zzz / openhands /events /action /commands.py
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from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar
from openhands.core.schema import ActionType
from openhands.events.action.action import (
class CmdRunAction(Action):
command: (
str # When `command` is empty, it will be used to print the current tmux window
is_input: bool = False # if True, the command is an input to the running process
thought: str = ''
blocking: bool = False
# If blocking is True, the command will be run in a blocking manner.
# e.g., it will NOT return early due to soft timeout.
hidden: bool = False
action: str = ActionType.RUN
runnable: ClassVar[bool] = True
confirmation_state: ActionConfirmationStatus = ActionConfirmationStatus.CONFIRMED
security_risk: ActionSecurityRisk | None = None
def message(self) -> str:
return f'Running command: {self.command}'
def __str__(self) -> str:
ret = f'**CmdRunAction (source={self.source}, is_input={self.is_input})**\n'
if self.thought:
ret += f'THOUGHT: {self.thought}\n'
ret += f'COMMAND:\n{self.command}'
return ret
class IPythonRunCellAction(Action):
code: str
thought: str = ''
include_extra: bool = (
True # whether to include CWD & Python interpreter in the output
action: str = ActionType.RUN_IPYTHON
runnable: ClassVar[bool] = True
confirmation_state: ActionConfirmationStatus = ActionConfirmationStatus.CONFIRMED
security_risk: ActionSecurityRisk | None = None
kernel_init_code: str = '' # code to run in the kernel (if the kernel is restarted)
def __str__(self) -> str:
ret = '**IPythonRunCellAction**\n'
if self.thought:
ret += f'THOUGHT: {self.thought}\n'
ret += f'CODE:\n{self.code}'
return ret
def message(self) -> str:
return f'Running Python code interactively: {self.code}'