giskardVersion=2.0.0b10 profile=dev # Dependency versions jhipsterDependenciesVersion=7.8.1 # The spring-boot version should match the one managed by # springBootVersion=2.6.6 # The hibernate version should match the one managed by # --> hibernateVersion=5.6.7 mapstructVersion=1.5.3.Final archunitJunit5Version=0.22.0 liquibaseHibernate5Version=4.6.1 liquibaseTaskPrefix=liquibase jaxbRuntimeVersion=2.3.3 # gradle plugin version jibPluginVersion=3.1.4 gitPropertiesPluginVersion=2.3.2 liquibasePluginVersion=2.1.1 sonarqubePluginVersion= noHttpCheckstyleVersion=0.0.10 checkstyleVersion=9.2 modernizerPluginVersion=1.6.1 grpcVersion = 1.52.1 protobufVersion = 3.19.2 protocVersion = 3.19.2 ## When configured, Gradle will run in incubating parallel mode. ## This option should only be used with decoupled projects. More details, visit ## ## uncomment the below line to enable parallel mode #org.gradle.parallel=true ## Install and use a local version of node and npm. nodeInstall org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2000m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 org.gradle.caching=true