from model import get_model_tokenizer_classifier, InferenceArguments from utils import jaccard from transformers import HfArgumentParser from preprocess import get_words from shared import GeneralArguments, DatasetArguments from predict import predict from segment import extract_segment, word_start, word_end, SegmentationArguments, add_labels_to_words import pandas as pd from dataclasses import dataclass, field from typing import Optional from tqdm import tqdm import json import os import random from shared import seconds_to_time from urllib.parse import quote import logging logging.basicConfig() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @dataclass class EvaluationArguments(InferenceArguments): """Arguments pertaining to how evaluation will occur.""" output_file: Optional[str] = field( default='metrics.csv', metadata={ 'help': 'Save metrics to output file' } ) def attach_predictions_to_sponsor_segments(predictions, sponsor_segments): """Attach sponsor segments to closest prediction""" for prediction in predictions: prediction['best_overlap'] = 0 prediction['best_sponsorship'] = None # Assign predictions to actual (labelled) sponsored segments for sponsor_segment in sponsor_segments: sponsor_segment['best_overlap'] = 0 sponsor_segment['best_prediction'] = None for prediction in predictions: j = jaccard(prediction['start'], prediction['end'], sponsor_segment['start'], sponsor_segment['end']) if sponsor_segment['best_overlap'] < j: sponsor_segment['best_overlap'] = j sponsor_segment['best_prediction'] = prediction if prediction['best_overlap'] < j: prediction['best_overlap'] = j prediction['best_sponsorship'] = sponsor_segment return sponsor_segments def calculate_metrics(labelled_words, predictions): metrics = { 'true_positive': 0, # Is sponsor, predicted sponsor # Is sponsor, predicted not sponsor (i.e., missed it - bad) 'false_negative': 0, # Is not sponsor, predicted sponsor (classified incorectly, not that bad since we do manual checking afterwards) 'false_positive': 0, 'true_negative': 0, # Is not sponsor, predicted not sponsor } metrics['video_duration'] = word_end( labelled_words[-1])-word_start(labelled_words[0]) for index, word in enumerate(labelled_words): if index >= len(labelled_words) - 1: continue duration = word_end(word) - word_start(word) predicted_sponsor = False for p in predictions: # Is in some prediction if p['start'] <= word['start'] <= p['end']: predicted_sponsor = True break if predicted_sponsor: # total_positive_time += duration if word.get('category') is not None: # Is actual sponsor metrics['true_positive'] += duration else: metrics['false_positive'] += duration else: # total_negative_time += duration if word.get('category') is not None: # Is actual sponsor metrics['false_negative'] += duration else: metrics['true_negative'] += duration # NOTE In cases where we encounter division by 0, we say that the value is 1 # # (Precision) TP+FP=0: means that all instances were predicted as negative # (Recall) TP+FN=0: means that there were no positive cases in the input data # The fraction of predictions our model got right # Can simplify, but use full formula z = metrics['true_positive'] + metrics['true_negative'] + \ metrics['false_positive'] + metrics['false_negative'] metrics['accuracy'] = ( (metrics['true_positive'] + metrics['true_negative']) / z) if z > 0 else 1 # What proportion of positive identifications was actually correct? z = metrics['true_positive'] + metrics['false_positive'] metrics['precision'] = (metrics['true_positive'] / z) if z > 0 else 1 # What proportion of actual positives was identified correctly? z = metrics['true_positive'] + metrics['false_negative'] metrics['recall'] = (metrics['true_positive'] / z) if z > 0 else 1 # s = metrics['precision'] + metrics['recall'] metrics['f-score'] = (2 * (metrics['precision'] * metrics['recall']) / s) if s > 0 else 0 return metrics def main(): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) hf_parser = HfArgumentParser(( EvaluationArguments, DatasetArguments, SegmentationArguments, GeneralArguments )) evaluation_args, dataset_args, segmentation_args, general_args = hf_parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses() # Load labelled data: final_path = os.path.join( dataset_args.data_dir, dataset_args.processed_file) if not os.path.exists(final_path): logger.error('ERROR: Processed database not found.\n' f'Run `python src/ --update_database --do_create` to generate "{final_path}".') return model, tokenizer, classifier = get_model_tokenizer_classifier( evaluation_args, general_args) with open(final_path) as fp: final_data = json.load(fp) if evaluation_args.video_ids: # Use specified video_ids = evaluation_args.video_ids else: # Use items found in preprocessed database video_ids = list(final_data.keys()) random.shuffle(video_ids) if evaluation_args.start_index is not None: video_ids = video_ids[evaluation_args.start_index:] if evaluation_args.max_videos is not None: video_ids = video_ids[:evaluation_args.max_videos] # TODO option to choose categories total_accuracy = 0 total_precision = 0 total_recall = 0 total_fscore = 0 out_metrics = [] try: with tqdm(video_ids) as progress: for video_index, video_id in enumerate(progress): progress.set_description(f'Processing {video_id}') words = get_words(video_id) if not words: continue # Make predictions predictions = predict(video_id, model, tokenizer, segmentation_args, classifier=classifier, min_probability=evaluation_args.min_probability) # Get labels sponsor_segments = final_data.get(video_id) if sponsor_segments: labelled_words = add_labels_to_words( words, sponsor_segments) met = calculate_metrics(labelled_words, predictions) met['video_id'] = video_id out_metrics.append(met) total_accuracy += met['accuracy'] total_precision += met['precision'] total_recall += met['recall'] total_fscore += met['f-score'] progress.set_postfix({ 'accuracy': total_accuracy/len(out_metrics), 'precision': total_precision/len(out_metrics), 'recall': total_recall/len(out_metrics), 'f-score': total_fscore/len(out_metrics) }) labelled_predicted_segments = attach_predictions_to_sponsor_segments( predictions, sponsor_segments) # Identify possible issues: missed_segments = [ prediction for prediction in predictions if prediction['best_sponsorship'] is None] incorrect_segments = [ seg for seg in labelled_predicted_segments if seg['best_prediction'] is None] # Add words to incorrect segments for seg in incorrect_segments: seg['words'] = extract_segment( words, seg['start'], seg['end']) else: # logger.warning(f'No labels found for {video_id}') # Not in database (all segments missed) missed_segments = predictions incorrect_segments = [] if missed_segments or incorrect_segments: if evaluation_args.output_as_json: to_print = {'video_id': video_id} for z in missed_segments + incorrect_segments: z['text'] = ' '.join(x['text'] for x in z.pop('words', [])) if missed_segments: to_print['missed'] = missed_segments if incorrect_segments: to_print['incorrect'] = incorrect_segments print(json.dumps(to_print)) else: print( f'Issues identified for {video_id} (#{video_index})') # Potentially missed segments (model predicted, but not in database) if missed_segments: print(' - Missed segments:') segments_to_submit = [] for i, missed_segment in enumerate(missed_segments, start=1): print(f'\t#{i}:', seconds_to_time( missed_segment['start']), '-->', seconds_to_time(missed_segment['end'])) print('\t\tText: "', ' '.join( [w['text'] for w in missed_segment['words']]), '"', sep='') print('\t\tCategory:', missed_segment.get('category')) if 'probability' in missed_segment: print('\t\tProbability:', missed_segment['probability']) segments_to_submit.append({ 'segment': [missed_segment['start'], missed_segment['end']], 'category': missed_segment['category'].lower(), 'actionType': 'skip' }) json_data = quote(json.dumps(segments_to_submit)) print( f'\tSubmit:{video_id}#segments={json_data}') # Potentially incorrect segments (model didn't predict, but in database) if incorrect_segments: print(' - Incorrect segments:') for i, incorrect_segment in enumerate(incorrect_segments, start=1): print(f'\t#{i}:', seconds_to_time( incorrect_segment['start']), '-->', seconds_to_time(incorrect_segment['end'])) seg_words = extract_segment( words, incorrect_segment['start'], incorrect_segment['end']) print('\t\tText: "', ' '.join( [w['text'] for w in seg_words]), '"', sep='') print('\t\tUUID:', incorrect_segment['uuid']) print('\t\tCategory:', incorrect_segment['category']) print('\t\tVotes:', incorrect_segment['votes']) print('\t\tViews:', incorrect_segment['views']) print('\t\tLocked:', incorrect_segment['locked']) print() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass df = pd.DataFrame(out_metrics) df.to_csv(evaluation_args.output_file) if __name__ == '__main__': main()