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Update app.py
history blame
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import asyncio
import argparse
from collections import Counter
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import gradio as gr
from gradio import utils
import requests
from typing import Dict, List
from utils import *
lock = asyncio.Lock()
bot = commands.Bot("", intents=discord.Intents(messages=True, guilds=True))
GUILD_SPACES_FILE = "guild_spaces.pkl"
if pathlib.Path(GUILD_SPACES_FILE).exists():
guild_spaces = read_pickle_file(GUILD_SPACES_FILE)
assert isinstance(guild_spaces, dict), f"{GUILD_SPACES_FILE} in invalid format."
guild_blocks = {}
delete_keys = []
for k, v in guild_spaces.items():
guild_blocks[k] = gr.Interface.load(v, src="spaces")
except ValueError:
for k in delete_keys:
del guild_spaces[k]
guild_spaces: Dict[int, str] = {}
guild_blocks: Dict[int, gr.Blocks] = {}
HASHED_USERS_FILE = "users.pkl"
if pathlib.Path(HASHED_USERS_FILE).exists():
hashed_users = read_pickle_file(HASHED_USERS_FILE)
assert isinstance(hashed_users, list), f"{HASHED_USERS_FILE} in invalid format."
hashed_users: List[str] = []
async def on_ready():
print(f"Logged in as {bot.user}")
print(f"Running in {len(bot.guilds)} servers...")
async def run_prediction(space: gr.Blocks, *inputs):
inputs = list(inputs)
fn_index = 0
processed_inputs = space.serialize_data(fn_index=fn_index, inputs=inputs)
batch = space.dependencies[fn_index]["batch"]
if batch:
processed_inputs = [[inp] for inp in processed_inputs]
outputs = await space.process_api(
fn_index=fn_index, inputs=processed_inputs, request=None, state={}
outputs = outputs["data"]
if batch:
outputs = [out[0] for out in outputs]
processed_outputs = space.deserialize_data(fn_index, outputs)
processed_outputs = utils.resolve_singleton(processed_outputs)
return processed_outputs
async def display_stats(message: discord.Message):
await message.channel.send(
f"Running in {len(bot.guilds)} servers\n"
f"Total # of users: {len(hashed_users)}\n"
await message.channel.send(f"Most popular spaces:")
# display the top 10 most frequently occurring strings and their counts
spaces = guild_spaces.values()
counts = Counter(spaces)
for space, count in counts.most_common(10):
await message.channel.send(f"- {space}: {count}")
async def load_space(guild: discord.Guild, message: discord.Message, content: str):
iframe_url = (
if iframe_url is None:
return await message.channel.send(
f"Space: {content} not found. If you'd like to make a prediction, enclose the inputs in quotation marks."
await message.channel.send(
f"Loading Space: https://huggingface.co/spaces/{content}..."
interface = gr.Interface.load(content, src="spaces")
guild_spaces[guild.id] = content
guild_blocks[guild.id] = interface
asyncio.create_task(update_pickle_file(guild_spaces, GUILD_SPACES_FILE))
if len(content) > 32 - len(f"{bot.name} []"): # type: ignore
nickname = content[: 32 - len(f"{bot.name} []") - 3] + "..." # type: ignore
nickname = content
nickname = f"{bot.name} [{nickname}]" # type: ignore
await guild.me.edit(nick=nickname)
await message.channel.send(
"Ready to make predictions! Type in your inputs and enclose them in quotation marks."
async def disconnect_space(bot: commands.Bot, guild: discord.Guild):
guild_spaces.pop(guild.id, None)
guild_blocks.pop(guild.id, None)
asyncio.create_task(update_pickle_file(guild_spaces, GUILD_SPACES_FILE))
await guild.me.edit(nick=bot.name) # type: ignore
async def make_prediction(guild: discord.Guild, message: discord.Message, content: str):
if guild.id in guild_spaces:
params = re.split(r' (?=")', content)
params = [p.strip("'\"") for p in params]
space = guild_blocks[guild.id]
predictions = await run_prediction(space, *params)
if isinstance(predictions, (tuple, list)):
for p in predictions:
await send_file_or_text(message.channel, p)
await send_file_or_text(message.channel, predictions)
await message.channel.send(
"No Space is currently running. Please type in the name of a Hugging Face Space name first, e.g. abidlabs/en2fr"
await guild.me.edit(nick=bot.name) # type: ignore
async def on_message(message: discord.Message):
if message.author == bot.user:
h = hash_user_id(message.author.id)
if h not in hashed_users:
asyncio.create_task(update_pickle_file(hashed_users, HASHED_USERS_FILE))
if message.content:
content = remove_tags(message.content)
guild = message.channel.guild
assert guild, "Message not sent in a guild."
if content.strip() == "exit":
await disconnect_space(bot, guild)
elif content.strip() == "stats":
await display_stats(message)
elif content.startswith('"') or content.startswith("'"):
await make_prediction(guild, message, content)
await load_space(guild, message, content)
t = Thread(target=bot.run, daemon=True, args=(os.getenv("discord_token"), ))
import gradio as gr
gr.Interface(lambda x:x, "textbox", "textbox").launch()