last = ti == params.L - 1;
// Trigger the next loads.
if( !is_last && active ) {
ldg_qg = *ptr_qg;
ldg_kv = *ptr_kv;
// Move the load pointers.
ptr_qg -= qg_stride_L;
ptr_kv -= kv_stride_L;
// Make sure the data is in shared memory.
// Each thread loads 4 values from G or Q.
float4 g[FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
float *smem_ptr = &smem_[smem_curr].qg[(so^1)*D + oi];
g[ii] = *reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(&smem_ptr[ii*THREADS_PER_HEAD*4]);
// Each thread loads a single from Q or G value.
float q = smem_[smem_curr].qg[so*D + oo];
// Update the G*Q^T or Q*G^T product.
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
gq[ii].x += g[ii].x * q;
gq[ii].y += g[ii].y * q;
gq[ii].z += g[ii].z * q;
gq[ii].w += g[ii].w * q;
// Load the V or K values from shared memory.
float4 v[FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD];
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
float *smem_ptr = &smem_[smem_curr].kv[(so^1)*D + oi];
v[ii] = *reinterpret_cast<const float4*>(&smem_ptr[ii*THREADS_PER_HEAD*4]);
// Compute the partial output value for that thread.
float sum = 0.f;
#pragma unroll
for( int ii = 0; ii < FLOAT4s_PER_THREAD; ++ii ) {
sum += v[ii].x * gq[ii].x;
sum += v[ii].y * gq[ii].y;
sum += v[ii].z * gq[ii].z;
sum += v[ii].w * gq[ii].w;
// Finalize the computation of the sum (if we have more than 1 thread per head).
if( THREADS_PER_HEAD > 1 ) {
// Finalize the sum for each head.
#pragma unroll
for( int mask = THREADS_PER_HEAD / 2; mask >= 1; mask /= 2 ) {
sum += __shfl_xor_sync(uint32_t(-1), sum, mask);
// Store to shared memory.
if( oi == 0 ) {
smem_[smem_curr].out_kv[so*D + oo] = sum;
// Make sure the data is in shared memory.
// Active threads read the data to store.
if( si < hidden_size_per_head ) {
sum = smem_[smem_curr].out_kv[so*D + si];
// Store the output. All the threads are active.
if( si < hidden_size_per_head ) {
*ptr_out_kv = sum;
// Move to next location.
ptr_out_kv -= out_kv_stride_L;
// Move the shared memory buffer.
smem_curr = (smem_curr + 1) % 2;
// Store to shared memory for Q and K.
if( !is_last && si < D ) {
smem_[smem_curr].qg[so*D + si] = ldg_qg;
smem_[smem_curr].kv[so*D + si] = ldg_kv;
template< int D, int THREADS_PER_HEAD >
int lmha_bwd_(const Lmha_bwd_params<float> &params) {
int block = D*THREADS_PER_HEAD*2;
if( block >= 1024 || params.B > 65535 ) {
return 1;
dim3 grid(params.H, params.B);
lmha_bwd_kernel<D, THREADS_PER_HEAD><<<grid, block>>>(params);
return 0;
int lmha_bwd(const Lmha_bwd_params<float> &params) {
int blocks = params.B * params.H;
return 1;
int hidden_size_per_head = max(params.E, params.M);
int res = 1;
if( hidden_size_per_head <= 32 ) {
res = lmha_bwd_< 32, 1>(params);
} else if( hidden_size_per_head <= 64 ) {
res = lmha_bwd_< 64, 1>(params);
} else if( hidden_size_per_head <= 128 ) {
res = lmha_bwd_<128, 2>(params);
} else if( hidden_size_per_head <= 256 ) {
res = lmha_bwd_<256, 4>(params);
return res;
int lmha_bwd(const torch::Tensor queries,
const torch::Tensor keys,
const torch::Tensor values,
const torch::Tensor grad_out,
torch::Tensor grad_queries,
torch::Tensor grad_keys,
torch::Tensor grad_values) {
// Make sure that we are using the correct GPU device
torch::DeviceGuard _guard(queries.device());
// Make sure the inner-most dimension of the tensors is packed.
assert(queries .stride(3) == 1);
assert(keys .stride(3) == 1);
assert(values .stride(3) == 1);
assert(grad_out .stride(3) == 1);
assert(grad_queries.stride(3) == 1);
assert(grad_keys .stride(3) == 1);
assert(grad_values .stride(3) == 1);
// Extract the dimensions.
int N = queries.size(0);
int H = queries.size(1);
int L = queries.size(2);
int E = queries.size(3);
int M = values.size (3);
// Gradient on Q.
// The structure of params.
Lmha_params<float> params;
set_params(params, grad_out, values, keys, grad_queries);
// Launch the kernel.
int res = lmha<false>(params);
if( res ) {
return res;
// Gradient on K and V together.
Lmha_bwd_params<float> bwd_params;
bwd_params.out_k = grad_keys.data_ptr<float>();
bwd_params.out_v = grad_values.data_ptr<float>();
bwd_params.q = queries.data_ptr<float>();
bwd_params.k = keys.data_ptr<float>();
bwd_params.v = values.data_ptr<float>();
bwd_params.g = grad_out.data_ptr<float>();
bwd_params.B = N;
bwd_params.L = L;
bwd_params.H = H;
bwd_params.E = E;
bwd_params.M = M;
bwd_params.q_stride_B = queries.stride(0);
bwd_params.q_stride_H = queries.stride(1);
bwd_params.q_stride_L = queries.stride(2);
bwd_params.k_stride_B = keys.stride(0);
bwd_params.k_stride_H = keys.stride(1);
bwd_params.k_stride_L = keys.stride(2);
bwd_params.v_stride_B = values.stride(0);
bwd_params.v_stride_H = values.stride(1);
bwd_params.v_stride_L = values.stride(2);
bwd_params.g_stride_B = grad_out.stride(0);
bwd_params.g_stride_H = grad_out.stride(1);
bwd_params.g_stride_L = grad_out.stride(2);
bwd_params.out_k_stride_B = grad_keys.stride(0);
bwd_params.out_k_stride_H = grad_keys.stride(1);
bwd_params.out_k_stride_L = grad_keys.stride(2);
bwd_params.out_v_stride_B = grad_values.stride(0);
bwd_params.out_v_stride_H = grad_values.stride(1);
bwd_params.out_v_stride_L = grad_values.stride(2);
// Try to run the fused kernel.
int fallback = lmha_bwd(bwd_params);
// If it failed, fallback on separate kernels for K and V.
if( fallback ) {
// Gradient on K.
// Launch the kernel.
set_params(params, values, grad_out, queries, grad_keys);
res = lmha<true>(params);
if( res ) {
return res;
// Gradient on V.
// Launch the kernel.
set_params(params, keys, queries, grad_out, grad_values);
return lmha<true>(params);
// It worked...
return 0;
} // namespace nvidia
typedef torch::PackedTensorAccessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits> float_accessor;
#define E_BLOCK_SIZE 8
__global__ void causal_dot_product_kernel(
const float_accessor queries,
const float_accessor keys,
const float_accessor values,
float_accessor result,
const int N,
const int H,
const int L,
const int E,
const int M
) {
int n = blockIdx.y;
int h = blockIdx.z;
int e_start = blockIdx.x * E_BLOCK_SIZE;
int m = threadIdx.x % M;
extern __shared__ float shared_mem[];
float* shared_kv = shared_mem;
for (int e_local = 0; e_local < E_BLOCK_SIZE && e_local + e_start < E; e_local++) {
shared_kv[m + e_local * M] = 0;
for (int t=0; t<L; t++) {
float res = 0;
for (int e_local = 0; e_local < E_BLOCK_SIZE && e_local + e_start < E; e_local++) {
shared_kv[e_local*M + m] += keys[n][h][t][e_local + e_start] * values[n][h][t][m];
res += queries[n][h][t][e_local + e_start] * shared_kv[e_local*M + m];
void causal_dot_product_(const torch::Tensor queries,
const torch::Tensor keys,
const torch::Tensor values,
torch::Tensor product) {
// Make sure that we are using the correct GPU device
torch::DeviceGuard _guard(queries.device());
int N = queries.size(0);
int H = queries.size(1);
int L = queries.size(2);
int E = queries.size(3);
int M = values.size(3);
const int blocks_per_sequence = (E + E_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / E_BLOCK_SIZE;
dim3 blockDim(M, 1, 1);
dim3 gridDim(blocks_per_sequence, N, H);
const int shared_mem_forward = E_BLOCK_SIZE * M * sizeof(float);
causal_dot_product_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim, shared_mem_forward>>>(
queries.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
keys.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
values.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
product.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
N, H, L, E, M
void causal_dot_product(const torch::Tensor queries,
const torch::Tensor keys,
const torch::Tensor values,
torch::Tensor product) {
int fallback = nvidia::lmha_fwd(queries, keys, values, product);
int fallback = 1;
if( fallback ) {
causal_dot_product_(queries, keys, values, product);
#define M_BLOCK_SIZE 4
// we need shared memory to store
// kv
// Backward direction
// kv_backwards
// Shared memory usage
__global__ void causal_dot_backward_query_key_kernel(
const float_accessor queries,
const float_accessor keys,
const float_accessor values,
const float_accessor grad_out,
float_accessor grad_queries,
float_accessor grad_keys,
int N,
int H,
int L,
int E,
int M
) {
int n = blockIdx.y;
int h = blockIdx.z;
int m_start = blockIdx.x * M_BLOCK_SIZE;
int e = threadIdx.x % E;
extern __shared__ float shared_mem[];
const int shared_kv_size = M_BLOCK_SIZE * E;
float* shared_kv = shared_mem;
float* shared_kv_bw = shared_mem + shared_kv_size;
for (int m_local = 0; m_local < M_BLOCK_SIZE && m_local + m_start < M; m_local++) {
shared_kv[m_local * E + e] = 0;
shared_kv_bw[m_local * E + e] = 0;
for (int l=0; l<L; l++) {
float res = 0, res_bw = 0;
int l_b = L - l - 1;
for (int m_local = 0; m_local < M_BLOCK_SIZE && m_local + m_start < M; m_local++) {
shared_kv[m_local*E + e] += keys[n][h][l][e] * values[n][h][l][m_start + m_local];
shared_kv_bw[m_local*E + e] += queries[n][h][l_b][e] * grad_out[n][h][l_b][m_start + m_local];
res += grad_out[n][h][l][m_start + m_local] * shared_kv[m_local*E + e];
res_bw += values[n][h][l_b][m_start + m_local] * shared_kv_bw[m_local*E + e];
__global__ void causal_dot_backward_value_kernel(
const float_accessor queries,
const float_accessor keys,
const float_accessor values,
const float_accessor grad_out,
float_accessor grad_keys,
float_accessor grad_values,
int N,
int H,
int L,
int E,
int M
) {
int n = blockIdx.y;
int h = blockIdx.z;
int e_start = blockIdx.x * E_BLOCK_SIZE;
int m = threadIdx.x % M;
extern __shared__ float shared_mem[];
float* shared_kv = shared_mem;
for (int e_local = 0; e_local < E_BLOCK_SIZE && e_local + e_start < E; e_local++) {
shared_kv[m + e_local * M] = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < L; l++) {
int l_b = L - l -1;
float res = 0;
for (int e_local = 0; e_local < E_BLOCK_SIZE && e_local + e_start < E; e_local++) {
shared_kv[e_local*M + m] += queries[n][h][l_b][e_start + e_local] * grad_out[n][h][l_b][m];
res += keys[n][h][l_b][e_start + e_local] * shared_kv[e_local*M + m];
void causal_dot_backward_(const torch::Tensor queries,
const torch::Tensor keys,
const torch::Tensor values,
const torch::Tensor grad_out,
torch::Tensor grad_queries,
torch::Tensor grad_keys,
torch::Tensor grad_values) {
// Make sure that we are using the correct GPU device
torch::DeviceGuard _guard(queries.device());
int N = queries.size(0);
int H = queries.size(1);
int L = queries.size(2);
int E = queries.size(3);
int M = values.size(3);
const int blocks_per_sequence = (M + M_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / M_BLOCK_SIZE;
dim3 blockDim(E, 1, 1);
dim3 gridDim(blocks_per_sequence, N, H);
const int shared_mem_qk_backward = 2 * M_BLOCK_SIZE * E * sizeof(float);
causal_dot_backward_query_key_kernel<<<gridDim, blockDim, shared_mem_qk_backward>>>(
queries.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
keys.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
values.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
grad_out.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
grad_queries.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
grad_keys.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
N, H, L, E, M
const int blocks_per_sequence_value = (E + E_BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / E_BLOCK_SIZE;
dim3 blockDimv(M, 1, 1);
dim3 gridDimv(blocks_per_sequence_value, N, H);
const int shared_mem_v_backward = E_BLOCK_SIZE * M * sizeof(float);
causal_dot_backward_value_kernel<<<gridDimv, blockDimv, shared_mem_v_backward>>>(
queries.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
keys.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
values.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
grad_out.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
grad_keys.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
grad_values.packed_accessor32<float, 4, torch::RestrictPtrTraits>(),
N, H, L, E, M
void causal_dot_backward(const torch::Tensor queries,
const torch::Tensor keys,
const torch::Tensor values,
const torch::Tensor grad_out,
torch::Tensor grad_queries,
torch::Tensor grad_keys,
torch::Tensor grad_values) {
int fallback = nvidia::lmha_bwd(queries,
int fallback = 1;
if( fallback ) {
// Make sure that the gradient tensors are 0. This is needed because the
// bwd pass might have partially executed and filled in some values in
// grad_queries or grad_keys.
// This adds a small overhead every time we have to fall back to the old
// kernel for the backward pass.
causal_dot_backward_(queries, keys, values, grad_out, grad_queries, grad_keys, grad_values);
"Compute the weighted sum of values but attending only to previous "
"Compute the gradients for the causal dot product."