import { |
useCallback, |
useEffect, |
useMemo, |
useState, |
} from 'react' |
import dayjs from 'dayjs' |
import { uniqBy } from 'lodash-es' |
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' |
import { useContext } from 'use-context-selector' |
import { |
getIncomers, |
getOutgoers, |
useStoreApi, |
} from 'reactflow' |
import type { |
Connection, |
} from 'reactflow' |
import type { |
Edge, |
Node, |
ValueSelector, |
} from '../types' |
import { |
BlockEnum, |
WorkflowRunningStatus, |
} from '../types' |
import { |
useStore, |
useWorkflowStore, |
} from '../store' |
import { |
getParallelInfo, |
} from '../utils' |
import { |
} from '../constants' |
import { CUSTOM_NOTE_NODE } from '../note-node/constants' |
import { findUsedVarNodes, getNodeOutputVars, updateNodeVars } from '../nodes/_base/components/variable/utils' |
import { useNodesExtraData } from './use-nodes-data' |
import { useWorkflowTemplate } from './use-workflow-template' |
import { useStore as useAppStore } from '@/app/components/app/store' |
import { |
fetchNodesDefaultConfigs, |
fetchPublishedWorkflow, |
fetchWorkflowDraft, |
syncWorkflowDraft, |
} from '@/service/workflow' |
import type { FetchWorkflowDraftResponse } from '@/types/workflow' |
import { |
fetchAllBuiltInTools, |
fetchAllCustomTools, |
fetchAllWorkflowTools, |
} from '@/service/tools' |
import I18n from '@/context/i18n' |
import { CollectionType } from '@/app/components/tools/types' |
import { CUSTOM_ITERATION_START_NODE } from '@/app/components/workflow/nodes/iteration-start/constants' |
export const useIsChatMode = () => { |
const appDetail = useAppStore(s => s.appDetail) |
return appDetail?.mode === 'advanced-chat' |
} |
export const useWorkflow = () => { |
const { t } = useTranslation() |
const { locale } = useContext(I18n) |
const store = useStoreApi() |
const workflowStore = useWorkflowStore() |
const nodesExtraData = useNodesExtraData() |
const setPanelWidth = useCallback((width: number) => { |
localStorage.setItem('workflow-node-panel-width', `${width}`) |
workflowStore.setState({ panelWidth: width }) |
}, [workflowStore]) |
const getTreeLeafNodes = useCallback((nodeId: string) => { |
const { |
getNodes, |
edges, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
let startNode = nodes.find(node => node.data.type === BlockEnum.Start) |
const currentNode = nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId) |
if (currentNode?.parentId) |
startNode = nodes.find(node => node.parentId === currentNode.parentId && node.type === CUSTOM_ITERATION_START_NODE) |
if (!startNode) |
return [] |
const list: Node[] = [] |
const preOrder = (root: Node, callback: (node: Node) => void) => { |
if (root.id === nodeId) |
return |
const outgoers = getOutgoers(root, nodes, edges) |
if (outgoers.length) { |
outgoers.forEach((outgoer) => { |
preOrder(outgoer, callback) |
}) |
} |
else { |
if (root.id !== nodeId) |
callback(root) |
} |
} |
preOrder(startNode, (node) => { |
list.push(node) |
}) |
const incomers = getIncomers({ id: nodeId } as Node, nodes, edges) |
list.push(...incomers) |
return uniqBy(list, 'id').filter((item) => { |
return SUPPORT_OUTPUT_VARS_NODE.includes(item.data.type) |
}) |
}, [store]) |
const getBeforeNodesInSameBranch = useCallback((nodeId: string, newNodes?: Node[], newEdges?: Edge[]) => { |
const { |
getNodes, |
edges, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = newNodes || getNodes() |
const currentNode = nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId) |
const list: Node[] = [] |
if (!currentNode) |
return list |
if (currentNode.parentId) { |
const parentNode = nodes.find(node => node.id === currentNode.parentId) |
if (parentNode) { |
const parentList = getBeforeNodesInSameBranch(parentNode.id) |
list.push(...parentList) |
} |
} |
const traverse = (root: Node, callback: (node: Node) => void) => { |
if (root) { |
const incomers = getIncomers(root, nodes, newEdges || edges) |
if (incomers.length) { |
incomers.forEach((node) => { |
if (!list.find(n => node.id === n.id)) { |
callback(node) |
traverse(node, callback) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
traverse(currentNode, (node) => { |
list.push(node) |
}) |
const length = list.length |
if (length) { |
return uniqBy(list, 'id').reverse().filter((item) => { |
return SUPPORT_OUTPUT_VARS_NODE.includes(item.data.type) |
}) |
} |
return [] |
}, [store]) |
const getBeforeNodesInSameBranchIncludeParent = useCallback((nodeId: string, newNodes?: Node[], newEdges?: Edge[]) => { |
const nodes = getBeforeNodesInSameBranch(nodeId, newNodes, newEdges) |
const { |
getNodes, |
} = store.getState() |
const allNodes = getNodes() |
const node = allNodes.find(n => n.id === nodeId) |
const parentNodeId = node?.parentId |
const parentNode = allNodes.find(n => n.id === parentNodeId) |
if (parentNode) |
nodes.push(parentNode) |
return nodes |
}, [getBeforeNodesInSameBranch, store]) |
const getAfterNodesInSameBranch = useCallback((nodeId: string) => { |
const { |
getNodes, |
edges, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
const currentNode = nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId)! |
if (!currentNode) |
return [] |
const list: Node[] = [currentNode] |
const traverse = (root: Node, callback: (node: Node) => void) => { |
if (root) { |
const outgoers = getOutgoers(root, nodes, edges) |
if (outgoers.length) { |
outgoers.forEach((node) => { |
callback(node) |
traverse(node, callback) |
}) |
} |
} |
} |
traverse(currentNode, (node) => { |
list.push(node) |
}) |
return uniqBy(list, 'id') |
}, [store]) |
const getBeforeNodeById = useCallback((nodeId: string) => { |
const { |
getNodes, |
edges, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
const node = nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId)! |
return getIncomers(node, nodes, edges) |
}, [store]) |
const getIterationNodeChildren = useCallback((nodeId: string) => { |
const { |
getNodes, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
return nodes.filter(node => node.parentId === nodeId) |
}, [store]) |
const isFromStartNode = useCallback((nodeId: string) => { |
const { getNodes } = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
const currentNode = nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId) |
if (!currentNode) |
return false |
if (currentNode.data.type === BlockEnum.Start) |
return true |
const checkPreviousNodes = (node: Node) => { |
const previousNodes = getBeforeNodeById(node.id) |
for (const prevNode of previousNodes) { |
if (prevNode.data.type === BlockEnum.Start) |
return true |
if (checkPreviousNodes(prevNode)) |
return true |
} |
return false |
} |
return checkPreviousNodes(currentNode) |
}, [store, getBeforeNodeById]) |
const handleOutVarRenameChange = useCallback((nodeId: string, oldValeSelector: ValueSelector, newVarSelector: ValueSelector) => { |
const { getNodes, setNodes } = store.getState() |
const afterNodes = getAfterNodesInSameBranch(nodeId) |
const effectNodes = findUsedVarNodes(oldValeSelector, afterNodes) |
if (effectNodes.length > 0) { |
const newNodes = getNodes().map((node) => { |
if (effectNodes.find(n => n.id === node.id)) |
return updateNodeVars(node, oldValeSelector, newVarSelector) |
return node |
}) |
setNodes(newNodes) |
} |
}, [store]) |
const isVarUsedInNodes = useCallback((varSelector: ValueSelector) => { |
const nodeId = varSelector[0] |
const afterNodes = getAfterNodesInSameBranch(nodeId) |
const effectNodes = findUsedVarNodes(varSelector, afterNodes) |
return effectNodes.length > 0 |
}, [getAfterNodesInSameBranch]) |
const removeUsedVarInNodes = useCallback((varSelector: ValueSelector) => { |
const nodeId = varSelector[0] |
const { getNodes, setNodes } = store.getState() |
const afterNodes = getAfterNodesInSameBranch(nodeId) |
const effectNodes = findUsedVarNodes(varSelector, afterNodes) |
if (effectNodes.length > 0) { |
const newNodes = getNodes().map((node) => { |
if (effectNodes.find(n => n.id === node.id)) |
return updateNodeVars(node, varSelector, []) |
return node |
}) |
setNodes(newNodes) |
} |
}, [getAfterNodesInSameBranch, store]) |
const isNodeVarsUsedInNodes = useCallback((node: Node, isChatMode: boolean) => { |
const outputVars = getNodeOutputVars(node, isChatMode) |
const isUsed = outputVars.some((varSelector) => { |
return isVarUsedInNodes(varSelector) |
}) |
return isUsed |
}, [isVarUsedInNodes]) |
const checkParallelLimit = useCallback((nodeId: string, nodeHandle = 'source') => { |
const { |
edges, |
} = store.getState() |
const connectedEdges = edges.filter(edge => edge.source === nodeId && edge.sourceHandle === nodeHandle) |
if (connectedEdges.length > PARALLEL_LIMIT - 1) { |
const { setShowTips } = workflowStore.getState() |
setShowTips(t('workflow.common.parallelTip.limit', { num: PARALLEL_LIMIT })) |
return false |
} |
return true |
}, [store, workflowStore, t]) |
const checkNestedParallelLimit = useCallback((nodes: Node[], edges: Edge[], parentNodeId?: string) => { |
const { |
parallelList, |
hasAbnormalEdges, |
} = getParallelInfo(nodes, edges, parentNodeId) |
if (hasAbnormalEdges) |
return false |
for (let i = 0; i < parallelList.length; i++) { |
const parallel = parallelList[i] |
if (parallel.depth > PARALLEL_DEPTH_LIMIT) { |
const { setShowTips } = workflowStore.getState() |
setShowTips(t('workflow.common.parallelTip.depthLimit', { num: PARALLEL_DEPTH_LIMIT })) |
return false |
} |
} |
return true |
}, [t, workflowStore]) |
const isValidConnection = useCallback(({ source, sourceHandle, target }: Connection) => { |
const { |
edges, |
getNodes, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
const sourceNode: Node = nodes.find(node => node.id === source)! |
const targetNode: Node = nodes.find(node => node.id === target)! |
if (!checkParallelLimit(source!, sourceHandle || 'source')) |
return false |
if (sourceNode.type === CUSTOM_NOTE_NODE || targetNode.type === CUSTOM_NOTE_NODE) |
return false |
if (sourceNode.parentId !== targetNode.parentId) |
return false |
if (sourceNode && targetNode) { |
const sourceNodeAvailableNextNodes = nodesExtraData[sourceNode.data.type].availableNextNodes |
const targetNodeAvailablePrevNodes = [...nodesExtraData[targetNode.data.type].availablePrevNodes, BlockEnum.Start] |
if (!sourceNodeAvailableNextNodes.includes(targetNode.data.type)) |
return false |
if (!targetNodeAvailablePrevNodes.includes(sourceNode.data.type)) |
return false |
} |
const hasCycle = (node: Node, visited = new Set()) => { |
if (visited.has(node.id)) |
return false |
visited.add(node.id) |
for (const outgoer of getOutgoers(node, nodes, edges)) { |
if (outgoer.id === source) |
return true |
if (hasCycle(outgoer, visited)) |
return true |
} |
} |
return !hasCycle(targetNode) |
}, [store, nodesExtraData, checkParallelLimit]) |
const formatTimeFromNow = useCallback((time: number) => { |
return dayjs(time).locale(locale === 'zh-Hans' ? 'zh-cn' : locale).fromNow() |
}, [locale]) |
const getNode = useCallback((nodeId?: string) => { |
const { getNodes } = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
return nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId) || nodes.find(node => node.data.type === BlockEnum.Start) |
}, [store]) |
return { |
setPanelWidth, |
getTreeLeafNodes, |
getBeforeNodesInSameBranch, |
getBeforeNodesInSameBranchIncludeParent, |
getAfterNodesInSameBranch, |
handleOutVarRenameChange, |
isVarUsedInNodes, |
removeUsedVarInNodes, |
isNodeVarsUsedInNodes, |
checkParallelLimit, |
checkNestedParallelLimit, |
isValidConnection, |
isFromStartNode, |
formatTimeFromNow, |
getNode, |
getBeforeNodeById, |
getIterationNodeChildren, |
} |
} |
export const useFetchToolsData = () => { |
const workflowStore = useWorkflowStore() |
const handleFetchAllTools = useCallback(async (type: string) => { |
if (type === 'builtin') { |
const buildInTools = await fetchAllBuiltInTools() |
workflowStore.setState({ |
buildInTools: buildInTools || [], |
}) |
} |
if (type === 'custom') { |
const customTools = await fetchAllCustomTools() |
workflowStore.setState({ |
customTools: customTools || [], |
}) |
} |
if (type === 'workflow') { |
const workflowTools = await fetchAllWorkflowTools() |
workflowStore.setState({ |
workflowTools: workflowTools || [], |
}) |
} |
}, [workflowStore]) |
return { |
handleFetchAllTools, |
} |
} |
export const useWorkflowInit = () => { |
const workflowStore = useWorkflowStore() |
const { |
nodes: nodesTemplate, |
edges: edgesTemplate, |
} = useWorkflowTemplate() |
const { handleFetchAllTools } = useFetchToolsData() |
const appDetail = useAppStore(state => state.appDetail)! |
const setSyncWorkflowDraftHash = useStore(s => s.setSyncWorkflowDraftHash) |
const [data, setData] = useState<FetchWorkflowDraftResponse>() |
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true) |
useEffect(() => { |
workflowStore.setState({ appId: appDetail.id }) |
}, [appDetail.id, workflowStore]) |
const handleGetInitialWorkflowData = useCallback(async () => { |
try { |
const res = await fetchWorkflowDraft(`/apps/${appDetail.id}/workflows/draft`) |
setData(res) |
workflowStore.setState({ |
envSecrets: (res.environment_variables || []).filter(env => env.value_type === 'secret').reduce((acc, env) => { |
acc[env.id] = env.value |
return acc |
}, {} as Record<string, string>), |
environmentVariables: res.environment_variables?.map(env => env.value_type === 'secret' ? { ...env, value: '[__HIDDEN__]' } : env) || [], |
conversationVariables: res.conversation_variables || [], |
}) |
setSyncWorkflowDraftHash(res.hash) |
setIsLoading(false) |
} |
catch (error: any) { |
if (error && error.json && !error.bodyUsed && appDetail) { |
error.json().then((err: any) => { |
if (err.code === 'draft_workflow_not_exist') { |
workflowStore.setState({ notInitialWorkflow: true }) |
syncWorkflowDraft({ |
url: `/apps/${appDetail.id}/workflows/draft`, |
params: { |
graph: { |
nodes: nodesTemplate, |
edges: edgesTemplate, |
}, |
features: { |
retriever_resource: { enabled: true }, |
}, |
environment_variables: [], |
conversation_variables: [], |
}, |
}).then((res) => { |
workflowStore.getState().setDraftUpdatedAt(res.updated_at) |
handleGetInitialWorkflowData() |
}) |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
}, [appDetail, nodesTemplate, edgesTemplate, workflowStore, setSyncWorkflowDraftHash]) |
useEffect(() => { |
handleGetInitialWorkflowData() |
}, []) |
const handleFetchPreloadData = useCallback(async () => { |
try { |
const nodesDefaultConfigsData = await fetchNodesDefaultConfigs(`/apps/${appDetail?.id}/workflows/default-workflow-block-configs`) |
const publishedWorkflow = await fetchPublishedWorkflow(`/apps/${appDetail?.id}/workflows/publish`) |
workflowStore.setState({ |
nodesDefaultConfigs: nodesDefaultConfigsData.reduce((acc, block) => { |
if (!acc[block.type]) |
acc[block.type] = { ...block.config } |
return acc |
}, {} as Record<string, any>), |
}) |
workflowStore.getState().setPublishedAt(publishedWorkflow?.created_at) |
} |
catch (e) { |
} |
}, [workflowStore, appDetail]) |
useEffect(() => { |
handleFetchPreloadData() |
handleFetchAllTools('builtin') |
handleFetchAllTools('custom') |
handleFetchAllTools('workflow') |
}, [handleFetchPreloadData, handleFetchAllTools]) |
useEffect(() => { |
if (data) { |
workflowStore.getState().setDraftUpdatedAt(data.updated_at) |
workflowStore.getState().setToolPublished(data.tool_published) |
} |
}, [data, workflowStore]) |
return { |
data, |
isLoading, |
} |
} |
export const useWorkflowReadOnly = () => { |
const workflowStore = useWorkflowStore() |
const workflowRunningData = useStore(s => s.workflowRunningData) |
const getWorkflowReadOnly = useCallback(() => { |
return workflowStore.getState().workflowRunningData?.result.status === WorkflowRunningStatus.Running |
}, [workflowStore]) |
return { |
workflowReadOnly: workflowRunningData?.result.status === WorkflowRunningStatus.Running, |
getWorkflowReadOnly, |
} |
} |
export const useNodesReadOnly = () => { |
const workflowStore = useWorkflowStore() |
const workflowRunningData = useStore(s => s.workflowRunningData) |
const historyWorkflowData = useStore(s => s.historyWorkflowData) |
const isRestoring = useStore(s => s.isRestoring) |
const getNodesReadOnly = useCallback(() => { |
const { |
workflowRunningData, |
historyWorkflowData, |
isRestoring, |
} = workflowStore.getState() |
return workflowRunningData?.result.status === WorkflowRunningStatus.Running || historyWorkflowData || isRestoring |
}, [workflowStore]) |
return { |
nodesReadOnly: !!(workflowRunningData?.result.status === WorkflowRunningStatus.Running || historyWorkflowData || isRestoring), |
getNodesReadOnly, |
} |
} |
export const useToolIcon = (data: Node['data']) => { |
const buildInTools = useStore(s => s.buildInTools) |
const customTools = useStore(s => s.customTools) |
const workflowTools = useStore(s => s.workflowTools) |
const toolIcon = useMemo(() => { |
if (data.type === BlockEnum.Tool) { |
let targetTools = buildInTools |
if (data.provider_type === CollectionType.builtIn) |
targetTools = buildInTools |
else if (data.provider_type === CollectionType.custom) |
targetTools = customTools |
else |
targetTools = workflowTools |
return targetTools.find(toolWithProvider => toolWithProvider.id === data.provider_id)?.icon |
} |
}, [data, buildInTools, customTools, workflowTools]) |
return toolIcon |
} |
export const useIsNodeInIteration = (iterationId: string) => { |
const store = useStoreApi() |
const isNodeInIteration = useCallback((nodeId: string) => { |
const { |
getNodes, |
} = store.getState() |
const nodes = getNodes() |
const node = nodes.find(node => node.id === nodeId) |
if (!node) |
return false |
if (node.parentId === iterationId) |
return true |
return false |
}, [iterationId, store]) |
return { |
isNodeInIteration, |
} |
} |