#script_execution_control # This checks whether the current script is being run as the main program or if it is being imported as a module into another script. # When a Python script is executed, Python sets the special variable __name__ to "__main__" for that script. # If the script is imported as a module into another script, __name__ is set to the name of the module (e.g., the filename without the .py extension). # Prevents Unintended Execution: # If you import this script as a module in another script, the code inside the if __name__ == "__main__": block will not run. This prevents unintended execution of the main() function when the script is imported. if __name__ == "__main__": main() # HUGGING FACE LOGIN login(token=hf_token) # MODAL SECRETS #Here's how you can pass huggingface-token to your Modal function: import os import modal app = modal.App() @app.function(secrets=[modal.Secret.from_name("huggingface-token")]) def f(): print(os.environ["HF_TOKEN"]) #CONVERT PIL IMGS # Convert PIL image to NumPy array numpy_array = np.array(image) print(numpy_array.shape) # Should print (352, 640, 3) for height, width, channels # Convert PIL image to NumPy array numpy_array = np.array(pil_image) # Convert RGB to BGR for OpenCV opencv_image = cv2.cvtColor(numpy_array, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # Now you can use it with OpenCV functions cv2.imshow("OpenCV Image", opencv_image) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()