# Define chatbot and checkbox options First_response = """ Four people identified in the video. Please select the people you want to analyse: """ Second_response="""Let’s confirm the learning goals:""" non_verbal_options = [ "Following directions", "On-task percentage", "Elopement attempts", "Falling response", "Overwhelm indicators", "Avoidance behaviors", "Harm attempts", "Eye contact percentage", "Eye contact duration", "Body language", "Stimming behaviors", "Attention tracking", "Whole-body listening", "Gaze tracking", "Inappropriate touching", "Listening behaviors", "Noises or gestures" ] verbal_options = [ "Target sounds", "Word position", "Sound substitutions", "Articulation frequency", "Mean Length of Utterance (MLU)", "Disfluencies", "Questions asked", "Student answers", "Response time", "Peer responses", "On-topic responses", "Correct response ratio", "Cues needed", "Pragmatic skills", "Conversation volume", "Initiating conversation", "Interruptions", "Following directions", "Answering questions", "Idioms/sarcasm", "Grammar and syntax", "Vocabulary use", "Answering wh-questions" ] environmental_options = [ "External noises", "Room activity", "Room temperature", "Fluorescent lights", "School vs home", "Session location", "Furniture size", ] client_options=[ "David", "John", "Sam", "Mike", ] data_insights = """ - On 9/17, Mike seemed to be distracted by the lighting in the room, which could be the reason he had more approximate words than correct words. - On 9/18, there was a level of outside noise present during the session due to weather. This was also where Mike’s incorrect words were at their highest. - On 9/19, Mike performed the best he has yet! - Between 9/20 - 9/22, Mike's approximate words have tapered out. """ subjective_report = """ Mike exhibited signs of stress at the start of the session due to the rainy weather, but he maintained engagement and participation throughout. """ objective_report = """ - Number of Answers Given: This child named one of the characters in the story as 'Bob.' - Cues Required: Responded directly to the SLP’s prompt without requiring additional cues. - Observed Behavior: Participation in the naming process indicates engagement, though the child's involvement appears less proactive compared to the middle child. 'Wh' Questions Addressed: Answered a 'who' question by providing a name for a character. - Grammar and Complexity: The response was simple but appropriate for the task at hand. - Visual Cues Used: It's not clear from the transcript if the child used visual cues, but the direct response to the SLP's question suggests attentiveness to verbal cues. """ assessment_report = """ His ability to produce /er/ words when presented with a phonemic cue has also improved from only making 20% of words in yesterday’s session. """ plan_report = """ """