import os import sys import asyncio from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Set from urllib.parse import urlparse from import DuckDuckGoSearchResults, TavilySearchResults from langchain_community.utilities.duckduckgo_search import DuckDuckGoSearchAPIWrapper from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler, CacheMode from crawl4ai.content_filter_strategy import PruningContentFilter, BM25ContentFilter from crawl4ai.markdown_generation_strategy import DefaultMarkdownGenerator from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() class DeepWebCrawler: def __init__(self, max_search_results: int = 5, max_external_links: int = 3, word_count_threshold: int = 50, content_filter_type: str = 'pruning', filter_threshold: float = 0.48): """ Initialize the Deep Web Crawler with support for one-level deep crawling Args: max_search_results (int): Maximum number of search results to process max_external_links (int): Maximum number of external links to crawl per page word_count_threshold (int): Minimum word count for crawled content content_filter_type (str): Type of content filter ('pruning' or 'bm25') filter_threshold (float): Threshold for content filtering """ self.max_search_results = max_search_results self.max_external_links = max_external_links self.word_count_threshold = word_count_threshold self.content_filter_type = content_filter_type self.filter_threshold = filter_threshold self.crawled_urls: Set[str] = set() def _create_web_search_tool(self): return TavilySearchResults(max_results=self.max_search_results) def _create_content_filter(self, user_query: Optional[str] = None): if self.content_filter_type == 'bm25' and user_query: return BM25ContentFilter( user_query=user_query, bm25_threshold=self.filter_threshold ) return PruningContentFilter( threshold=self.filter_threshold, threshold_type="fixed", min_word_threshold=self.word_count_threshold ) def _extract_links_from_search_results(self, results: List[Dict]) -> List[str]: """Safely extract URLs from search results""" urls = [] for result in results: if isinstance(result, dict) and 'url' in result: urls.append(result['url']) elif isinstance(result, str): urls.append(result) return urls def _extract_url_from_link(self, link): """Extract URL string from link object which might be a dict or string""" if isinstance(link, dict): return link.get('url', '') # Assuming the URL is stored in a 'url' key elif isinstance(link, str): return link return '' def _process_crawl_result(self, result) -> Dict: """Process individual crawl result into structured format""" return { "url": result.url, "success": result.success, "title": result.metadata.get('title', 'N/A'), "content": result.markdown_v2.raw_markdown if result.success else result.error_message, "word_count": len(result.markdown_v2.raw_markdown.split()) if result.success else 0, "links": { "internal": result.links.get('internal', []), "external": result.links.get('external', []) }, "images": len('images', [])) } async def crawl_urls(self, urls: List[str], user_query: Optional[str] = None, depth: int = 0): """ Crawl URLs with support for external link crawling Args: urls (List[str]): List of URLs to crawl user_query (Optional[str]): Query for content filtering depth (int): Current crawl depth (0 for initial, 1 for external links) Returns: List of crawl results including external link content """ if not urls or depth > 1: return [] # Filter out already crawled URLs new_urls = [url for url in urls if url not in self.crawled_urls] if not new_urls: return [] async with AsyncWebCrawler( browser_type="chromium", headless=True, verbose=True ) as crawler: content_filter = self._create_content_filter(user_query) results = await crawler.arun_many( urls=new_urls, word_count_threshold=self.word_count_threshold, cache_mode=CacheMode.BYPASS, markdown_generator=DefaultMarkdownGenerator(content_filter=content_filter), exclude_external_links=True, exclude_social_media_links=True, remove_overlay_elements=True, simulate_user=True, magic=True ) processed_results = [] external_urls = set() # Process results and collect external URLs for result in results: self.crawled_urls.add(result.url) processed_result = self._process_crawl_result(result) processed_results.append(processed_result) if depth == 0 and result.success: # Collect unique external URLs for further crawling external_links = result.links.get('external', [])[:self.max_external_links] external_urls.update( self._extract_url_from_link(link) for link in external_links if self._extract_url_from_link(link) and self._extract_url_from_link(link) not in self.crawled_urls ) # Crawl external links if at depth 0 if depth == 0 and external_urls and False: external_results = await self.crawl_urls( list(external_urls), user_query=user_query, depth=0 ) processed_results.extend(external_results) return processed_results async def search_and_crawl(self, query: str) -> List[Dict]: """ Perform web search and deep crawl of results Args: query (str): Search query Returns: List of crawled content results including external links """ search_tool = self._create_web_search_tool() search_results = search_tool.invoke(query) # Handle different types of search results if isinstance(search_results, str): urls = [search_results] elif isinstance(search_results, list): urls = self._extract_links_from_search_results(search_results) else: print(f"Unexpected search results format: {type(search_results)}") return [] if not urls: print("No valid URLs found in search results") return [] print(f"Initial search found {len(urls)} URLs for query: {query}") print(urls) crawl_results = await self.crawl_urls(urls, user_query=query) return crawl_results class ResourceCollectionAgent: def __init__(self, max_results_per_query: int = 10): """ Initialize the Resource Collection Agent Args: max_results_per_query (int): Maximum number of results per search query """ self.max_results_per_query = max_results_per_query self.search_tool = TavilySearchResults(max_results=max_results_per_query) def _is_valid_domain(self, url: str, valid_domains: List[str]) -> bool: """Check if URL belongs to allowed domains""" try: domain = urlparse(url).netloc.lower() return any(valid_domain in domain for valid_domain in valid_domains) except: return False def _extract_search_result(self, result) -> Optional[Dict]: """Safely extract information from a search result""" try: if isinstance(result, dict): return { "title": result.get("title", "No title"), "url": result.get("url", ""), "snippet": result.get("snippet", "No description") } elif isinstance(result, str): return { "title": "Unknown", "url": result, "snippet": "No description available" } return None except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing search result: {str(e)}") return None async def collect_resources(self) -> Dict[str, List[Dict]]: """ Collect AI/ML resources from specific platforms Returns: Dictionary with categorized resource links """ search_queries = { "datasets": [ ("kaggle", " machine learning"), ("huggingface", " artificial intelligence") ], "repositories": [ ("github", " AI tools repository") ] } results = { "kaggle_datasets": [], "huggingface_datasets": [], "github_repositories": [] } for category, queries in search_queries.items(): for platform, query in queries: try: search_results = self.search_tool.invoke(query) # Handle different result formats if isinstance(search_results, str): search_results = [search_results] elif not isinstance(search_results, list): print(f"Unexpected search results format for {platform}: {type(search_results)}") continue # Filter results based on domain valid_domains = { "kaggle": [""], "huggingface": [""], "github": [""] } for result in search_results: processed_result = self._extract_search_result(result) if processed_result and self._is_valid_domain( processed_result["url"], valid_domains[platform] ): if platform == "kaggle": results["kaggle_datasets"].append(processed_result) elif platform == "huggingface": results["huggingface_datasets"].append(processed_result) elif platform == "github": results["github_repositories"].append(processed_result) except Exception as e: print(f"Error collecting {platform} resources: {str(e)}") continue return results def main(): async def run_examples(): # Test DeepWebCrawler deep_crawler = DeepWebCrawler( max_search_results=3, max_external_links=2, word_count_threshold=50 ) crawl_results = await deep_crawler.search_and_crawl( "Adani Defence & Aerospace" ) print("\nDeep Crawler Results:") for result in crawl_results: print(f"URL: {result['url']}") print(f"Title: {result['title']}") print(f"Word Count: {result['word_count']}") print(f"External Links: {len(result['links']['external'])}\n") # Test ResourceCollectionAgent resource_agent = ResourceCollectionAgent(max_results_per_query=5) resources = await resource_agent.collect_resources() print("\nResource Collection Results:") for category, items in resources.items(): print(f"\n{category.upper()}:") for item in items: print(f"Title: {item['title']}") print(f"URL: {item['url']}") print("---") if __name__ == "__main__": main()