SCRIPT=$(realpath "$0") | |
SCRIPT_FOLDER=$(dirname "$SCRIPT") | |
mkdir -p tmp | |
rm ./tmp/requirements_tmp.txt || echo "./tmp/requirements_tmp.txt not found!" | |
echo "start requirements.txt preparation: pip freeze..." | |
pip freeze > ./tmp/freeze.txt | |
echo "grep python dependencies into freeze.txt..." | |
for x in $(cat ./requirements_no_versions.txt); do | |
echo "# $x #" | |
grep $x ./tmp/freeze.txt >> ./tmp/requirements_tmp.txt | |
echo "######" | |
done | |
echo "cat ${ROOT_FOLDER}/tmp/requirements_tmp.txt" | |
cat ${ROOT_FOLDER}/tmp/requirements_tmp.txt | |
echo -e "\n" | |
[[ "$(echo -n 'Promote "${ROOT_FOLDER}/tmp/requirements_tmp.txt" as new requirements.txt? [y/N]> ' >&2; read; echo $REPLY)" == [Yy]* ]] \ | |
&& echo "copy requirements_tmp.txt to root project..." \ | |
|| exit 0 | |
cp ${ROOT_FOLDER}/tmp/requirements_tmp.txt ${ROOT_FOLDER}/requirements.txt | |
echo "Fix any discrepancy within the new requirements.txt, bye!" | |
exit 0 | |