import threading from typing import Callable import docker class LogStreamer: """Streams Docker container logs to stdout. This class provides a way to stream logs from a Docker container directly to stdout through the provided logging function. """ def __init__( self, container: docker.models.containers.Container, logFn: Callable, ): self.log = logFn self.log_generator = container.logs(stream=True, follow=True) self._stop_event = threading.Event() # Start the stdout streaming thread self.stdout_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._stream_logs) self.stdout_thread.daemon = True self.stdout_thread.start() def _stream_logs(self): """Stream logs from the Docker container to stdout.""" try: for log_line in self.log_generator: if self._stop_event.is_set(): break if log_line: decoded_line = log_line.decode('utf-8').rstrip() self.log('debug', f'[inside container] {decoded_line}') except Exception as e: self.log('error', f'Error streaming docker logs to stdout: {e}') def __del__(self): if self.stdout_thread and self.stdout_thread.is_alive(): self.close(timeout=5) def close(self, timeout: float = 5.0): """Clean shutdown of the log streaming.""" self._stop_event.set() if self.stdout_thread and self.stdout_thread.is_alive(): self.stdout_thread.join(timeout) # Close the log generator to release the file descriptor if hasattr(self.log_generator, 'close'): self.log_generator.close()