Alejandro Velez
Revert "restored whl files, deleted datasets and commented out example section"
# small script to extract the ligand and save it in a separate file because GNINA will use the ligand position as initial pose | |
import os | |
import as px | |
import time | |
from argparse import FileType, ArgumentParser | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import wandb | |
from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb | |
from rdkit import Chem | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from datasets.pdbbind import read_mol | |
from datasets.process_mols import read_molecule | |
from utils.utils import read_strings_from_txt, get_symmetry_rmsd | |
parser = ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument('--config', type=FileType(mode='r'), default=None) | |
parser.add_argument('--run_name', type=str, default='gnina_results', help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='data/PDBBind_processed', help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--results_path', type=str, default='results/user_inference', help='Path to folder with trained model and hyperparameters') | |
parser.add_argument('--file_suffix', type=str, default='_baseline_ligand.pdb', help='Path to folder with trained model and hyperparameters') | |
parser.add_argument('--project', type=str, default='ligbind_inf', help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--wandb', action='store_true', default=False, help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--file_to_exclude', type=str, default=None, help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--all_dirs_in_results', action='store_true', default=True, help='Evaluate all directories in the results path instead of using directly looking for the names') | |
parser.add_argument('--num_predictions', type=int, default=10, help='') | |
parser.add_argument('--no_id_in_filename', action='store_true', default=False, help='') | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
print('Reading paths and names.') | |
names = read_strings_from_txt(f'data/splits/timesplit_test') | |
names_no_rec_overlap = read_strings_from_txt(f'data/splits/timesplit_test_no_rec_overlap') | |
results_path_containments = os.listdir(args.results_path) | |
if args.wandb: | |
wandb.init( | |
entity='coarse-graining-mit', | |
settings=wandb.Settings(start_method="fork"), | |
project=args.project, | |
name=args.run_name, | |
config=args | |
) | |
all_times = [] | |
successful_names_list = [] | |
rmsds_list = [] | |
centroid_distances_list = [] | |
min_cross_distances_list = [] | |
min_self_distances_list = [] | |
without_rec_overlap_list = [] | |
start_time = time.time() | |
for i, name in enumerate(tqdm(names)): | |
mol = read_mol(args.data_dir, name, remove_hs=True) | |
mol = Chem.RemoveAllHs(mol) | |
orig_ligand_pos = np.array(mol.GetConformer().GetPositions()) | |
if args.all_dirs_in_results: | |
directory_with_name = [directory for directory in results_path_containments if name in directory][0] | |
ligand_pos = [] | |
for i in range(args.num_predictions): | |
file_paths = os.listdir(os.path.join(args.results_path, directory_with_name)) | |
file_path = [path for path in file_paths if f'rank{i+1}' in path][0] | |
if args.file_to_exclude is not None and args.file_to_exclude in file_path: continue | |
mol_pred = read_molecule(os.path.join(args.results_path, directory_with_name, file_path),remove_hs=True, sanitize=True) | |
mol_pred = Chem.RemoveAllHs(mol_pred) | |
ligand_pos.append(mol_pred.GetConformer().GetPositions()) | |
ligand_pos = np.asarray(ligand_pos) | |
else: | |
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(args.results_path, name, f'{"" if args.no_id_in_filename else name}{args.file_suffix}')): raise Exception('path did not exists:', os.path.join(args.results_path, name, f'{"" if args.no_id_in_filename else name}{args.file_suffix}')) | |
mol_pred = read_molecule(os.path.join(args.results_path, name, f'{"" if args.no_id_in_filename else name}{args.file_suffix}'), remove_hs=True, sanitize=True) | |
if mol_pred == None: | |
print("Skipping ", name, ' because RDKIT could not read it.') | |
continue | |
mol_pred = Chem.RemoveAllHs(mol_pred) | |
ligand_pos = np.asarray([np.array(mol_pred.GetConformer(i).GetPositions()) for i in range(args.num_predictions)]) | |
try: | |
rmsd = get_symmetry_rmsd(mol, orig_ligand_pos, [l for l in ligand_pos], mol_pred) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print("Using non corrected RMSD because of the error:", e) | |
rmsd = np.sqrt(((ligand_pos - orig_ligand_pos) ** 2).sum(axis=2).mean(axis=1)) | |
rmsds_list.append(rmsd) | |
centroid_distances_list.append(np.linalg.norm(ligand_pos.mean(axis=1) - orig_ligand_pos[None,:].mean(axis=1), axis=1)) | |
rec_path = os.path.join(args.data_dir, name, f'{name}_protein_processed.pdb') | |
if not os.path.exists(rec_path): | |
rec_path = os.path.join(args.data_dir, name,f'{name}_protein_obabel_reduce.pdb') | |
rec = PandasPdb().read_pdb(rec_path) | |
rec_df = rec.df['ATOM'] | |
receptor_pos = rec_df[['x_coord', 'y_coord', 'z_coord']].to_numpy().squeeze().astype(np.float32) | |
receptor_pos = np.tile(receptor_pos, (args.num_predictions, 1, 1)) | |
cross_distances = np.linalg.norm(receptor_pos[:, :, None, :] - ligand_pos[:, None, :, :], axis=-1) | |
self_distances = np.linalg.norm(ligand_pos[:, :, None, :] - ligand_pos[:, None, :, :], axis=-1) | |
self_distances = np.where(np.eye(self_distances.shape[2]), np.inf, self_distances) | |
min_cross_distances_list.append(np.min(cross_distances, axis=(1,2))) | |
min_self_distances_list.append(np.min(self_distances, axis=(1, 2))) | |
successful_names_list.append(name) | |
without_rec_overlap_list.append(1 if name in names_no_rec_overlap else 0) | |
performance_metrics = {} | |
for overlap in ['', 'no_overlap_']: | |
if 'no_overlap_' == overlap: | |
without_rec_overlap = np.array(without_rec_overlap_list, dtype=bool) | |
rmsds = np.array(rmsds_list)[without_rec_overlap] | |
centroid_distances = np.array(centroid_distances_list)[without_rec_overlap] | |
min_cross_distances = np.array(min_cross_distances_list)[without_rec_overlap] | |
min_self_distances = np.array(min_self_distances_list)[without_rec_overlap] | |
successful_names = np.array(successful_names_list)[without_rec_overlap] | |
else: | |
rmsds = np.array(rmsds_list) | |
centroid_distances = np.array(centroid_distances_list) | |
min_cross_distances = np.array(min_cross_distances_list) | |
min_self_distances = np.array(min_self_distances_list) | |
successful_names = np.array(successful_names_list) | |, f'{overlap}rmsds.npy'), rmsds) | |, f'{overlap}names.npy'), successful_names) | |, f'{overlap}min_cross_distances.npy'), np.array(min_cross_distances)) | |, f'{overlap}min_self_distances.npy'), np.array(min_self_distances)) | |
performance_metrics.update({ | |
f'{overlap}steric_clash_fraction': (100 * (min_cross_distances < 0.4).sum() / len(min_cross_distances) / args.num_predictions).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}self_intersect_fraction': (100 * (min_self_distances < 0.4).sum() / len(min_self_distances) / args.num_predictions).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}mean_rmsd': rmsds[:,0].mean(), | |
f'{overlap}rmsds_below_2': (100 * (rmsds[:,0] < 2).sum() / len(rmsds[:,0])), | |
f'{overlap}rmsds_below_5': (100 * (rmsds[:,0] < 5).sum() / len(rmsds[:,0])), | |
f'{overlap}rmsds_percentile_25': np.percentile(rmsds[:,0], 25).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}rmsds_percentile_50': np.percentile(rmsds[:,0], 50).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}rmsds_percentile_75': np.percentile(rmsds[:,0], 75).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}mean_centroid': centroid_distances[:,0].mean().__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}centroid_below_2': (100 * (centroid_distances[:,0] < 2).sum() / len(centroid_distances[:,0])).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}centroid_below_5': (100 * (centroid_distances[:,0] < 5).sum() / len(centroid_distances[:,0])).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}centroid_percentile_25': np.percentile(centroid_distances[:,0], 25).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}centroid_percentile_50': np.percentile(centroid_distances[:,0], 50).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}centroid_percentile_75': np.percentile(centroid_distances[:,0], 75).round(2), | |
}) | |
top5_rmsds = np.min(rmsds[:, :5], axis=1) | |
top5_centroid_distances = centroid_distances[np.arange(rmsds.shape[0])[:,None],np.argsort(rmsds[:, :5], axis=1)][:,0] | |
top5_min_cross_distances = min_cross_distances[np.arange(rmsds.shape[0])[:,None],np.argsort(rmsds[:, :5], axis=1)][:,0] | |
top5_min_self_distances = min_self_distances[np.arange(rmsds.shape[0])[:,None],np.argsort(rmsds[:, :5], axis=1)][:,0] | |
performance_metrics.update({ | |
f'{overlap}top5_steric_clash_fraction': (100 * (top5_min_cross_distances < 0.4).sum() / len(top5_min_cross_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_self_intersect_fraction': (100 * (top5_min_self_distances < 0.4).sum() / len(top5_min_self_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_rmsds_below_2': (100 * (top5_rmsds < 2).sum() / len(top5_rmsds)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_rmsds_below_5': (100 * (top5_rmsds < 5).sum() / len(top5_rmsds)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_rmsds_percentile_25': np.percentile(top5_rmsds, 25).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_rmsds_percentile_50': np.percentile(top5_rmsds, 50).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_rmsds_percentile_75': np.percentile(top5_rmsds, 75).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_centroid_below_2': (100 * (top5_centroid_distances < 2).sum() / len(top5_centroid_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_centroid_below_5': (100 * (top5_centroid_distances < 5).sum() / len(top5_centroid_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_centroid_percentile_25': np.percentile(top5_centroid_distances, 25).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_centroid_percentile_50': np.percentile(top5_centroid_distances, 50).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top5_centroid_percentile_75': np.percentile(top5_centroid_distances, 75).round(2), | |
}) | |
top10_rmsds = np.min(rmsds[:, :10], axis=1) | |
top10_centroid_distances = centroid_distances[np.arange(rmsds.shape[0])[:,None],np.argsort(rmsds[:, :10], axis=1)][:,0] | |
top10_min_cross_distances = min_cross_distances[np.arange(rmsds.shape[0])[:,None],np.argsort(rmsds[:, :10], axis=1)][:,0] | |
top10_min_self_distances = min_self_distances[np.arange(rmsds.shape[0])[:,None],np.argsort(rmsds[:, :10], axis=1)][:,0] | |
performance_metrics.update({ | |
f'{overlap}top10_self_intersect_fraction': (100 * (top10_min_self_distances < 0.4).sum() / len(top10_min_self_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_steric_clash_fraction': ( 100 * (top10_min_cross_distances < 0.4).sum() / len(top10_min_cross_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_rmsds_below_2': (100 * (top10_rmsds < 2).sum() / len(top10_rmsds)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_rmsds_below_5': (100 * (top10_rmsds < 5).sum() / len(top10_rmsds)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_rmsds_percentile_25': np.percentile(top10_rmsds, 25).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_rmsds_percentile_50': np.percentile(top10_rmsds, 50).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_rmsds_percentile_75': np.percentile(top10_rmsds, 75).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_centroid_below_2': (100 * (top10_centroid_distances < 2).sum() / len(top10_centroid_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_centroid_below_5': (100 * (top10_centroid_distances < 5).sum() / len(top10_centroid_distances)).__round__(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_centroid_percentile_25': np.percentile(top10_centroid_distances, 25).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_centroid_percentile_50': np.percentile(top10_centroid_distances, 50).round(2), | |
f'{overlap}top10_centroid_percentile_75': np.percentile(top10_centroid_distances, 75).round(2), | |
}) | |
for k in performance_metrics: | |
print(k, performance_metrics[k]) | |
if args.wandb: | |
wandb.log(performance_metrics) | |
histogram_metrics_list = [('rmsd', rmsds[:,0]), | |
('centroid_distance', centroid_distances[:,0]), | |
('mean_rmsd', rmsds[:,0]), | |
('mean_centroid_distance', centroid_distances[:,0])] | |
histogram_metrics_list.append(('top5_rmsds', top5_rmsds)) | |
histogram_metrics_list.append(('top5_centroid_distances', top5_centroid_distances)) | |
histogram_metrics_list.append(('top10_rmsds', top10_rmsds)) | |
histogram_metrics_list.append(('top10_centroid_distances', top10_centroid_distances)) | |
os.makedirs(f'.plotly_cache/baseline_cache', exist_ok=True) | |
images = [] | |
for metric_name, metric in histogram_metrics_list: | |
d = {args.results_path: metric} | |
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d) | |
fig = px.ecdf(df, width=900, height=600, range_x=[0, 40]) | |
fig.add_vline(x=2, annotation_text='2 A;', annotation_font_size=20, annotation_position="top right", | |
line_dash='dash', line_color='firebrick', annotation_font_color='firebrick') | |
fig.add_vline(x=5, annotation_text='5 A;', annotation_font_size=20, annotation_position="top right", | |
line_dash='dash', line_color='green', annotation_font_color='green') | |
fig.update_xaxes(title=f'{metric_name} in Angstrom', title_font={"size": 20}, tickfont={"size": 20}) | |
fig.update_yaxes(title=f'Fraction of predictions with lower error', title_font={"size": 20}, | |
tickfont={"size": 20}) | |
fig.update_layout(autosize=False, margin={'l': 0, 'r': 0, 't': 0, 'b': 0}, plot_bgcolor='white', | |
paper_bgcolor='white', legend_title_text='Method', legend_title_font_size=17, | |
legend=dict(yanchor="bottom", y=0.1, xanchor="right", x=0.99, font=dict(size=17), ), ) | |
fig.update_xaxes(showgrid=True, gridcolor='lightgrey') | |
fig.update_yaxes(showgrid=True, gridcolor='lightgrey') | |
fig.write_image(os.path.join(f'.plotly_cache/baseline_cache', f'{metric_name}.png')) | |
wandb.log({metric_name: wandb.Image(os.path.join(f'.plotly_cache/baseline_cache', f'{metric_name}.png'), caption=f"{metric_name}")}) | |
images.append(wandb.Image(os.path.join(f'.plotly_cache/baseline_cache', f'{metric_name}.png'), caption=f"{metric_name}")) | |
wandb.log({'images': images}) |