from typing import Optional, Dict import logging import os from .optuna_utils import get_majority_vote_metrics, get_dataframe_stats from .protac_dataset import get_datasets import optuna import xgboost as xgb import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score import xgboost as xgb import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score import joblib from optuna.samplers import TPESampler import torch xgb.set_config(verbosity=0) def train_and_evaluate_xgboost( protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_df: pd.DataFrame, val_df: pd.DataFrame, params: dict, test_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None, active_label: str = 'Active', num_boost_round: int = 100, shuffle_train_data: bool = False, ) -> tuple: """ Train and evaluate an XGBoost model with the given parameters. Args: train_df (pd.DataFrame): The training and validation data. test_df (pd.DataFrame): The test data. params (dict): Hyperparameters for the XGBoost model. active_label (str): The active label column. num_boost_round (int): Maximum number of epochs. Returns: tuple: The trained model, test predictions, and metrics. """ # Get datasets and their numpy arrays train_ds, val_ds, test_ds = get_datasets( protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, test_df=test_df, disabled_embeddings=[], active_label=active_label, apply_scaling=False, ) X_train, y_train = train_ds.get_numpy_arrays() X_val, y_val = val_ds.get_numpy_arrays() # Shuffle the training data if shuffle_train_data: idx = np.random.permutation(len(X_train)) X_train, y_train = X_train[idx], y_train[idx] # Setup training and validation data in XGBoost data format dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train) dval = xgb.DMatrix(X_val, label=y_val) evallist = [(dval, 'eval'), (dtrain, 'train')] # Setup test data if test_df is not None: X_test, y_test = test_ds.get_numpy_arrays() dtest = xgb.DMatrix(X_test, label=y_test) evallist.append((dtest, 'test')) model = xgb.train( params, dtrain, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, evals=evallist, early_stopping_rounds=10, verbose_eval=False, ) # Evaluate model val_pred = model.inplace_predict(dval) val_pred_binary = (val_pred > 0.5).astype(int) metrics = { 'val_acc': accuracy_score(y_val, val_pred_binary), 'val_roc_auc': roc_auc_score(y_val, val_pred), 'val_precision': precision_score(y_val, val_pred_binary), 'val_recall': recall_score(y_val, val_pred_binary), 'val_f1_score': f1_score(y_val, val_pred_binary), } preds = {'val_pred': val_pred} if test_df is not None: test_pred = model.inplace_predict(dtest) test_pred_binary = (test_pred > 0.5).astype(int) metrics.update({ 'test_acc': accuracy_score(y_test, test_pred_binary), 'test_roc_auc': roc_auc_score(y_test, test_pred), 'test_precision': precision_score(y_test, test_pred_binary), 'test_recall': recall_score(y_test, test_pred_binary), 'test_f1_score': f1_score(y_test, test_pred_binary), }) preds.update({'test_pred': test_pred}) return model, preds, metrics def xgboost_model_objective( trial: optuna.Trial, protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_val_df: pd.DataFrame, kf: StratifiedKFold, groups: Optional[np.array] = None, active_label: str = 'Active', num_boost_round: int = 100, model_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> float: """ Objective function for hyperparameter optimization with XGBoost. Args: trial (optuna.Trial): The Optuna trial object. train_val_df (pd.DataFrame): The training and validation data. kf (StratifiedKFold): Stratified K-Folds cross-validator. test_df (Optional[pd.DataFrame]): The test data. active_label (str): The active label column. num_boost_round (int): Maximum number of epochs. model_name (Optional[str]): The prefix name of the CV models to save, if supplied. Used as: `f"{model_name}_fold_{k}.json"` """ # Suggest hyperparameters to be used across the CV folds params = { 'booster': 'gbtree', 'tree_method': 'hist', # if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'hist', 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'eval_metric': 'auc', 'eta': trial.suggest_float('eta', 1e-4, 1e-1, log=True), 'max_depth': trial.suggest_int('max_depth', 3, 10), 'min_child_weight': trial.suggest_float('min_child_weight', 1e-3, 10.0, log=True), 'gamma': trial.suggest_float('gamma', 1e-4, 1e-1, log=True), 'subsample': trial.suggest_float('subsample', 0.5, 1.0), 'colsample_bytree': trial.suggest_float('colsample_bytree', 0.5, 1.0), } X = train_val_df.copy().drop(columns=active_label) y = train_val_df[active_label].tolist() report = [] val_preds = [] for k, (train_index, val_index) in enumerate(kf.split(X, y, groups)):'Fold {k + 1}/{kf.get_n_splits()}') train_df = train_val_df.iloc[train_index] val_df = train_val_df.iloc[val_index] # Get some statistics from the dataframes stats = { 'model_type': 'XGBoost', 'fold': k, 'train_len': len(train_df), 'val_len': len(val_df), 'train_perc': len(train_df) / len(train_val_df), 'val_perc': len(val_df) / len(train_val_df), } stats.update(get_dataframe_stats(train_df, val_df, active_label=active_label)) if groups is not None: stats['train_unique_groups'] = len(np.unique(groups[train_index])) stats['val_unique_groups'] = len(np.unique(groups[val_index])) bst, preds, metrics = train_and_evaluate_xgboost( protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_df, val_df=val_df, params=params, active_label=active_label, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, ) stats.update(metrics) report.append(stats.copy()) val_preds.append(preds['val_pred']) if model_name: model_filename = f'{model_name}_fold{k}.json' bst.save_model(model_filename)'CV XGBoost model saved to: {model_filename}') # Save the report in the trial trial.set_user_attr('report', report) trial.set_user_attr('val_preds', val_preds) trial.set_user_attr('params', params) # Get the average validation metrics across the folds mean_val_roc_auc = np.mean([r['val_roc_auc'] for r in report])'\tMean val ROC AUC: {mean_val_roc_auc:.4f}') # Optuna aims to minimize the objective, so return the negative ROC AUC return -mean_val_roc_auc def xgboost_hyperparameter_tuning_and_training( protein2embedding: Dict, cell2embedding: Dict, smiles2fp: Dict, train_val_df: pd.DataFrame, test_df: pd.DataFrame, kf: StratifiedKFold, groups: Optional[np.array] = None, split_type: str = 'random', n_models_for_test: int = 3, n_trials: int = 50, active_label: str = 'Active', num_boost_round: int = 100, study_filename: Optional[str] = None, force_study: bool = False, model_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dict: """ Hyperparameter tuning and training of an XGBoost model. Args: train_val_df (pd.DataFrame): The training and validation data. test_df (pd.DataFrame): The test data. kf (StratifiedKFold): Stratified K-Folds cross-validator. groups (Optional[np.array]): Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. split_type (str): Type of the data split. Used for reporting information. n_models_for_test (int): Number of models to train for testing. fast_dev_run (bool): Whether to run a fast development run. n_trials (int): Number of trials for hyperparameter optimization. logger_save_dir (str): Directory to save logs. logger_name (str): Name of the logger. active_label (str): The active label column. num_boost_round (int): Maximum number of epochs. study_filename (Optional[str]): File name to save/load the Optuna study. force_study (bool): Whether to force the study optimization even if the study file exists. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing reports from the CV and test. """ # Set the verbosity of Optuna optuna.logging.set_verbosity(optuna.logging.WARNING) # Create an Optuna study object sampler = TPESampler(seed=42) study = optuna.create_study(direction='minimize', sampler=sampler) study_loaded = False if study_filename and not force_study: if os.path.exists(study_filename): study = joblib.load(study_filename) study_loaded = True'Loaded study from {study_filename}') if not study_loaded or force_study: study.optimize( lambda trial: xgboost_model_objective( trial=trial, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_val_df=train_val_df, kf=kf, groups=groups, active_label=active_label, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, ), n_trials=n_trials, ) if study_filename: joblib.dump(study, study_filename) cv_report = pd.DataFrame(study.best_trial.user_attrs['report']) hparam_report = pd.DataFrame([study.best_params]) # Train the best CV models and store their models by running the objective if model_name: xgboost_model_objective( trial=study.best_trial, protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_val_df=train_val_df, kf=kf, groups=groups, active_label=active_label, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, model_name=f'{model_name}_cv_model_{split_type}', ) # Retrain N models with the best hyperparameters (measure model uncertainty) best_models = [] test_report = [] test_preds = [] for i in range(n_models_for_test):'Training best model {i + 1}/{n_models_for_test}') model, preds, metrics = train_and_evaluate_xgboost( protein2embedding=protein2embedding, cell2embedding=cell2embedding, smiles2fp=smiles2fp, train_df=train_val_df, val_df=test_df, params=study.best_trial.user_attrs['params'], active_label=active_label, num_boost_round=num_boost_round, shuffle_train_data=True, ) metrics = {k.replace('val_', 'test_'): v for k, v in metrics.items()} metrics['model_type'] = 'XGBoost' metrics['test_model_id'] = i metrics.update(get_dataframe_stats( train_val_df, test_df=test_df, active_label=active_label, )) test_report.append(metrics.copy()) test_preds.append(torch.tensor(preds['val_pred'])) best_models.append(model) # Save the trained model if model_name: model_filename = f'{model_name}_best_model_{split_type}_n{i}.json' model.save_model(model_filename)'Best XGBoost model saved to: {model_filename}') test_report = pd.DataFrame(test_report) # Get the majority vote for the test predictions majority_vote_metrics = get_majority_vote_metrics(test_preds, test_df, active_label) majority_vote_report = pd.DataFrame([majority_vote_metrics]) majority_vote_report['model_type'] = 'XGBoost' # Add a column with the split_type to all reports for report in [cv_report, hparam_report, test_report, majority_vote_report]: report['split_type'] = split_type # Return the reports return { 'cv_report': cv_report, 'hparam_report': hparam_report, 'test_report': test_report, 'majority_vote_report' :majority_vote_report, }