import gradio as gr from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel from openai import OpenAI import os import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity from docx import Document from docx.shared import Pt from docx.enum.text import WD_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT from docx.oxml.ns import nsdecls from docx.oxml import parse_xml import io import tempfile from astroquery.nasa_ads import ADS import pyvo as vo import pandas as pd # Load the NASA-specific bi-encoder model and tokenizer bi_encoder_model_name = "nasa-impact/nasa-smd-ibm-st-v2" bi_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(bi_encoder_model_name) bi_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(bi_encoder_model_name) # Set up OpenAI client api_key = os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY') client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key) # Set up NASA ADS token ADS.TOKEN = os.getenv('ADS_API_KEY') # Ensure your ADS API key is stored in environment variables # Define system message with instructions system_message = """ You are ExosAI, an advanced assistant specializing in Exoplanet and Astrophysics research. Generate a **detailed and structured** response based on the given **science context and user input**, incorporating key **observables, physical parameters, and technical requirements**. Organize the response into the following sections: 1. **Science Objectives**: Define key scientific objectives related to the science context and user input. 2. **Physical Parameters**: Outline the relevant physical parameters (e.g., mass, temperature, composition). 3. **Observables**: Specify the key observables required to study the science context. 4. **Description of Desired Observations**: Detail the observational techniques, instruments, or approaches necessary to gather relevant data. 5. **Observations Requirements Table**: Generate a table relevant to the Science Objectives, Physical Parameters, Observables and Description of Desired Observations with the following columns and at least 7 rows: - Wavelength Band: Should only be UV, Visible and Infrared). - Instrument: Should only be Imager, Spectrograph, Polarimeter and Coronagraph). - Necessary Values: The necessary values or parameters (wavelength range, spectral resolution where applicable, spatial resolution where applicable, contrast ratio where applicable). - Desired Values: The desired values or parameters (wavelength range, spectral resolution where applicable, spatial resolution where applicable). - Number of Objects Observed: Estimate the number of objects that need to be observed for a statistically meaningful result or for fulfilling the science objective. - Justification: Detailed scientific explanation of why these observations are important for the science objectives. - Comments: Additional notes or remarks regarding each observation. #### **Table Format** | Wavelength Band | Instrument | Necessary Values | Desired Values | Number of Objects Observed | Justification | Comments | |----------------------|------------------------------------|------------------------------------|---------------------------------|---------------------------------|-------------------|----------| #### **Guiding Constraints (Exclusions & Prioritization)** - **Wavelength Band Restriction:** Only include **UV, Visible, and Infrared** bands. - **Instrument Restriction:** Only include **Imager, Spectrograph, Polarimeter, and Coronagraph**. - **Wavelength Limits:** Prioritize wavelengths between **100 nanometers (nm) and 3 micrometers (μm)**. - **Allowed Instruments:** **Only include** observations from **direct imaging, spectroscopy, and polarimetry.** **Exclude** transit and radial velocity methods. - **Exclusion of Existing Facilities:** **Do not reference** existing observatories such as JWST, Hubble, or ground-based telescopes. This work pertains to a **new mission**. - **Spectral Resolution Constraint:** Limit spectral resolution (**R**) to the range **10,000 – 50,000**. - **Contrast Ratio:** Limit contrast ratio to the range **10^4 - 10^6**. - **Estimate the "Number of Objects Observed" based on the observational strategy, statistical requirements, and feasibility.** - **Ensure that all parameters remain scientifically consistent.** **Use this table format as a guideline, generate a detailed table dynamically based on the input.**. Ensure that all values align with the provided constraints and instructions. Ensure the response is **structured, clear, and observation requirements table follows this format**. **All included parameters must be scientifically consistent with each other.** """ def encode_text(text): inputs = bi_tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt', padding=True, truncation=True, max_length=128) outputs = bi_model(**inputs) return outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1).detach().numpy().flatten() def get_chunks(text, chunk_size=300): """ Split a long piece of text into smaller chunks of approximately 'chunk_size' characters. """ if not text.strip(): raise ValueError("The provided context is empty or blank.") # Split the text into chunks of approximately 'chunk_size' characters chunks = [text[i:i+chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(text), chunk_size)] return chunks def retrieve_relevant_context(user_input, context_texts, chunk_size=300, similarity_threshold=0.3): """ Split the context text into smaller chunks, find the most relevant chunk using cosine similarity, and return the most relevant chunk. If no chunk meets the similarity threshold, return a fallback message. """ # Check if the context is empty or just whitespace if not context_texts.strip(): return "Error: Context is empty or improperly formatted.", None # Split the long context text into chunks using the chunking function context_chunks = get_chunks(context_texts, chunk_size) # Handle single context case if len(context_chunks) == 1: return context_chunks[0], 1.0 # Return the single chunk with perfect similarity # Encode the user input to create a query embedding user_embedding = encode_text(user_input).reshape(1, -1) # Encode all context chunks to create embeddings chunk_embeddings = np.array([encode_text(chunk) for chunk in context_chunks]) # Compute cosine similarity between the user input and each chunk similarities = cosine_similarity(user_embedding, chunk_embeddings).flatten() # Check if any similarity scores are above the threshold if max(similarities) < similarity_threshold: return "No relevant context found for the user input.", None # Identify the most relevant chunk based on the highest cosine similarity score most_relevant_idx = np.argmax(similarities) most_relevant_chunk = context_chunks[most_relevant_idx] # Return the most relevant chunk and the similarity score return most_relevant_chunk def extract_keywords_with_gpt(user_input, max_tokens=100, temperature=0.3): # Define a prompt to ask GPT-4 to extract keywords and important terms keyword_prompt = f"Extract the most important keywords, scientific concepts, and parameters from the following user query:\n\n{user_input}" # Call GPT-4 to extract keywords based on the user prompt response = model="gpt-4", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in identifying key scientific terms and concepts."}, {"role": "user", "content": keyword_prompt} ], max_tokens=max_tokens, temperature=temperature ) # Extract the content from GPT-4's reply extracted_keywords = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() return extracted_keywords def fetch_nasa_ads_references(prompt): try: # Use the entire prompt for the query simplified_query = prompt # Query NASA ADS for relevant papers papers = ADS.query_simple(simplified_query) if not papers or len(papers) == 0: return [("No results found", "N/A", "N/A")] # Include authors in the references references = [ ( paper['title'][0], ", ".join(paper['author'][:3]) + (" et al." if len(paper['author']) > 3 else ""), paper['bibcode'] ) for paper in papers[:5] # Limit to 5 references ] return references except Exception as e: return [("Error fetching references", str(e), "N/A")] def fetch_exoplanet_data(): # Connect to NASA Exoplanet Archive TAP Service tap_service = vo.dal.TAPService("") # Query to fetch all columns from the pscomppars table ex_query = """ SELECT TOP 10 pl_name, hostname, sy_snum, sy_pnum, discoverymethod, disc_year, disc_facility, pl_controv_flag, pl_orbper, pl_orbsmax, pl_rade, pl_bmasse, pl_orbeccen, pl_eqt, st_spectype, st_teff, st_rad, st_mass, ra, dec, sy_vmag FROM pscomppars """ # Execute the query qresult = # Convert to a Pandas DataFrame ptable = qresult.to_table() exoplanet_data = ptable.to_pandas() return exoplanet_data def generate_response(user_input, science_objectives="", relevant_context="", references=[], max_tokens=150, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.9, frequency_penalty=0.5, presence_penalty=0.0): # Case 1: Both relevant context and science objectives are provided if relevant_context and science_objectives.strip(): combined_input = f"Scientific Context: {relevant_context}\nUser Input: {user_input}\nScience Objectives (User Provided): {science_objectives}\n\nPlease generate only the remaining sections as per the defined format." # Case 2: Only relevant context is provided elif relevant_context: combined_input = f"Scientific Context: {relevant_context}\nUser Input: {user_input}\n\nPlease generate a full structured response, including Science Objectives." # Case 3: Neither context nor science objectives are provided elif science_objectives.strip(): combined_input = f"User Input: {user_input}\nScience Objectives (User Provided): {science_objectives}\n\nPlease generate only the remaining sections as per the defined format." # Default: No relevant context or science objectives → Generate everything else: combined_input = f"User Input: {user_input}\n\nPlease generate a full structured response, including Science Objectives." response = model="gpt-4o", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_message}, {"role": "user", "content": combined_input} ], max_tokens=max_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, frequency_penalty=frequency_penalty, presence_penalty=presence_penalty ) # Append references to the response if references: response_content = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() references_text = "\n\nADS References:\n" + "\n".join( [f"- {title} by {authors} (Bibcode: {bibcode})" for title, authors, bibcode in references] ) return f"{response_content}\n{references_text}" return response.choices[0].message.content.strip() def generate_data_insights(user_input, exoplanet_data, max_tokens=500, temperature=0.3): """ Generate insights by passing the user's input along with the exoplanet data to GPT-4. """ # Convert the dataframe to a readable format for GPT (e.g., CSV-style text) data_as_text = exoplanet_data.to_csv(index=False) # CSV-style for better readability # Create a prompt with the user query and the data sample insights_prompt = ( f"Analyze the following user query and provide relevant insights based on the provided exoplanet data.\n\n" f"User Query: {user_input}\n\n" f"Exoplanet Data:\n{data_as_text}\n\n" f"Please provide insights that are relevant to the user's query." ) # Call GPT-4 to generate insights based on the data and user input response = model="gpt-4", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an expert in analyzing astronomical data and generating insights."}, {"role": "user", "content": insights_prompt} ], max_tokens=max_tokens, temperature=temperature ) # Extract and return GPT-4's insights data_insights = response.choices[0].message.content.strip() return data_insights def export_to_word(response_content, subdomain_definition, science_goal): doc = Document() # Add a title (optional, you can remove this if not needed) doc.add_heading('AI Generated SCDD', 0) # Insert the Subdomain Definition at the top doc.add_heading('Subdomain Definition:', level=1) doc.add_paragraph(subdomain_definition) # Insert the Science Goal at the top doc.add_heading('Science Goal:', level=1) doc.add_paragraph(science_goal) # Split the response into sections based on ### headings sections = response_content.split('### ') for section in sections: if section.strip(): # Handle the "Observations Requirements Table" separately with proper formatting if section.startswith('Observations Requirements Table'): doc.add_heading('Observations Requirements Table', level=1) # Extract table lines table_lines = section.split('\n')[2:] # Start after the heading line # Check if it's an actual table (split lines by '|' symbol) table_data = [line.split('|')[1:-1] for line in table_lines if '|' in line] if table_data: # Add table to the document table = doc.add_table(rows=len(table_data), cols=len(table_data[0])) = 'Table Grid' for i, row in enumerate(table_data): for j, cell_text in enumerate(row): cell = table.cell(i, j) cell.text = cell_text.strip() # Apply text wrapping for each cell cell._element.get_or_add_tcPr().append(parse_xml(r'')) # Process any paragraphs that follow the table paragraph_after_table = '\n'.join([line for line in table_lines if '|' not in line and line.strip()]) if paragraph_after_table: doc.add_paragraph(paragraph_after_table.strip()) # Handle the "ADS References" section elif section.startswith('ADS References'): doc.add_heading('ADS References', level=1) references = section.split('\n')[1:] # Skip the heading for reference in references: if reference.strip(): doc.add_paragraph(reference.strip()) # Add all other sections as plain paragraphs else: doc.add_paragraph(section.strip()) # Save the document to a temporary file temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".docx") return def extract_table_from_response(gpt_response): # Split the response into lines lines = gpt_response.strip().split("\n") # Find where the table starts and ends (based on the presence of pipes `|` and at least 3 columns) table_lines = [line for line in lines if '|' in line and len(line.split('|')) > 3] # If no table is found, return None or an empty string if not table_lines: return None # Find the first and last index of the table lines first_table_index = lines.index(table_lines[0]) last_table_index = lines.index(table_lines[-1]) # Extract only the table part table_text = lines[first_table_index:last_table_index + 1] return table_text def gpt_response_to_dataframe(gpt_response): # Extract the table text from the GPT response table_lines = extract_table_from_response(gpt_response) # If no table found, return an empty DataFrame if table_lines is None or len(table_lines) == 0: return pd.DataFrame() # Find the header and row separator (assume it's a line with dashes like |---|) try: # The separator line (contains dashes separating headers and rows) sep_line_index = next(i for i, line in enumerate(table_lines) if set(line.strip()) == {'|', '-'}) except StopIteration: # If no separator line is found, return an empty DataFrame return pd.DataFrame() # Extract headers (the line before the separator) and rows (lines after the separator) headers = [h.strip() for h in table_lines[sep_line_index - 1].split('|')[1:-1]] # Extract rows (each line after the separator) rows = [ [cell.strip() for cell in row.split('|')[1:-1]] for row in table_lines[sep_line_index + 1:] ] # Create DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=headers) return df def chatbot(user_input, science_objectives="", context="", subdomain="", use_encoder=False, max_tokens=150, temperature=0.7, top_p=0.9, frequency_penalty=0.5, presence_penalty=0.0): if use_encoder and context: context_texts = context relevant_context = retrieve_relevant_context(user_input, context_texts) else: relevant_context = "" # Fetch NASA ADS references using the full prompt references = fetch_nasa_ads_references(subdomain) # Generate response from GPT-4 response = generate_response( user_input=user_input, science_objectives=science_objectives, # Pass Science Objectives relevant_context=relevant_context, # Pass retrieved context (if any) references=references, max_tokens=max_tokens, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, frequency_penalty=frequency_penalty, presence_penalty=presence_penalty ) if science_objectives.strip(): response = f"### Science Objectives (User-Defined):\n\n{science_objectives}\n\n" + response # Export the response to a Word document word_doc_path = export_to_word(response, subdomain, user_input) # Fetch exoplanet data exoplanet_data = fetch_exoplanet_data() # Generate insights based on the user query and exoplanet data data_insights = generate_data_insights(user_input, exoplanet_data) # Extract and convert the table from the GPT-4 response into a DataFrame extracted_table_df = gpt_response_to_dataframe(response) # Combine the response and the data insights full_response = f"{response}\n\nEnd of Response" # Embed Miro iframe iframe_html = """ """ mapify_button_html = """ """ return full_response, extracted_table_df, word_doc_path, iframe_html, mapify_button_html with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("# ExosAI - NASA SMD SCDD AI Assistant [version-0.91a]") # User Inputs user_input = gr.Textbox(lines=5, placeholder="Enter your Science Goal...", label="Science Goal") context = gr.Textbox(lines=10, placeholder="Enter Context Text...", label="Context") subdomain = gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Define your Subdomain...", label="Subdomain Definition") # Science Objectives Button & Input (Initially Hidden) science_objectives_button = gr.Button("Manually Enter Science Objectives") science_objectives_input = gr.Textbox( lines=5, placeholder="Enter Science Objectives...", label="Science Objectives", visible=False # Initially hidden ) # Define event inside Blocks (Fix for the Error) fn=lambda: gr.update(visible=True), # Show textbox when clicked inputs=[], outputs=[science_objectives_input] ) # More Inputs use_encoder = gr.Checkbox(label="Use NASA SMD Bi-Encoder for Context") max_tokens = gr.Slider(50, 2000, value=150, step=10, label="Max Tokens") temperature = gr.Slider(0.0, 1.0, value=0.7, step=0.1, label="Temperature") top_p = gr.Slider(0.0, 1.0, value=0.9, step=0.1, label="Top-p") frequency_penalty = gr.Slider(0.0, 1.0, value=0.5, step=0.1, label="Frequency Penalty") presence_penalty = gr.Slider(0.0, 1.0, value=0.0, step=0.1, label="Presence Penalty") # Outputs full_response = gr.Textbox(label="ExosAI finds...") extracted_table_df = gr.Dataframe(label="SC Requirements Table") word_doc_path = gr.File(label="Download SCDD", type="filepath") iframe_html = gr.HTML(label="Miro") mapify_button_html = gr.HTML(label="Generate Mind Map on Mapify") # Buttons: Generate + Reset with gr.Row(): submit_button = gr.Button("Generate SCDD") clear_button = gr.Button("Reset") # Define interaction: When "Generate SCDD" is clicked fn=chatbot, inputs=[ user_input, science_objectives_input, context, subdomain, use_encoder, max_tokens, temperature, top_p, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty ], outputs=[full_response, extracted_table_df, word_doc_path, iframe_html, mapify_button_html] ) # Define Clear Function (Ensuring the correct number of outputs) def clear_all(): return ( "", # user_input "", # science_objectives_input "", # context "", # subdomain False, # use_encoder 150, # max_tokens 0.7, # temperature 0.9, # top_p 0.5, # frequency_penalty 0.0, # presence_penalty "", # full_response (textbox output) None, # extracted_table_df (DataFrame output) None, # word_doc_path (File output) None, # iframe_html (HTML output) None # mapify_button_html (HTML output) ) # Bind Clear Button (Ensuring the correct number of outputs) fn=clear_all, inputs=[], outputs=[ user_input, science_objectives_input, context, subdomain, use_encoder, max_tokens, temperature, top_p, frequency_penalty, presence_penalty, full_response, extracted_table_df, word_doc_path, iframe_html, mapify_button_html ] ) # Launch the app demo.launch(share=True)