File size: 9,394 Bytes
87073e6 ab78607 87073e6 2ee2b25 87073e6 2ee2b25 87073e6 2ee2b25 87073e6 368fc0b 87073e6 368fc0b 87073e6 368fc0b 87073e6 ab78607 87073e6 ab78607 87073e6 ab78607 87073e6 ab78607 87073e6 ab78607 87073e6 |
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import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import structlog.stdlib
import uvicorn
from asgi_correlation_id import CorrelationIdMiddleware
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request
from fastapi.exceptions import RequestValidationError
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from pydantic import ValidationError
from samgis_core.utilities import create_folders_if_not_exists
from samgis_web.utilities import frontend_builder
from samgis_core.utilities.session_logger import setup_logging
from samgis_web.prediction_api.predictors import samexporter_predict
from samgis_web.utilities.type_hints import ApiRequestBody
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
project_root_folder = Path(globals().get("__file__", "./_")).absolute().parent
workdir = os.getenv("WORKDIR", project_root_folder)
model_folder = Path(project_root_folder / "machine_learning_models")
log_level = os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO")
app_logger = structlog.stdlib.get_logger()"PROJECT_ROOT_FOLDER:{project_root_folder}, WORKDIR:{workdir}.")
folders_map = os.getenv("FOLDERS_MAP", "{}")
markdown_text = os.getenv("MARKDOWN_TEXT", "")
examples_text_list = os.getenv("EXAMPLES_TEXT_LIST", "").split("\n")
example_body = json.loads(os.getenv("EXAMPLE_BODY", "{}"))
mount_gradio_app = bool(os.getenv("MOUNT_GRADIO_APP", ""))
static_dist_folder = Path(project_root_folder) / "static" / "dist"
input_css_path = os.getenv("INPUT_CSS_PATH", "src/input.css")
vite_gradio_url = os.getenv("VITE_GRADIO_URL", "/gradio")
vite_index_url = os.getenv("VITE_INDEX_URL", "/")
vite_samgis_url = os.getenv("VITE_SAMGIS_URL", "/samgis")
fastapi_title = "samgis"
app = FastAPI(title=fastapi_title, version="1.0")
async def request_middleware(request, call_next):
from samgis_web.web.middlewares import logging_middleware
return await logging_middleware(request, call_next)
async def health() -> JSONResponse:
from onnxruntime import __version__ as ort_version
from samgis_web.__version__ import __version__ as version_web
from samgis_core.__version__ import __version__ as version_core
from samgis_core.utilities.constants import MODEL_ENCODER_NAME, MODEL_DECODER_NAME
msg_model_folder_error = f"health_check: model_folder:'{model_folder}' is not a directory."
msg_model_file_error = f"health_check: model_file:'{model_folder}' not found."
assert model_folder.is_dir(), msg_model_folder_error
encoder_model_path = Path(model_folder) / MODEL_ENCODER_NAME
decoder_model_path = Path(model_folder) / MODEL_DECODER_NAME
assert encoder_model_path.is_file(), msg_model_file_error
assert decoder_model_path.is_file(), msg_model_file_error"still alive, version_onnxruntime:{ort_version}, version_web:{version_web}, version_core:{version_core}.")"still alive, encoder_model:{encoder_model_path}, decoder_model:{decoder_model_path}.")
return JSONResponse(status_code=200, content={"msg": "still alive..."})
except AssertionError as ae:
app_logger.error(f"health_check: AssertionError:{ae}.")
raise HTTPException(500, detail=msg_model_folder_error)
def infer_samgis_fn(request_input: ApiRequestBody | str) -> str | JSONResponse:
from samgis_web.web.web_helpers import get_parsed_bbox_points_with_dictlist_prompt"starting inference request...")
import time
time_start_run = time.time()
body_request = get_parsed_bbox_points_with_dictlist_prompt(request_input)"body_request:{body_request}.")
try:"source_name = {body_request['source_name']}.")
output = samexporter_predict(
bbox=body_request["bbox"], prompt=body_request["prompt"], zoom=body_request["zoom"],
source=body_request["source"], source_name=body_request['source_name'], model_folder=model_folder
duration_run = time.time() - time_start_run"duration_run:{duration_run}.")
body = {
"duration_run": duration_run,
"output": output
dumped = json.dumps(body)"json.dumps(body) type:{type(dumped)}, len:{len(dumped)}.")
app_logger.debug(f"complete json.dumps(body):{dumped}.")
return dumped
except Exception as inference_exception:
app_logger.error(f"inference_exception, request_input:{request_input}.")
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error")
except ValidationError as va1:
app_logger.error(f"validation error: {str(va1)}.")
app_logger.error(f"ValidationError, request_input:{request_input}.")
raise RequestValidationError("Unprocessable Entity")"/infer_samgis")
def infer_samgis(request_input: ApiRequestBody) -> JSONResponse:
dumped = infer_samgis_fn(request_input=request_input)"json.dumps(body) type:{type(dumped)}, len:{len(dumped)}.")
app_logger.debug(f"complete json.dumps(body):{dumped}.")
return JSONResponse(status_code=200, content={"body": dumped})
def request_validation_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: RequestValidationError) -> JSONResponse:
from samgis_web.web import exception_handlers
return exception_handlers.request_validation_exception_handler(request, exc)
def http_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: HTTPException) -> JSONResponse:
from samgis_web.web import exception_handlers
return exception_handlers.http_exception_handler(request, exc)
write_tmp_on_disk = os.getenv("WRITE_TMP_ON_DISK", "")"write_tmp_on_disk:{write_tmp_on_disk}.")
if bool(write_tmp_on_disk):
assert Path(write_tmp_on_disk).is_dir()
app.mount("/vis_output", StaticFiles(directory=write_tmp_on_disk), name="vis_output")
templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=str(project_root_folder / "static"))
@app.get("/vis_output", response_class=HTMLResponse)
def list_files(request: Request):
files = os.listdir(write_tmp_on_disk)
files_paths = sorted([f"{request.url._url}/{f}" for f in files])
return templates.TemplateResponse(
"list_files.html", {"request": request, "files": files_paths}
except (AssertionError, RuntimeError) as rerr:
app_logger.error(f"{rerr} while loading the folder write_tmp_on_disk:{write_tmp_on_disk}...")
raise rerr
)"build_frontend ok!")
# eventually needed for tailwindcss output.css
app.mount("/static", StaticFiles(directory=static_dist_folder, html=True), name="static")
app.mount(vite_index_url, StaticFiles(directory=static_dist_folder, html=True), name="index")
app.mount(vite_gradio_url, StaticFiles(directory=static_dist_folder, html=True), name="gradio")
async def index() -> FileResponse:
return FileResponse(path=static_dist_folder / "index.html", media_type="text/html")"Mounted index on url path {vite_index_url} .")"There is need to create and mount gradio app interface? {mount_gradio_app}...")
if mount_gradio_app:
import gradio as gr
from samgis_web.web.gradio_helpers import get_gradio_interface_geojson"creating gradio interface...")
gr_interface = get_gradio_interface_geojson(
)"gradio interface created, mounting gradio app on url path {vite_gradio_url} within FastAPI.")
app_logger.debug(f"gr_interface vars:{vars(gr_interface)}.")
app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, gr_interface, path=vite_gradio_url)
app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, gr_interface, path="/gradio")"mounted gradio app within fastapi, url path {vite_gradio_url} .")
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as mnfe:
app_logger.error("cannot import gradio, have you installed it if you want to mount a gradio app?")
raise mnfe
# add the CorrelationIdMiddleware AFTER the @app.middleware("http") decorated function to avoid missing request id
if __name__ == '__main__':
try:"app:app", host="", port=7860)
except Exception as ex:
app_logger.error(f"fastapi/gradio application {fastapi_title}, exception:{ex}.")
print(f"fastapi/gradio application {fastapi_title}, exception:{ex}.")
raise ex