Build error
Build error
File size: 3,556 Bytes
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<script lang="ts">
import { onMount, getContext, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
const i18n = getContext('i18n');
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition';
import { flyAndScale } from '$lib/utils/transitions';
export let title = '';
export let message = '';
export let cancelLabel = $i18n.t('Cancel');
export let confirmLabel = $i18n.t('Confirm');
export let onConfirm = () => {};
export let input = false;
export let inputPlaceholder = '';
export let inputValue = '';
export let show = false;
let modalElement = null;
let mounted = false;
const handleKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
show = false;
if (event.key === 'Enter') {
const confirmHandler = async () => {
show = false;
await onConfirm();
dispatch('confirm', inputValue);
onMount(() => {
mounted = true;
$: if (mounted) {
if (show) {
window.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); = 'hidden';
} else {
window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown); = 'unset';
{#if show}
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-click-events-have-key-events -->
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-no-static-element-interactions -->
class=" fixed top-0 right-0 left-0 bottom-0 bg-black/60 w-full h-screen max-h-[100dvh] flex justify-center z-[99999] overflow-hidden overscroll-contain"
in:fade={{ duration: 10 }}
on:mousedown={() => {
show = false;
class=" m-auto rounded-2xl max-w-full w-[32rem] mx-2 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-950 max-h-[100dvh] shadow-3xl"
on:mousedown={(e) => {
<div class="px-[1.75rem] py-6 flex flex-col">
<div class=" text-lg font-semibold dark:text-gray-200 mb-2.5">
{#if title !== ''}
{$i18n.t('Confirm your action')}
<div class=" text-sm text-gray-500 flex-1">
{#if message !== ''}
{$i18n.t('This action cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?')}
{#if input}
placeholder={inputPlaceholder ? inputPlaceholder : $i18n.t('Enter your message')}
class="w-full mt-2 rounded-lg px-4 py-2 text-sm dark:text-gray-300 dark:bg-gray-900 outline-none resize-none"
<div class="mt-6 flex justify-between gap-1.5">
class="bg-gray-100 hover:bg-gray-200 text-gray-800 dark:bg-gray-850 dark:hover:bg-gray-800 dark:text-white font-medium w-full py-2.5 rounded-lg transition"
on:click={() => {
show = false;
class="bg-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-850 text-gray-100 dark:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-white dark:text-gray-800 font-medium w-full py-2.5 rounded-lg transition"
on:click={() => {
.modal-content {
animation: scaleUp 0.1s ease-out forwards;
@keyframes scaleUp {
from {
transform: scale(0.985);
opacity: 0;
to {
transform: scale(1);
opacity: 1;