FROM # Include global arg in this stage of the build ARG WORKDIR_ROOT="/var/task" ENV VIRTUAL_ENV=${WORKDIR_ROOT}/.venv PATH="${WORKDIR_ROOT}/.venv/bin:$PATH" ENV WRITE_TMP_ON_DISK="" ENV MOUNT_GRADIO_APP="" ENV VITE__STATIC_INDEX_URL="/static" ENV VITE__INDEX_URL="/" # Set working directory to function root directory WORKDIR ${WORKDIR_ROOT} COPY --chown=python:python ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/ COPY --chown=python:python pyproject.toml poetry.lock ${WORKDIR_ROOT} # RUN . ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/.venv && which python && echo "# install samgis #" && pip install . RUN if [ "${WRITE_TMP_ON_DISK}" != "" ]; then mkdir {WRITE_TMP_ON_DISK}; fi RUN if [ "${WRITE_TMP_ON_DISK}" != "" ]; then ls -l {WRITE_TMP_ON_DISK}; fi RUN ls -l /usr/bin/which RUN /usr/bin/which python RUN python --version RUN pip list RUN echo "PATH: ${PATH}." RUN echo "WORKDIR_ROOT: ${WORKDIR_ROOT}." RUN ls -l ${WORKDIR_ROOT} RUN ls -ld ${WORKDIR_ROOT} RUN ls -l ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/machine_learning_models RUN python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)" RUN python -c "import fastapi" RUN python -c "import geopandas" RUN python -c "import onnxruntime" RUN python -c "import rasterio" RUN python -c "import uvicorn" RUN python -c "import jinja2" RUN df -h RUN ls -l ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/ RUN ls -l ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/static/ RUN ls -l ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/static/dist RUN ls -l ${WORKDIR_ROOT}/static/node_modules USER 999 CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"] HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=30s --start-period=5s --retries=3 CMD curl -f http://localhost:7860/health