Runtime error
Runtime error
Updated interface
Browse files
@@ -109,8 +109,6 @@ def calculate_dice_coefficient(image1, image2):
109 |
false_negatives = np.sum(np.logical_and(np_image1_flat == 255, np_image2_flat != 255))
110 |
dice_coefficient = (2 * true_positives) / (2 * true_positives + false_positives + false_negatives)
111 |
return dice_coefficient
112 |
113 |
114 |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
115 |
116 |
ds = load_dataset('ahishamm/combined_masks',split='train')
@@ -132,34 +130,22 @@ img = image_select(
132 |
captions=["sample 1","sample 2","sample 3","sample 4"],
133 |
134 |
135 |
#testing with an uploaded image
136 |
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained('ahishamm/skinsam')
137 |
model = AutoModelForMaskGeneration.from_pretrained('ahishamm/skinsam_focalloss_base_combined')
138 |
139 |
#uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file",type=['jpg','jpeg','png'])
140 |
#p = get_bounding_box(np.array(ds[img]['label']))
141 |
p = get_bounding_box(np.array(label_arr[img]))
142 |
#predicted_mask_array = get_output(ds[img]['image'],p)
143 |
predicted_mask_array = get_output(image_arr[img],p)
144 |
#predicted_mask = generate_image(predicted_mask_array)
145 |
predicted_mask = generate_image(predicted_mask_array)
146 |
#result_image = show_mask(ds[img]['image'],predicted_mask_array)
147 |
result_image = show_mask(image_arr[img],predicted_mask_array)
148 |
with st.container():
149 |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(['Visualizations','Metrics'])
150 |
with tab1:
151 |
col1, col2
152 |
with col1:
153 |
#st.image(ds[img]['image'],caption='Original Skin Lesion Image',use_column_width=True)
154 |
st.image(image_arr[img],caption='Original Skin Lesion Image',use_column_width=True)
155 |
with col2:
156 |
st.image(predicted_mask,caption='Predicted Mask',use_column_width=True)
157 |
with col3:
158 |
st.image(result_image,caption='Mask Overlay',use_column_width=True)
159 |
with tab2:
160 |
#st.write(f'The IOU Score: {iou_calculation(ds[img]["label"],predicted_mask)}')
161 |
#st.write(f'The Pixel Accuracy: {calculate_pixel_accuracy(ds[img]["label"],predicted_mask)}')
162 |
#st.write(f'The Dice Coefficient Score: {calculate_dice_coefficient(ds[img]["label"],predicted_mask)}')
163 |
st.write(f'The IOU Score: {iou_calculation(label_arr[img],predicted_mask)}')
164 |
st.write(f'The Pixel Accuracy: {calculate_pixel_accuracy(label_arr[img],predicted_mask)}')
165 |
st.write(f'The Dice Coefficient Score: {calculate_dice_coefficient(label_arr[img],predicted_mask)}')
109 |
false_negatives = np.sum(np.logical_and(np_image1_flat == 255, np_image2_flat != 255))
110 |
dice_coefficient = (2 * true_positives) / (2 * true_positives + false_positives + false_negatives)
111 |
return dice_coefficient
112 |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
113 |
114 |
ds = load_dataset('ahishamm/combined_masks',split='train')
130 |
captions=["sample 1","sample 2","sample 3","sample 4"],
131 |
132 |
133 |
processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained('ahishamm/skinsam')
134 |
model = AutoModelForMaskGeneration.from_pretrained('ahishamm/skinsam_focalloss_base_combined')
135 |
136 |
p = get_bounding_box(np.array(label_arr[img]))
137 |
predicted_mask_array = get_output(image_arr[img],p)
138 |
predicted_mask = generate_image(predicted_mask_array)
139 |
result_image = show_mask(image_arr[img],predicted_mask_array)
140 |
with st.container():
141 |
tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(['Visualizations','Metrics'])
142 |
with tab1:
143 |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
144 |
with col1:
145 |
st.image(image_arr[img],caption='Original Skin Lesion Image',use_column_width=True)
146 |
with col2:
147 |
st.image(result_image,caption='Mask Overlay',use_column_width=True)
148 |
with tab2:
149 |
st.write(f'The IOU Score: {iou_calculation(label_arr[img],predicted_mask)}')
150 |
st.write(f'The Pixel Accuracy: {calculate_pixel_accuracy(label_arr[img],predicted_mask)}')
151 |
st.write(f'The Dice Coefficient Score: {calculate_dice_coefficient(label_arr[img],predicted_mask)}')