Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 11,303 Bytes
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# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
"""extract feature and search with user query."""
import os
import time
import numpy as np
import pytoml
from import BCERerank
from langchain_community.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
from langchain.retrievers.document_compressors import DocumentCompressorPipeline
from langchain.retrievers import ContextualCompressionRetriever
from langchain_community.vectorstores.faiss import FAISS as Vectorstore
from langchain_community.vectorstores.utils import DistanceStrategy
from langchain_community.document_transformers import LongContextReorder
from langchain_community.document_transformers.embeddings_redundant_filter import EmbeddingsRedundantFilter
from loguru import logger
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve
from .file_operation import FileOperation
from .helper import QueryTracker
class Retriever:
"""Tokenize and extract features from the project's documents, for use in
the reject pipeline and response pipeline."""
def __init__(self, embeddings, reranker, work_dir: str,
reject_throttle: float) -> None:
"""Init with model device type and config."""
self.reject_throttle = reject_throttle
# self.rejecter = Vectorstore.load_local(
# os.path.join(work_dir, 'db_reject'),
# embeddings=embeddings,
# allow_dangerous_deserialization=True)
self.retriever = Vectorstore.load_local(
os.path.join(work_dir, 'db_response'),
'score_threshold': 0.15,
'k': 10
self.reordering = LongContextReorder()
redundant_filter = EmbeddingsRedundantFilter(embeddings=embeddings)
pipeline_compressor = DocumentCompressorPipeline(transformers=[redundant_filter,self.reordering ,reranker])
self.compression_retriever = ContextualCompressionRetriever(base_compressor=pipeline_compressor,
# self.compression_retriever = ContextualCompressionRetriever(
# base_compressor=reranker, base_retriever=self.retriever)
# def is_reject(self, question, k=30, disable_throttle=False):
# """If no search results below the threshold can be found from the
# database, reject this query."""
# if disable_throttle:
# # for searching throttle during update sample
# docs_with_score = self.rejecter.similarity_search_with_relevance_scores(
# question, k=1)
# if len(docs_with_score) < 1:
# return True, docs_with_score
# return False, docs_with_score
# else:
# # for retrieve result
# # if no chunk passed the throttle, give the max
# docs_with_score = self.rejecter.similarity_search_with_relevance_scores(
# question, k=k)
# ret = []
# max_score = -1
# top1 = None
# for (doc, score) in docs_with_score:
# if score >= self.reject_throttle:
# ret.append(doc)
# if score > max_score:
# max_score = score
# top1 = (doc, score)
# reject = False if len(ret) > 0 else True
# return reject, [top1]
# def update_throttle(self,
# config_path: str = 'config.ini',
# good_questions=[],
# bad_questions=[]):
# """Update reject throttle based on positive and negative examples."""
# if len(good_questions) == 0 or len(bad_questions) == 0:
# raise Exception('good and bad question examples cat not be empty.')
# questions = good_questions + bad_questions
# predictions = []
# for question in questions:
# self.reject_throttle = -1
# _, docs = self.is_reject(question=question, disable_throttle=True)
# score = docs[0][1]
# predictions.append(max(0, score))
# labels = [1 for _ in range(len(good_questions))
# ] + [0 for _ in range(len(bad_questions))]
# precision, recall, thresholds = precision_recall_curve(
# labels, predictions)
# # get the best index for sum(precision, recall)
# sum_precision_recall = precision[:-1] + recall[:-1]
# index_max = np.argmax(sum_precision_recall)
# optimal_threshold = max(thresholds[index_max], 0.0)
# with open(config_path, encoding='utf8') as f:
# config = pytoml.load(f)
# config['feature_store']['reject_throttle'] = float(optimal_threshold)
# with open(config_path, 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
# pytoml.dump(config, f)
# f'The optimal threshold is: {optimal_threshold}, saved it to {config_path}' # noqa E501
# )
def query(self,
question: str,
context_max_length: int = 128000,
tracker: QueryTracker = None):
"""Processes a query and returns the best match from the vector store
database. If the question is rejected, returns None.
question (str): The question asked by the user.
str: The best matching chunk, or None.
str: The best matching text, or None
if question is None or len(question) < 1:
return None, None, []
if len(question) > 512:
logger.warning('input too long, truncate to 512')
question = question[0:512]
# reject, docs = self.is_reject(question=question)
# assert (len(docs) > 0)
# if reject:
# return None, None, [docs[0][0].metadata['source']]
docs = self.compression_retriever.get_relevant_documents(question) # switch to the base retriever to get the top 5'query:{} getting {} references '.format(question, len(docs)))
if tracker is not None:
tracker.log('retrieve', [doc.metadata['source'] for doc in docs])
chunks = []
# context = ''
references = []
# add file text to context, until exceed `context_max_length`
# file_opr = FileOperation()
for idx, doc in enumerate(docs):
chunk = doc.page_content
# if 'read' not in doc.metadata:
# logger.error(
# 'If you are using the version before 20240319, please rerun `python3 -m huixiangdou.service.feature_store`'
# )
# raise Exception('huixiangdou version mismatch')
# file_text, error =['read'])
# if error is not None:
# # read file failed, skip
# continue
source = doc.metadata['source']
#'target {} file length {}'.format(
# source, len(file_text)))
# if len(file_text) + len(context) > context_max_length:
# if source in references:
# continue
# references.append(source)
# # add and break
# add_len = context_max_length - len(context)
# if add_len <= 0:
# break
# chunk_index = file_text.find(chunk)
# if chunk_index == -1:
# # chunk not in file_text
# context += chunk
# context += '\n'
# context += file_text[0:add_len - len(chunk) - 1]
# else:
# start_index = max(0, chunk_index - (add_len - len(chunk)))
# context += file_text[start_index:start_index + add_len]
# break
# context = context[0:context_max_length]
logger.debug('query:{} getting {} references ,top1 file:{}'.format(question, len(references),references[0]))'query:{} getting {} references '.format(question, len(chunks)))
return chunks, [os.path.basename(r) for r in references]
# return '\n'.join(chunks), context, [
# os.path.basename(r) for r in references
# ]
class CacheRetriever:
def __init__(self, config_path: str, max_len: int = 4):
self.cache = dict()
self.max_len = max_len
with open(config_path, encoding='utf8') as f:
config = pytoml.load(f)['feature_store']
embedding_model_path = config['embedding_model_path']
reranker_model_path = config['reranker_model_path']
# load text2vec and rerank model'loading test2vec and rerank models')
self.embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(
model_kwargs={'device': 'cuda'},
'batch_size': 1024,
'normalize_embeddings': True
self.embeddings.client = self.embeddings.client.half()
reranker_args = {
'model': reranker_model_path,
'top_n': 7,
'device': 'cuda',
'use_fp16': True
self.reranker = BCERerank(**reranker_args)
def get(self,
fs_id: str = 'default',
work_dir: str = 'workdir'):
if fs_id in self.cache:
self.cache[fs_id]['time'] = time.time()
return self.cache[fs_id]['retriever']
if not os.path.exists(work_dir) or not os.path.exists(config_path):
return None, 'workdir or config.ini not exist'
with open(config_path, encoding='utf8') as f:
reject_throttle = pytoml.load(
if len(self.cache) >= self.max_len:
# drop the oldest one
del_key = None
min_time = time.time()
for key, value in self.cache.items():
cur_time = value['time']
if cur_time < min_time:
min_time = cur_time
del_key = key
if del_key is not None:
del_value = self.cache[del_key]
del del_value['retriever']
retriever = Retriever(embeddings=self.embeddings,
self.cache[fs_id] = {'retriever': retriever, 'time': time.time()}
return retriever
def pop(self, fs_id: str):
if fs_id not in self.cache:
del_value = self.cache[fs_id]
# manually free memory
del del_value