# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import logging import numpy as np from itertools import count import torch from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2 from caffe2.python import core from .caffe2_modeling import META_ARCH_CAFFE2_EXPORT_TYPE_MAP, convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format from .shared import ScopedWS, get_pb_arg_vali, get_pb_arg_vals, infer_device_type logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # ===== ref: mobile-vision's 'Caffe2Wrapper' class ====== class ProtobufModel(torch.nn.Module): """ Wrapper of a caffe2's protobuf model. It works just like nn.Module, but running caffe2 under the hood. Input/Output are Dict[str, tensor] whose keys are in external_input/output. """ _ids = count(0) def __init__(self, predict_net, init_net): logger.info(f"Initializing ProtobufModel for: {predict_net.name} ...") super().__init__() assert isinstance(predict_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef) assert isinstance(init_net, caffe2_pb2.NetDef) # create unique temporary workspace for each instance self.ws_name = "__tmp_ProtobufModel_{}__".format(next(self._ids)) self.net = core.Net(predict_net) logger.info("Running init_net once to fill the parameters ...") with ScopedWS(self.ws_name, is_reset=True, is_cleanup=False) as ws: ws.RunNetOnce(init_net) uninitialized_external_input = [] for blob in self.net.Proto().external_input: if blob not in ws.Blobs(): uninitialized_external_input.append(blob) ws.CreateBlob(blob) ws.CreateNet(self.net) self._error_msgs = set() self._input_blobs = uninitialized_external_input def _infer_output_devices(self, inputs): """ Returns: list[str]: list of device for each external output """ def _get_device_type(torch_tensor): assert torch_tensor.device.type in ["cpu", "cuda"] assert torch_tensor.device.index == 0 return torch_tensor.device.type predict_net = self.net.Proto() input_device_types = { (name, 0): _get_device_type(tensor) for name, tensor in zip(self._input_blobs, inputs) } device_type_map = infer_device_type( predict_net, known_status=input_device_types, device_name_style="pytorch" ) ssa, versions = core.get_ssa(predict_net) versioned_outputs = [(name, versions[name]) for name in predict_net.external_output] output_devices = [device_type_map[outp] for outp in versioned_outputs] return output_devices def forward(self, inputs): """ Args: inputs (tuple[torch.Tensor]) Returns: dict[str, torch.Tensor] """ assert len(inputs) == len(self._input_blobs), ( f"Length of inputs ({len(inputs)}) " f"doesn't match the required input blobs: {self._input_blobs}" ) with ScopedWS(self.ws_name, is_reset=False, is_cleanup=False) as ws: for b, tensor in zip(self._input_blobs, inputs): ws.FeedBlob(b, tensor) try: ws.RunNet(self.net.Proto().name) except RuntimeError as e: if not str(e) in self._error_msgs: self._error_msgs.add(str(e)) logger.warning("Encountered new RuntimeError: \n{}".format(str(e))) logger.warning("Catch the error and use partial results.") c2_outputs = [ws.FetchBlob(b) for b in self.net.Proto().external_output] # Remove outputs of current run, this is necessary in order to # prevent fetching the result from previous run if the model fails # in the middle. for b in self.net.Proto().external_output: # Needs to create uninitialized blob to make the net runable. # This is "equivalent" to: ws.RemoveBlob(b) then ws.CreateBlob(b), # but there'no such API. ws.FeedBlob(b, f"{b}, a C++ native class of type nullptr (uninitialized).") # Cast output to torch.Tensor on the desired device output_devices = ( self._infer_output_devices(inputs) if any(t.device.type != "cpu" for t in inputs) else ["cpu" for _ in self.net.Proto().external_output] ) outputs = [] for name, c2_output, device in zip( self.net.Proto().external_output, c2_outputs, output_devices ): if not isinstance(c2_output, np.ndarray): raise RuntimeError( "Invalid output for blob {}, received: {}".format(name, c2_output) ) outputs.append(torch.Tensor(c2_output).to(device=device)) # TODO change to tuple in the future return dict(zip(self.net.Proto().external_output, outputs)) class ProtobufDetectionModel(torch.nn.Module): """ A class works just like a pytorch meta arch in terms of inference, but running caffe2 model under the hood. """ def __init__(self, predict_net, init_net, *, convert_outputs=None): """ Args: predict_net, init_net (core.Net): caffe2 nets convert_outptus (callable): a function that converts caffe2 outputs to the same format of the original pytorch model. By default, use the one defined in the caffe2 meta_arch. """ super().__init__() self.protobuf_model = ProtobufModel(predict_net, init_net) self.size_divisibility = get_pb_arg_vali(predict_net, "size_divisibility", 0) self.device = get_pb_arg_vals(predict_net, "device", b"cpu").decode("ascii") if convert_outputs is None: meta_arch = get_pb_arg_vals(predict_net, "meta_architecture", b"GeneralizedRCNN") meta_arch = META_ARCH_CAFFE2_EXPORT_TYPE_MAP[meta_arch.decode("ascii")] self._convert_outputs = meta_arch.get_outputs_converter(predict_net, init_net) else: self._convert_outputs = convert_outputs def _convert_inputs(self, batched_inputs): # currently all models convert inputs in the same way return convert_batched_inputs_to_c2_format( batched_inputs, self.size_divisibility, self.device ) def forward(self, batched_inputs): c2_inputs = self._convert_inputs(batched_inputs) c2_results = self.protobuf_model(c2_inputs) return self._convert_outputs(batched_inputs, c2_inputs, c2_results)