import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import as px import os from openai import OpenAI import bcrypt from supabase import create_client, Client # Set up Supabase client supabase_url = st.secrets["SUPABASE_URL"] supabase_key = st.secrets["SUPABASE_KEY"] supabase: Client = create_client(supabase_url, supabase_key) # Set up OpenAI client client = OpenAI(api_key=st.secrets["OPENAI_API_KEY"]) # Initialize session state if 'user' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.user = None if 'user_type' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.user_type = None def load_data(username=None): if username: response = supabase.table('entries').select('*').eq('username', username).execute() else: response = supabase.table('entries').select('*').execute() return pd.DataFrame( def load_user_data(): response = supabase.table('users').select('*').execute() return pd.DataFrame( def save_data(entry): supabase.table('entries').insert(entry).execute() def save_user_data(username, hashed_password, user_type): supabase.table('users').insert({ 'username': username, 'password': hashed_password, 'user_type': user_type }).execute() def get_user(username): response = supabase.table('users').select('*').eq('username', username).execute() return pd.DataFrame( def get_gpt_analysis(entry_text, system_prompt): try: response = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": entry_text} ] ) return response.choices[0].message.content except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error in GPT analysis: {str(e)}") return "Analysis unavailable at this time." def hash_password(password): return bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode('utf-8') def verify_password(stored_password, provided_password): return bcrypt.checkpw(provided_password.encode('utf-8'), stored_password.encode('utf-8')) def auth(): if st.session_state.user is None: st.subheader("Welcome to the HeadPeace 🧠") # Instructions with st.expander("How to Use This App", expanded=True): st.markdown(""" **For Patients:** 1. Register for an account or log in if you already have one. 2. Once logged in, you can: - Add new migraine entries - View your past entries - See a dashboard with visualizations of your migraine patterns 3. Regularly log your migraines for the most accurate insights. **Tips for Effective Use:** - Be consistent in logging migraines - Include as much detail as possible in each entry - Regularly review the dashboard to identify patterns - Discuss app insights with your healthcare provider """) tabs = st.tabs(["Login", "Register"]) with tabs[0]: st.subheader("Login") login_username = st.text_input("Username", key="login_username") login_password = st.text_input("Password", type="password", key="login_password") login_button = st.button("Login") if login_button: user_data = get_user(login_username) if not user_data.empty and verify_password(user_data.iloc[0]['password'], login_password): st.session_state.user = login_username st.session_state.user_type = user_data.iloc[0]['user_type'] st.success("Logged in successfully!") st.rerun() else: st.error("Invalid username or password.") with tabs[1]: st.subheader("Register") reg_username = st.text_input("Choose a Username", key="reg_username") reg_password = st.text_input("Choose a Password", type="password", key="reg_password") confirm_password = st.text_input("Confirm Password", type="password", key="confirm_password") user_type = st.selectbox("User Type", ["Patient", "Doctor"]) doctor_code = "" if user_type == "Doctor": doctor_code = st.text_input("Enter Doctor Registration Code", type="password") register_button = st.button("Register") if register_button: existing_user = get_user(reg_username) if not existing_user.empty: st.error("Username already exists. Please choose a different one.") elif reg_password != confirm_password: st.error("Passwords do not match.") elif len(reg_password) < 8: st.error("Password must be at least 8 characters long.") elif user_type == "Doctor" and doctor_code != st.secrets["DOCTOR_CODE"]: st.error("Invalid doctor registration code.") else: hashed_password = hash_password(reg_password) save_user_data(reg_username, hashed_password, user_type) st.session_state.user = reg_username st.session_state.user_type = user_type st.success("Registered successfully!") st.rerun() else: st.sidebar.write(f"Logged in as {st.session_state.user} ({st.session_state.user_type})") if st.sidebar.button("Logout"): st.session_state.user = None st.session_state.user_type = None st.rerun() def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="HeadPeace by Yashogamya", page_icon="🧠", layout="wide") header = st.container() # Use columns to place the title and image side by side col1, col2 = header.columns([1, 1]) with col1: st.title("HeadPeace by Yashogamya") with col2: st.image("yashogamya.png", width=200) # Adjust width as needed # Custom CSS to align the image vertically with the title st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) auth() if st.session_state.user: if st.session_state.user_type == "Patient": patient_interface() elif st.session_state.user_type == "Doctor": doctor_interface() def patient_interface(): menu = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu", ["Add Entry", "View Entries", "Dashboard"]) if menu == "Add Entry": add_entry() elif menu == "View Entries": view_entries(is_doctor=False) elif menu == "Dashboard": display_dashboard(is_doctor=False) def doctor_interface(): menu = st.sidebar.selectbox("Menu", ["View All Entries", "Patient Dashboard"]) if menu == "View All Entries": view_entries(is_doctor=True) elif menu == "Patient Dashboard": display_dashboard(is_doctor=True) def add_entry(): st.header("Add New Headache Entry") with st.sidebar: st.subheader("How to Add an Entry") st.markdown(""" 1. **Date**: Select the date of your migraine. 2. **Pain Level**: Rate your pain from 1 (mild) to 10 (severe). 3. **Duration**: Choose how long your migraine lasted. 4. **Triggers**: Select all factors that may have triggered your migraine. 5. **Symptoms**: Check all symptoms you experienced. 6. **Medications**: List any medications you took. 7. **Notes**: Add any additional observations or comments. 8. **Submit**: Click 'Submit Entry' when you're done. Tips: - Be as accurate and detailed as possible. - If you're unsure about a trigger or symptom, it's okay to leave it unchecked. - Use the notes section to mention any unusual circumstances or effects. """) with st.form("migraine_entry"): date = st.date_input("Date") pain_level = st.slider("Pain Level", 1, 10) duration = st.selectbox("Duration", ["Less than 1 hour", "1-4 hours", "4-8 hours", "8-24 hours", "More than 24 hours"]) triggers = st.multiselect("Triggers", [ "Stress", "Lack of Sleep", "Dehydration", "Skipped Meals", "Alcohol", "Caffeine", "Chocolate", "Aged Cheeses", "Processed Meats", "Artificial Sweeteners", "MSG", "Weather Changes", "Barometric Pressure Changes", "Bright Lights", "Loud Noises", "Strong Smells", "Screen Time", "Reading", "Physical Exertion", "Hormonal Changes", "Medication Overuse", "Travel", "Altitude Changes", "Other" ]) symptoms = st.multiselect("Symptoms", [ "Throbbing Pain", "Pulsating Pain", "One-sided Pain", "Nausea", "Vomiting", "Sensitivity to Light", "Sensitivity to Sound", "Sensitivity to Smells", "Blurred Vision", "Visual Aura", "Blind Spots", "Zigzag Lines in Vision", "Tingling or Numbness", "Difficulty Speaking", "Weakness", "Dizziness", "Vertigo", "Neck Stiffness", "Confusion", "Mood Changes", "Food Cravings", "Frequent Urination", "Fatigue", "Yawning", "Other" ]) medications = st.text_input("Medications taken") notes = st.text_area("Additional Notes") submitted = st.form_submit_button("Submit Entry") if submitted: entry_text = f"Date: {date}\nPain Level: {pain_level}\nDuration: {duration}\nTriggers: {', '.join(triggers)}\nSymptoms: {', '.join(symptoms)}\nMedications: {medications}\nNotes: {notes}" with st.spinner("Analyzing your entry..."): doctor_analysis = get_gpt_analysis(entry_text, "You are a neurologist specializing in migraine management. Provide a technical analysis of the patient's migraine diary entry, including potential correlations, patterns, and suggestions for the treating physician. Keep it short and to the point the doctor is busy.") patient_advice = get_gpt_analysis(entry_text, "You are a supportive health coach specializing in migraine management. Provide friendly, easy-to-understand advice for the patient based on their migraine diary entry. Include actionable tips for managing their condition and potential lifestyle adjustments.") new_entry = { 'username': st.session_state.user, 'entry_date': date.isoformat(), 'pain_level': pain_level, 'duration': duration, 'triggers': ', '.join(triggers), 'symptoms': ', '.join(symptoms), 'medications': medications, 'notes': notes, 'doctor_analysis': doctor_analysis, 'patient_advice': patient_advice } save_data(new_entry) st.success("Entry added successfully!") st.subheader("Advice for You:") st.write(patient_advice) def view_entries(is_doctor): st.header("Migraine Entries") with st.sidebar: st.subheader("How to Use Entries View") if is_doctor: st.markdown(""" 1. **Browse Entries**: Scroll through all patient entries. 2. **Expand Details**: Click on an entry to see full details. 3. **Analysis**: Read the doctor's analysis for each entry. 4. **Patient History**: Use this view to track patient progress over time. Tips: - Look for patterns in triggers and symptoms across patients. - Use this information to inform treatment plans and discussions. """) else: st.markdown(""" 1. **Your History**: Browse through your past migraine entries. 2. **Expand Details**: Click on an entry to see full details. 3. **Advice**: Read the personalized advice for each entry. 4. **Track Progress**: Use this view to see how your migraines change over time. Tips: - Look for patterns in your triggers and symptoms. - Discuss recurring patterns with your doctor. - Use the advice to make lifestyle adjustments. """) if is_doctor: user_entries = load_data() st.subheader("All Patient Entries") else: user_entries = load_data(st.session_state.user) st.subheader("Your Entries") user_entries = user_entries.sort_values(by='entry_date', ascending=False) if not user_entries.empty: for _, entry in user_entries.iterrows(): with st.expander(f"Entry for {entry['username']} on {entry['entry_date']} - Pain Level: {entry['pain_level']}"): st.write(f"Duration: {entry['duration']}") st.write(f"Triggers: {entry['triggers']}") st.write(f"Symptoms: {entry['symptoms']}") st.write(f"Medications: {entry['medications']}") st.write(f"Notes: {entry['notes']}") if is_doctor: st.write("Doctor's Analysis:", entry['doctor_analysis']) else: st.write("Advice for Patient:", entry['patient_advice']) else:"No entries found.") def display_dashboard(is_doctor): st.header("Headache Dashboard") with st.sidebar: st.subheader("How to Use the Dashboard") if is_doctor: st.markdown(""" 1. **Select Patient**: Choose a patient from the dropdown to view their data. 2. **Pain Level Trend**: Observe how pain levels change over time. 3. **Common Triggers**: Identify the most frequent migraine triggers. 4. **Common Symptoms**: See the most reported symptoms. 5. **Statistics**: Review key metrics at a glance. 6. **Recent Entries**: Check the latest migraine reports. Tips: - Use these insights to tailor treatment plans. - Discuss observed patterns with your patients. - Look for correlations between triggers, symptoms, and pain levels. """) else: st.markdown(""" 1. **Pain Level Trend**: See how your pain levels have changed over time. 2. **Common Triggers**: Identify your most frequent migraine triggers. 3. **Common Symptoms**: Review your most reported symptoms. 4. **Statistics**: Get a quick overview of your migraine patterns. 5. **Recent Entries**: Review your latest migraine reports. Tips: - Use the pain level trend to track the effectiveness of treatments. - Pay attention to your common triggers and try to avoid them. - Discuss any patterns you notice with your doctor. - Use insights from the dashboard to make informed lifestyle choices. """) if is_doctor: st.subheader("Select Patient") all_users = load_data()['username'].unique() selected_user = st.selectbox("Choose a patient", all_users) user_entries = load_data(selected_user) else: user_entries = load_data(st.session_state.user) if not user_entries.empty: col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Pain Level Over Time") fig = px.line(user_entries, x='entry_date', y='pain_level', title='Pain Level Over Time') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) with col2: st.subheader("Common Triggers") all_triggers = ', '.join(user_entries['triggers'].dropna()).split(', ') trigger_counts = pd.Series(all_triggers).value_counts().head(5) fig =, y=trigger_counts.values, labels={'x': 'Trigger', 'y': 'Count'}) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.subheader("Common Symptoms") all_symptoms = ', '.join(user_entries['symptoms'].dropna()).split(', ') symptom_counts = pd.Series(all_symptoms).value_counts().head(5) fig =, y=symptom_counts.values, labels={'x': 'Symptom', 'y': 'Count'}) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) st.subheader("Migraine Statistics") col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) col1.metric("Total Entries", len(user_entries)) col2.metric("Average Pain Level", f"{user_entries['pain_level'].mean():.2f}") col3.metric("Most Common Trigger", trigger_counts.index[0] if not trigger_counts.empty else "N/A") col4.metric("Most Common Symptom", symptom_counts.index[0] if not symptom_counts.empty else "N/A") st.subheader("Recent Entries") st.dataframe(user_entries[['entry_date', 'pain_level', 'duration', 'triggers', 'symptoms']].sort_values(by='entry_date', ascending=False).head()) else:"No entries found.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()