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<h1 align="center" id="space-title">Adam Mickiewicz University's Center for Artificial Intelligence</h1>
<h2 align="center" id="space-subtitle">Polish Medical Exams</h2>
### Polish Medical Exams Leaderboard
The leaderboard showcases the performance and progress of language models evaluated on Polish medical exams, including the National Specialization Examination (PES), Medical Final Examination (LEK), and Dental Final Examination (LDEK). These evaluations assess the models' ability to understand and apply medical knowledge across diverse disciplines, leveraging publicly available exams.
PES_DESC = """### PES (Państwowy Egzamin Specjalizacyjny, National Specialization Examination, Board Certification Exam)
PES is a board certification exam mandatory for physicians and dentists to obtain a specialist title in their chosen medical field in Poland. This exam is available after completing the necessary internships and specialization courses. The PES consists of two parts:
- **A written test** containing 120 multiple-choice questions with five possible answers (one correct). Candidates must score at least 60% to pass.
- **An oral examination** that evaluates practical and theoretical expertise.
The PES is held twice yearly for various medical specialties. Unlike other exams, PES questions are not public before the exam.
LDEK_DESC = """### LDEK (Lekarsko-Dentystyczny Egzamin Końcowy, Dental Final Examination)
LDEK is the equivalent test for final-year dentistry students and graduates. It is a mandatory step toward obtaining a dental license in Poland. Key details include:
- **Exam structure:** 200 multiple-choice questions with five possible answers (only one correct).
- **Duration:** Four hours.
- **Frequency:** Held twice a year.
- **Subjects covered:** Includes conservative dentistry, pediatric dentistry, oral surgery, prosthetics, periodontology, orthodontics, and other relevant fields.
Similar to LEK, candidates must score at least 56% to pass. From 2022, 70% of the exam questions are drawn from a public database of 3,198 questions, enhancing exam outcomes for many candidates. Retakes are allowed for better scores.
LEK_DESC = """### LEK (Lekarski Egzamin Końcowy, Medical Final Examination)
LEK is a comprehensive test for final-year medical students and graduates in Poland. It is a prerequisite for obtaining a medical license. Key features include:
- **Exam structure:** 200 multiple-choice questions with five possible answers (only one is correct).
- **Duration:** Four hours.
- **Frequency:** Conducted twice a year.
- **Subjects** covered: A wide range of medical disciplines, such as internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, psychiatry, and more.
A minimum of 56% correct answers is required to pass. Since 2022, 70% of the questions come from a publicly available database of 2,870 questions, resulting in higher average scores and pass rates. Candidates can retake the exam multiple times to improve their scores.
LDEK_DESC_EN = """### LDEK - English Version
LEK_DESC_EN = """### LEK - English Version
CITATION_LABEL = "Copy the following snippet to cite these results"
CITATION_CONTENT = """@misc{grzybowski2024polishmedicalexamsnew,
title={Polish Medical Exams: A new dataset for cross-lingual medical knowledge transfer assessment},
author={Łukasz Grzybowski and Jakub Pokrywka and Michał Ciesiółka and Jeremi I. Kaczmarek and Marek Kubis},