import collections
import re
from warnings import warn
import yaml
def yaml_parser(message):
"""Parse a yaml message for the retry function."""
message = re.sub(r':\s*\n(?=\S|\n)', ': ', message)
value = yaml.safe_load(message)
valid = True
retry_message = ''
except yaml.YAMLError as e:
warn(str(e), stacklevel=2)
value = {}
valid = False
retry_message = "Your response is not a valid yaml. Please try again and be careful to the format. Don't add any apology or comment, just the answer."
return value, valid, retry_message
def _compress_chunks(text, identifier, skip_list, split_regex='\n\n+'):
"""Compress a string by replacing redundant chunks by identifiers. Chunks are defined by the split_regex."""
text_list = re.split(split_regex, text)
text_list = [chunk.strip() for chunk in text_list]
counter = collections.Counter(text_list)
def_dict = {}
id = 0
for item, count in counter.items():
if count > 1 and item not in skip_list and len(item) > 10:
def_dict[f'{identifier}-{id}'] = item
id += 1
compressed_text = '\n'.join(text_list)
for key, value in def_dict.items():
compressed_text = compressed_text.replace(value, key)
return def_dict, compressed_text
def compress_string(text):
"""Compress a string by replacing redundant paragraphs and lines with identifiers."""
def_dict, compressed_text = _compress_chunks(
text, identifier='§', skip_list=[], split_regex='\n\n+'
line_dict, compressed_text = _compress_chunks(
compressed_text, '¶', list(def_dict.keys()), split_regex='\n+'
def_lines = ['<definitions>']
for key, value in def_dict.items():
definitions = '\n'.join(def_lines)
return definitions + '\n' + compressed_text
def extract_html_tags(text, keys):
"""Extract the content within HTML tags for a list of keys.
text : str
The input string containing the HTML tags.
keys : list of str
The HTML tags to extract the content from.
A dictionary mapping each key to a list of subset in `text` that match the key.
All text and keys will be converted to lowercase before matching.
content_dict = {}
for key in keys:
pattern = f'<{key}>(.*?)</{key}>'
matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.DOTALL)
if matches:
content_dict[key] = [match.strip() for match in matches]
return content_dict
class ParseError(Exception):
def parse_html_tags_raise(text, keys=(), optional_keys=(), merge_multiple=False):
"""A version of parse_html_tags that raises an exception if the parsing is not successful."""
content_dict, valid, retry_message = parse_html_tags(
text, keys, optional_keys, merge_multiple=merge_multiple
if not valid:
raise ParseError(retry_message)
return content_dict
def parse_html_tags(text, keys=(), optional_keys=(), merge_multiple=False):
"""Satisfy the parse api, extracts 1 match per key and validates that all keys are present
text : str
The input string containing the HTML tags.
keys : list of str
The HTML tags to extract the content from.
optional_keys : list of str
The HTML tags to extract the content from, but are optional.
A dictionary mapping each key to subset of `text` that match the key.
Whether the parsing was successful.
A message to be displayed to the agent if the parsing was not successful.
all_keys = tuple(keys) + tuple(optional_keys)
content_dict = extract_html_tags(text, all_keys)
retry_messages = []
for key in all_keys:
if key not in content_dict:
if key not in optional_keys:
retry_messages.append(f'Missing the key <{key}> in the answer.')
val = content_dict[key]
content_dict[key] = val[0]
if len(val) > 1:
if not merge_multiple:
f'Found multiple instances of the key {key}. You should have only one of them.'
content_dict[key] = '\n'.join(val)
valid = len(retry_messages) == 0
retry_message = '\n'.join(retry_messages)
return content_dict, valid, retry_message