--- name: "How to do something❓" about: How to do something using detectron2? What does an API do? --- ## ❓ How to do something using detectron2 Describe what you want to do, including: 1. what inputs you will provide, if any: 2. what outputs you are expecting: ## ❓ What does an API do and how to use it? Please link to which API or documentation you're asking about from https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/ For meaning of a config, please see https://detectron2.readthedocs.io/modules/config.html#config-references NOTE: 1. Only general answers are provided. If you want to ask about "why X did not work" for something you did, please use the [Unexpected behaviors](https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/issues/new/choose) issue template. 2. About how to implement new models / new dataloader / new training logic, etc., check documentation first. 3. We do not answer machine learning / computer vision questions that are not specific to detectron2, such as how a model works, how to improve your training/make it converge, or what algorithm/methods can be used to achieve X.