import json import os from collections import deque from litellm import ModelResponse import openhands import openhands.agenthub.codeact_agent.function_calling as codeact_function_calling from openhands.controller.agent import Agent from openhands.controller.state.state import State from openhands.core.config import AgentConfig from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from openhands.core.message import ImageContent, Message, TextContent from import ( Action, AgentDelegateAction, AgentFinishAction, BrowseInteractiveAction, BrowseURLAction, CmdRunAction, FileEditAction, FileReadAction, IPythonRunCellAction, MessageAction, ) from import ( AgentCondensationObservation, AgentDelegateObservation, BrowserOutputObservation, CmdOutputObservation, FileEditObservation, FileReadObservation, IPythonRunCellObservation, UserRejectObservation, ) from import ErrorObservation from import Observation from import truncate_content from openhands.llm.llm import LLM from openhands.memory.condenser import Condenser from openhands.runtime.plugins import ( AgentSkillsRequirement, JupyterRequirement, PluginRequirement, ) from openhands.utils.prompt import PromptManager class CodeActAgent(Agent): VERSION = '2.2' """ The Code Act Agent is a minimalist agent. The agent works by passing the model a list of action-observation pairs and prompting the model to take the next step. ### Overview This agent implements the CodeAct idea ([paper](, [tweet]( that consolidates LLM agents’ **act**ions into a unified **code** action space for both *simplicity* and *performance* (see paper for more details). The conceptual idea is illustrated below. At each turn, the agent can: 1. **Converse**: Communicate with humans in natural language to ask for clarification, confirmation, etc. 2. **CodeAct**: Choose to perform the task by executing code - Execute any valid Linux `bash` command - Execute any valid `Python` code with [an interactive Python interpreter]( This is simulated through `bash` command, see plugin system below for more details.  """ sandbox_plugins: list[PluginRequirement] = [ # NOTE: AgentSkillsRequirement need to go before JupyterRequirement, since # AgentSkillsRequirement provides a lot of Python functions, # and it needs to be initialized before Jupyter for Jupyter to use those functions. AgentSkillsRequirement(), JupyterRequirement(), ] def __init__( self, llm: LLM, config: AgentConfig, ) -> None: """Initializes a new instance of the CodeActAgent class. Parameters: - llm (LLM): The llm to be used by this agent """ super().__init__(llm, config) self.pending_actions: deque[Action] = deque() self.reset() self.mock_function_calling = False if not self.llm.is_function_calling_active(): f'Function calling not enabled for model {self.llm.config.model}. ' 'Mocking function calling via prompting.' ) self.mock_function_calling = True # Function calling mode = codeact_function_calling.get_tools( codeact_enable_browsing=self.config.codeact_enable_browsing, codeact_enable_jupyter=self.config.codeact_enable_jupyter, codeact_enable_llm_editor=self.config.codeact_enable_llm_editor, ) logger.debug( f'TOOLS loaded for CodeActAgent: {json.dumps(, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False).replace("\\n", "\n")}' ) self.prompt_manager = PromptManager( microagent_dir=os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(openhands.__file__)), 'microagents', ) if self.config.enable_prompt_extensions else None, prompt_dir=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'prompts'), disabled_microagents=self.config.disabled_microagents, ) self.condenser = Condenser.from_config(self.config.condenser) logger.debug(f'Using condenser: {self.condenser}') def get_action_message( self, action: Action, pending_tool_call_action_messages: dict[str, Message], ) -> list[Message]: """Converts an action into a message format that can be sent to the LLM. This method handles different types of actions and formats them appropriately: 1. For tool-based actions (AgentDelegate, CmdRun, IPythonRunCell, FileEdit) and agent-sourced AgentFinish: - In function calling mode: Stores the LLM's response in pending_tool_call_action_messages - In non-function calling mode: Creates a message with the action string 2. For MessageActions: Creates a message with the text content and optional image content Args: action (Action): The action to convert. Can be one of: - CmdRunAction: For executing bash commands - IPythonRunCellAction: For running IPython code - FileEditAction: For editing files - FileReadAction: For reading files using openhands-aci commands - BrowseInteractiveAction: For browsing the web - AgentFinishAction: For ending the interaction - MessageAction: For sending messages pending_tool_call_action_messages (dict[str, Message]): Dictionary mapping response IDs to their corresponding messages. Used in function calling mode to track tool calls that are waiting for their results. Returns: list[Message]: A list containing the formatted message(s) for the action. May be empty if the action is handled as a tool call in function calling mode. Note: In function calling mode, tool-based actions are stored in pending_tool_call_action_messages rather than being returned immediately. They will be processed later when all corresponding tool call results are available. """ # create a regular message from an event if isinstance( action, ( AgentDelegateAction, IPythonRunCellAction, FileEditAction, FileReadAction, BrowseInteractiveAction, BrowseURLAction, ), ) or (isinstance(action, CmdRunAction) and action.source == 'agent'): tool_metadata = action.tool_call_metadata assert tool_metadata is not None, ( 'Tool call metadata should NOT be None when function calling is enabled. Action: ' + str(action) ) llm_response: ModelResponse = tool_metadata.model_response assistant_msg = llm_response.choices[0].message # Add the LLM message (assistant) that initiated the tool calls # (overwrites any previous message with the same response_id) logger.debug( f'Tool calls type: {type(assistant_msg.tool_calls)}, value: {assistant_msg.tool_calls}' ) pending_tool_call_action_messages[] = Message( role=assistant_msg.role, # tool call content SHOULD BE a string content=[TextContent(text=assistant_msg.content or '')] if assistant_msg.content is not None else [], tool_calls=assistant_msg.tool_calls, ) return [] elif isinstance(action, AgentFinishAction): role = 'user' if action.source == 'user' else 'assistant' # when agent finishes, it has tool_metadata # which has already been executed, and it doesn't have a response # when the user finishes (/exit), we don't have tool_metadata tool_metadata = action.tool_call_metadata if tool_metadata is not None: # take the response message from the tool call assistant_msg = tool_metadata.model_response.choices[0].message content = assistant_msg.content or '' # save content if any, to thought if action.thought: if action.thought != content: action.thought += '\n' + content else: action.thought = content # remove the tool call metadata action.tool_call_metadata = None return [ Message( role=role, content=[TextContent(text=action.thought)], ) ] elif isinstance(action, MessageAction): role = 'user' if action.source == 'user' else 'assistant' content = [TextContent(text=action.content or '')] if self.llm.vision_is_active() and action.image_urls: content.append(ImageContent(image_urls=action.image_urls)) return [ Message( role=role, content=content, ) ] elif isinstance(action, CmdRunAction) and action.source == 'user': content = [ TextContent(text=f'User executed the command:\n{action.command}') ] return [ Message( role='user', content=content, ) ] return [] def get_observation_message( self, obs: Observation, tool_call_id_to_message: dict[str, Message], ) -> list[Message]: """Converts an observation into a message format that can be sent to the LLM. This method handles different types of observations and formats them appropriately: - CmdOutputObservation: Formats command execution results with exit codes - IPythonRunCellObservation: Formats IPython cell execution results, replacing base64 images - FileEditObservation: Formats file editing results - FileReadObservation: Formats file reading results from openhands-aci - AgentDelegateObservation: Formats results from delegated agent tasks - ErrorObservation: Formats error messages from failed actions - UserRejectObservation: Formats user rejection messages In function calling mode, observations with tool_call_metadata are stored in tool_call_id_to_message for later processing instead of being returned immediately. Args: obs (Observation): The observation to convert tool_call_id_to_message (dict[str, Message]): Dictionary mapping tool call IDs to their corresponding messages (used in function calling mode) Returns: list[Message]: A list containing the formatted message(s) for the observation. May be empty if the observation is handled as a tool response in function calling mode. Raises: ValueError: If the observation type is unknown """ message: Message max_message_chars = self.llm.config.max_message_chars if isinstance(obs, CmdOutputObservation): # if it doesn't have tool call metadata, it was triggered by a user action if obs.tool_call_metadata is None: text = truncate_content( f'\nObserved result of command executed by user:\n{obs.content}', max_message_chars, ) else: text = truncate_content( obs.content + f'\n[Python Interpreter: {obs.metadata.py_interpreter_path}]', max_message_chars, ) text += f'\n[Command finished with exit code {obs.exit_code}]' message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) elif isinstance(obs, IPythonRunCellObservation): text = obs.content # replace base64 images with a placeholder splitted = text.split('\n') for i, line in enumerate(splitted): if ' already displayed to user' ) text = '\n'.join(splitted) text = truncate_content(text, max_message_chars) message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) elif isinstance(obs, FileEditObservation): text = truncate_content(str(obs), max_message_chars) message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) elif isinstance(obs, FileReadObservation): message = Message( role='user', content=[TextContent(text=obs.content)] ) # Content is already truncated by openhands-aci elif isinstance(obs, BrowserOutputObservation): text = obs.get_agent_obs_text() message = Message( role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)], ) elif isinstance(obs, AgentDelegateObservation): text = truncate_content( obs.outputs['content'] if 'content' in obs.outputs else '', max_message_chars, ) message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) elif isinstance(obs, ErrorObservation): text = truncate_content(obs.content, max_message_chars) text += '\n[Error occurred in processing last action]' message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) elif isinstance(obs, UserRejectObservation): text = 'OBSERVATION:\n' + truncate_content(obs.content, max_message_chars) text += '\n[Last action has been rejected by the user]' message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) elif isinstance(obs, AgentCondensationObservation): text = truncate_content(obs.content, max_message_chars) message = Message(role='user', content=[TextContent(text=text)]) else: # If an observation message is not returned, it will cause an error # when the LLM tries to return the next message raise ValueError(f'Unknown observation type: {type(obs)}') # Update the message as tool response properly if (tool_call_metadata := obs.tool_call_metadata) is not None: tool_call_id_to_message[tool_call_metadata.tool_call_id] = Message( role='tool', content=message.content, tool_call_id=tool_call_metadata.tool_call_id, name=tool_call_metadata.function_name, ) # No need to return the observation message # because it will be added by get_action_message when all the corresponding # tool calls in the SAME request are processed return [] return [message] def reset(self) -> None: """Resets the CodeAct Agent.""" super().reset() self.pending_actions.clear() def step(self, state: State) -> Action: """Performs one step using the CodeAct Agent. This includes gathering info on previous steps and prompting the model to make a command to execute. Parameters: - state (State): used to get updated info Returns: - CmdRunAction(command) - bash command to run - IPythonRunCellAction(code) - IPython code to run - AgentDelegateAction(agent, inputs) - delegate action for (sub)task - MessageAction(content) - Message action to run (e.g. ask for clarification) - AgentFinishAction() - end the interaction """ # Continue with pending actions if any if self.pending_actions: return self.pending_actions.popleft() # if we're done, go back latest_user_message = state.get_last_user_message() if latest_user_message and latest_user_message.content.strip() == '/exit': return AgentFinishAction() # prepare what we want to send to the LLM messages = self._get_messages(state) params: dict = { 'messages': self.llm.format_messages_for_llm(messages), } params['tools'] = if self.mock_function_calling: params['mock_function_calling'] = True response = self.llm.completion(**params) actions = codeact_function_calling.response_to_actions(response) for action in actions: self.pending_actions.append(action) return self.pending_actions.popleft() def _get_messages(self, state: State) -> list[Message]: """Constructs the message history for the LLM conversation. This method builds a structured conversation history by processing events from the state and formatting them into messages that the LLM can understand. It handles both regular message flow and function-calling scenarios. The method performs the following steps: 1. Initializes with system prompt and optional initial user message 2. Processes events (Actions and Observations) into messages 3. Handles tool calls and their responses in function-calling mode 4. Manages message role alternation (user/assistant/tool) 5. Applies caching for specific LLM providers (e.g., Anthropic) 6. Adds environment reminders for non-function-calling mode Args: state (State): The current state object containing conversation history and other metadata Returns: list[Message]: A list of formatted messages ready for LLM consumption, including: - System message with prompt - Initial user message (if configured) - Action messages (from both user and assistant) - Observation messages (including tool responses) - Environment reminders (in non-function-calling mode) Note: - In function-calling mode, tool calls and their responses are carefully tracked to maintain proper conversation flow - Messages from the same role are combined to prevent consecutive same-role messages - For Anthropic models, specific messages are cached according to their documentation """ if not self.prompt_manager: raise Exception('Prompt Manager not instantiated.') messages: list[Message] = [ Message( role='system', content=[ TextContent( text=self.prompt_manager.get_system_message(), cache_prompt=self.llm.is_caching_prompt_active(), ) ], ) ] example_message = self.prompt_manager.get_example_user_message() if example_message: messages.append( Message( role='user', content=[TextContent(text=example_message)], cache_prompt=self.llm.is_caching_prompt_active(), ) ) # Repository and runtime info additional_info = self.prompt_manager.get_additional_info() if self.config.enable_prompt_extensions and additional_info: # only add these if prompt extension is enabled messages.append( Message( role='user', content=[TextContent(text=additional_info)], ) ) pending_tool_call_action_messages: dict[str, Message] = {} tool_call_id_to_message: dict[str, Message] = {} # Condense the events from the state. events = self.condenser.condensed_history(state) for event in events: # create a regular message from an event if isinstance(event, Action): messages_to_add = self.get_action_message( action=event, pending_tool_call_action_messages=pending_tool_call_action_messages, ) elif isinstance(event, Observation): messages_to_add = self.get_observation_message( obs=event, tool_call_id_to_message=tool_call_id_to_message, ) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown event type: {type(event)}') # Check pending tool call action messages and see if they are complete _response_ids_to_remove = [] for ( response_id, pending_message, ) in pending_tool_call_action_messages.items(): assert pending_message.tool_calls is not None, ( 'Tool calls should NOT be None when function calling is enabled & the message is considered pending tool call. ' f'Pending message: {pending_message}' ) if all( in tool_call_id_to_message for tool_call in pending_message.tool_calls ): # If complete: # -- 1. Add the message that **initiated** the tool calls messages_to_add.append(pending_message) # -- 2. Add the tool calls **results*** for tool_call in pending_message.tool_calls: messages_to_add.append(tool_call_id_to_message[]) tool_call_id_to_message.pop( _response_ids_to_remove.append(response_id) # Cleanup the processed pending tool messages for response_id in _response_ids_to_remove: pending_tool_call_action_messages.pop(response_id) for message in messages_to_add: if message: if message.role == 'user': self.prompt_manager.enhance_message(message) messages.append(message) if self.llm.is_caching_prompt_active(): # NOTE: this is only needed for anthropic # following logic here: # breakpoints_remaining = 3 # remaining 1 for system/tool for message in reversed(messages): if message.role == 'user' or message.role == 'tool': if breakpoints_remaining > 0: message.content[ -1 ].cache_prompt = True # Last item inside the message content breakpoints_remaining -= 1 else: break return messages