Severian's picture
initial commit
import { CodeGroup } from '../code.tsx'
import { Row, Col, Properties, Property, Heading, SubProperty, Paragraph } from '../md.tsx'
# Completion App API
The text generation application offers non-session support and is ideal for translation, article writing, summarization AI, and more.
### Base URL
<CodeGroup title="Code" targetCode={props.appDetail.api_base_url}>
### Authentication
The Service API uses `API-Key` authentication.
<i>**Strongly recommend storing your API Key on the server-side, not shared or stored on the client-side, to avoid possible API-Key leakage that can lead to serious consequences.**</i>
For all API requests, include your API Key in the `Authorization` HTTP Header, as shown below:
<CodeGroup title="Code">
Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}
title='Create Completion Message'
Send a request to the text generation application.
### Request Body
<Property name='inputs' type='object' key='inputs'>
Allows the entry of various variable values defined by the App.
The `inputs` parameter contains multiple key/value pairs, with each key corresponding to a specific variable and each value being the specific value for that variable.
The text generation application requires at least one key/value pair to be inputted.
- `query` (string) Required
The input text, the content to be processed.
<Property name='response_mode' type='string' key='response_mode'>
The mode of response return, supporting:
- `streaming` Streaming mode (recommended), implements a typewriter-like output through SSE ([Server-Sent Events](
- `blocking` Blocking mode, returns result after execution is complete. (Requests may be interrupted if the process is long)
<i>Due to Cloudflare restrictions, the request will be interrupted without a return after 100 seconds.</i>
<Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
User identifier, used to define the identity of the end-user for retrieval and statistics.
Should be uniquely defined by the developer within the application.
<Property name='files' type='array[object]' key='files'>
File list, suitable for inputting files (images) combined with text understanding and answering questions, available only when the model supports Vision capability.
- `type` (string) Supported type: `image` (currently only supports image type)
- `transfer_method` (string) Transfer method, `remote_url` for image URL / `local_file` for file upload
- `url` (string) Image URL (when the transfer method is `remote_url`)
- `upload_file_id` (string) Uploaded file ID, which must be obtained by uploading through the File Upload API in advance (when the transfer method is `local_file`)
### Response
When `response_mode` is `blocking`, return a CompletionResponse object.
When `response_mode` is `streaming`, return a ChunkCompletionResponse stream.
### ChatCompletionResponse
Returns the complete App result, `Content-Type` is `application/json`.
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `mode` (string) App mode, fixed as `chat`
- `answer` (string) Complete response content
- `metadata` (object) Metadata
- `usage` (Usage) Model usage information
- `retriever_resources` (array[RetrieverResource]) Citation and Attribution List
- `created_at` (int) Message creation timestamp, e.g., 1705395332
### ChunkChatCompletionResponse
Returns the stream chunks outputted by the App, `Content-Type` is `text/event-stream`.
Each streaming chunk starts with `data:`, separated by two newline characters `\n\n`, as shown below:
```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
data: {"event": "message", "task_id": "900bbd43-dc0b-4383-a372-aa6e6c414227", "id": "663c5084-a254-4040-8ad3-51f2a3c1a77c", "answer": "Hi", "created_at": 1705398420}\n\n
The structure of the streaming chunks varies depending on the `event`:
- `event: message` LLM returns text chunk event, i.e., the complete text is output in a chunked fashion.
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `answer` (string) LLM returned text chunk content
- `created_at` (int) Creation timestamp, e.g., 1705395332
- `event: message_end` Message end event, receiving this event means streaming has ended.
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `metadata` (object) Metadata
- `usage` (Usage) Model usage information
- `retriever_resources` (array[RetrieverResource]) Citation and Attribution List
- `event: tts_message` TTS audio stream event, that is, speech synthesis output. The content is an audio block in Mp3 format, encoded as a base64 string. When playing, simply decode the base64 and feed it into the player. (This message is available only when auto-play is enabled)
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the stop response interface below
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `audio` (string) The audio after speech synthesis, encoded in base64 text content, when playing, simply decode the base64 and feed it into the player
- `created_at` (int) Creation timestamp, e.g.: 1705395332
- `event: tts_message_end` TTS audio stream end event, receiving this event indicates the end of the audio stream.
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the stop response interface below
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `audio` (string) The end event has no audio, so this is an empty string
- `created_at` (int) Creation timestamp, e.g.: 1705395332
- `event: message_replace` Message content replacement event.
When output content moderation is enabled, if the content is flagged, then the message content will be replaced with a preset reply through this event.
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `answer` (string) Replacement content (directly replaces all LLM reply text)
- `created_at` (int) Creation timestamp, e.g., 1705395332
- `event: error`
Exceptions that occur during the streaming process will be output in the form of stream events, and reception of an error event will end the stream.
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
- `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
- `status` (int) HTTP status code
- `code` (string) Error code
- `message` (string) Error message
- `event: ping` Ping event every 10 seconds to keep the connection alive.
### Errors
- 404, Conversation does not exists
- 400, `invalid_param`, abnormal parameter input
- 400, `app_unavailable`, App configuration unavailable
- 400, `provider_not_initialize`, no available model credential configuration
- 400, `provider_quota_exceeded`, model invocation quota insufficient
- 400, `model_currently_not_support`, current model unavailable
- 400, `completion_request_error`, text generation failed
- 500, internal server error
<Col sticky>
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/completion-messages" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/completion-messages' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--data-raw '{\n "inputs": {"query": "Hello, world!"},\n "response_mode": "streaming",\n "user": "abc-123"\n}'\n`}>
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/completion-messages' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"inputs": {
"query": "Hello, world!"
"response_mode": "streaming",
"user": "abc-123"
### Blocking Mode
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"event": "message",
"message_id": "9da23599-e713-473b-982c-4328d4f5c78a",
"mode": "completion",
"answer": "Hello World!...",
"metadata": {
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 1033,
"prompt_unit_price": "0.001",
"prompt_price_unit": "0.001",
"prompt_price": "0.0010330",
"completion_tokens": 128,
"completion_unit_price": "0.002",
"completion_price_unit": "0.001",
"completion_price": "0.0002560",
"total_tokens": 1161,
"total_price": "0.0012890",
"currency": "USD",
"latency": 0.7682376249867957
"created_at": 1705407629
### Streaming Mode
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "answer": " I", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "answer": "'m", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "answer": " glad", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "answer": " to", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": : "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "answer": " meet", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": : "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "answer": " you", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message_end", "id": "5e52ce04-874b-4d27-9045-b3bc80def685", "metadata": {"usage": {"prompt_tokens": 1033, "prompt_unit_price": "0.001", "prompt_price_unit": "0.001", "prompt_price": "0.0010330", "completion_tokens": 135, "completion_unit_price": "0.002", "completion_price_unit": "0.001", "completion_price": "0.0002700", "total_tokens": 1168, "total_price": "0.0013030", "currency": "USD", "latency": 1.381760165997548}}}
data: {"event": "tts_message", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"}
data: {"event": "tts_message_end", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": ""}
title='File Upload'
Upload a file (currently only images are supported) for use when sending messages, enabling multimodal understanding of images and text.
Supports png, jpg, jpeg, webp, gif formats.
<i>Uploaded files are for use by the current end-user only.</i>
### Request Body
This interface requires a `multipart/form-data` request.
- `file` (File) Required
The file to be uploaded.
- `user` (string) Required
User identifier, defined by the developer's rules, must be unique within the application.
### Response
After a successful upload, the server will return the file's ID and related information.
- `id` (uuid) ID
- `name` (string) File name
- `size` (int) File size (bytes)
- `extension` (string) File extension
- `mime_type` (string) File mime-type
- `created_by` (uuid) End-user ID
- `created_at` (timestamp) Creation timestamp, e.g., 1705395332
### Errors
- 400, `no_file_uploaded`, a file must be provided
- 400, `too_many_files`, currently only one file is accepted
- 400, `unsupported_preview`, the file does not support preview
- 400, `unsupported_estimate`, the file does not support estimation
- 413, `file_too_large`, the file is too large
- 415, `unsupported_file_type`, unsupported extension, currently only document files are accepted
- 503, `s3_connection_failed`, unable to connect to S3 service
- 503, `s3_permission_denied`, no permission to upload files to S3
- 503, `s3_file_too_large`, file exceeds S3 size limit
- 500, internal server error
<Col sticky>
### Request Example
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/files/upload" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--form 'file=@localfile;type=image/[png|jpeg|jpg|webp|gif] \\\n--form 'user=abc-123'`}>
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'
### Response Example
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"id": "72fa9618-8f89-4a37-9b33-7e1178a24a67",
"name": "example.png",
"size": 1024,
"extension": "png",
"mime_type": "image/png",
"created_by": "6ad1ab0a-73ff-4ac1-b9e4-cdb312f71f13",
"created_at": 1577836800,
title='Stop Generate'
Only supported in streaming mode.
### Path
- `task_id` (string) Task ID, can be obtained from the streaming chunk return
Request Body
- `user` (string) Required
User identifier, used to define the identity of the end-user, must be consistent with the user passed in the send message interface.
### Response
- `result` (string) Always returns "success"
<Col sticky>
### Request Example
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/completion-messages/:task_id/stop" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/completion-messages/:task_id/stop' \\\n-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--data-raw '{ "user": "abc-123"}'`}>
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/completion-messages/:task_id/stop' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"user": "abc-123"
### Response Example
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success"
title='Message Feedback'
End-users can provide feedback messages, facilitating application developers to optimize expected outputs.
### Path
<Property name='message_id' type='string' key='message_id'>
Message ID
### Request Body
<Property name='rating' type='string' key='rating'>
Upvote as `like`, downvote as `dislike`, revoke upvote as `null`
<Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
User identifier, defined by the developer's rules, must be unique within the application.
### Response
- `result` (string) Always returns "success"
<Col sticky>
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/messages/:message_id/feedbacks" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/messages/:message_id/feedbacks \\\n --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--data-raw '{\n "rating": "like",\n "user": "abc-123"\n}'`}>
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/messages/:message_id/feedbacks' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"rating": "like",
"user": "abc-123"
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success"
title='Get Application Information'
Used at the start of entering the page to obtain information such as features, input parameter names, types, and default values.
### Query
<Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
User identifier, defined by the developer's rules, must be unique within the application.
### Response
- `opening_statement` (string) Opening statement
- `suggested_questions` (array[string]) List of suggested questions for the opening
- `suggested_questions_after_answer` (object) Suggest questions after enabling the answer.
- `enabled` (bool) Whether it is enabled
- `speech_to_text` (object) Speech to text
- `enabled` (bool) Whether it is enabled
- `retriever_resource` (object) Citation and Attribution
- `enabled` (bool) Whether it is enabled
- `annotation_reply` (object) Annotation reply
- `enabled` (bool) Whether it is enabled
- `user_input_form` (array[object]) User input form configuration
- `text-input` (object) Text input control
- `label` (string) Variable display label name
- `variable` (string) Variable ID
- `required` (bool) Whether it is required
- `default` (string) Default value
- `paragraph` (object) Paragraph text input control
- `label` (string) Variable display label name
- `variable` (string) Variable ID
- `required` (bool) Whether it is required
- `default` (string) Default value
- `select` (object) Dropdown control
- `label` (string) Variable display label name
- `variable` (string) Variable ID
- `required` (bool) Whether it is required
- `default` (string) Default value
- `options` (array[string]) Option values
- `file_upload` (object) File upload configuration
- `image` (object) Image settings
Currently only supports image types: `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `webp`, `gif`
- `enabled` (bool) Whether it is enabled
- `number_limits` (int) Image number limit, default is 3
- `transfer_methods` (array[string]) List of transfer methods, remote_url, local_file, must choose one
- `system_parameters` (object) System parameters
- `file_size_limit` (int) Document upload size limit (MB)
- `image_file_size_limit` (int) Image file upload size limit (MB)
- `audio_file_size_limit` (int) Audio file upload size limit (MB)
- `video_file_size_limit` (int) Video file upload size limit (MB)
<Col sticky>
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/parameters" targetCode={` curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters?user=abc-123'`}>
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters?user=abc-123' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
<CodeGroup title="Response">
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"opening_statement": "Hello!",
"suggested_questions_after_answer": {
"enabled": true
"speech_to_text": {
"enabled": true
"retriever_resource": {
"enabled": true
"annotation_reply": {
"enabled": true
"user_input_form": [
"paragraph": {
"label": "Query",
"variable": "query",
"required": true,
"default": ""
"file_upload": {
"image": {
"enabled": false,
"number_limits": 3,
"detail": "high",
"transfer_methods": [
"system_parameters": {
"file_size_limit": 15,
"image_file_size_limit": 10,
"audio_file_size_limit": 50,
"video_file_size_limit": 100
title='text to audio'
Text to speech.
### Request Body
<Property name='message_id' type='str' key='text'>
For text messages generated by Dify, simply pass the generated message-id directly. The backend will use the message-id to look up the corresponding content and synthesize the voice information directly. If both message_id and text are provided simultaneously, the message_id is given priority.
<Property name='text' type='str' key='text'>
Speech generated content。
<Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
The user identifier, defined by the developer, must ensure uniqueness within the app.
<Col sticky>
<CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/text-to-audio" targetCode={`curl -o text-to-audio.mp3 -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/text-to-audio' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--data-raw '{\n "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290",\n "text": "Hello Dify",\n "user": "abc-123"\n}'`}>
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -o text-to-audio.mp3 -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/text-to-audio' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290",
"text": "Hello Dify",
"user": "abc-123"
<CodeGroup title="headers">
```json {{ title: 'headers' }}
"Content-Type": "audio/wav"