File size: 10,630 Bytes
90d1f68 dbf7b4c 5fbdd3c bb58e90 5fbdd3c bb58e90 bdfb4b1 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 9b9ffd0 5fbdd3c bb58e90 5fbdd3c 9b9ffd0 25f1183 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c bb58e90 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c 25f1183 ad7fc61 bb58e90 ad7fc61 25f1183 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c 69fe24d 5fbdd3c 69fe24d 25f1183 bb58e90 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c bb58e90 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c 69fe24d 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 90d1f68 5fbdd3c 9b9ffd0 bb58e90 5fbdd3c 25f1183 5fbdd3c 74c1216 5fbdd3c 74c1216 25f1183 90d1f68 74c1216 5fbdd3c |
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from utils import re_findall
from shared import CustomTokens, START_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE, END_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE, OutputArguments, device, seconds_to_time
from typing import Optional
from segment import (
import preprocess
from errors import TranscriptError
from model import get_classifier_vectorizer, get_model_tokenizer
from transformers import HfArgumentParser
from transformers.trainer_utils import get_last_checkpoint
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
class TrainingOutputArguments:
model_path: str = field(
'help': 'Path to pretrained model used for prediction'
output_dir: Optional[str] = OutputArguments.__dataclass_fields__[
def __post_init__(self):
if self.model_path is not None:
last_checkpoint = get_last_checkpoint(self.output_dir)
if last_checkpoint is not None:
self.model_path = last_checkpoint
raise Exception(
'Unable to find model, explicitly set `--model_path`')
class PredictArguments(TrainingOutputArguments):
video_id: str = field(
'help': 'Video to predict sponsorship segments for'}
_SEGMENT_START = START_SEGMENT_TEMPLATE.format(r'(?P<category>\w+)')
SEGMENT_MATCH_RE = fr'{_SEGMENT_START}\s*(?P<text>.*?)\s*(?:{_SEGMENT_END}|$)'
MATCH_WINDOW = 25 # Increase for accuracy, but takes longer: O(n^3)
MERGE_TIME_WITHIN = 8 # Merge predictions if they are within x seconds
@dataclass(frozen=True, eq=True)
class ClassifierArguments:
classifier_dir: Optional[str] = field(
'help': 'The directory that contains the classifier and vectorizer.'
classifier_file: Optional[str] = field(
'help': 'The name of the classifier'
vectorizer_file: Optional[str] = field(
'help': 'The name of the vectorizer'
min_probability: float = field(
default=0.5, metadata={'help': 'Remove all predictions whose classification probability is below this threshold.'})
# classifier, vectorizer,
def filter_and_add_probabilities(predictions, classifier_args):
"""Use classifier to filter predictions"""
if not predictions:
return predictions
classifier, vectorizer = get_classifier_vectorizer(classifier_args)
transformed_segments = vectorizer.transform([
preprocess.clean_text(' '.join([x['text'] for x in pred['words']]))
for pred in predictions
probabilities = classifier.predict_proba(transformed_segments)
# Transformer sometimes says segment is of another category, so we
# update category and probabilities if classifier is confident it is another category
filtered_predictions = []
for prediction, probabilities in zip(predictions, probabilities):
predicted_probabilities = {k: v for k,
v in zip(CATEGORIES, probabilities)}
# Get best category + probability
classifier_category = max(
predicted_probabilities, key=predicted_probabilities.get)
classifier_probability = predicted_probabilities[classifier_category]
if classifier_category is None and classifier_probability > classifier_args.min_probability:
continue # Ignore
if (prediction['category'] not in predicted_probabilities) \
or (classifier_category is not None and classifier_probability > 0.5): # TODO make param
# Unknown category or we are confident enough to overrule,
# so change category to what was predicted by classifier
prediction['category'] = classifier_category
prediction['probability'] = predicted_probabilities[prediction['category']]
# TODO add probabilities, but remove None and normalise rest
prediction['probabilities'] = predicted_probabilities
# if prediction['probability'] < classifier_args.min_probability:
# continue
return filtered_predictions
def predict(video_id, model, tokenizer, segmentation_args, words=None, classifier_args=None):
# Allow words to be passed in so that we don't have to get the words if we already have them
if words is None:
words = preprocess.get_words(video_id)
if not words:
raise TranscriptError('Unable to retrieve transcript')
segments = generate_segments(
predictions = segments_to_predictions(segments, model, tokenizer)
# Add words back to time_ranges
for prediction in predictions:
# Stores words in the range
prediction['words'] = extract_segment(
words, prediction['start'], prediction['end'])
# TODO add back
if classifier_args is not None:
predictions = filter_and_add_probabilities(
predictions, classifier_args)
return predictions
def greedy_match(list, sublist):
# Return index and length of longest matching sublist
best_i = -1
best_j = -1
best_k = 0
for i in range(len(list)): # Start position in main list
for j in range(len(sublist)): # Start position in sublist
for k in range(len(sublist)-j, 0, -1): # Width of sublist window
if k > best_k and list[i:i+k] == sublist[j:j+k]:
best_i, best_j, best_k = i, j, k
break # Since window size decreases
return best_i, best_j, best_k
def predict_sponsor_text(text, model, tokenizer):
"""Given a body of text, predict the words which are part of the sponsor"""
input_ids = tokenizer(
f'{CustomTokens.EXTRACT_SEGMENTS_PREFIX.value} {text}', return_tensors='pt', truncation=True)
max_out_len = round(min(
len(input_ids[0]) + MIN_SAFETY_TOKENS
outputs = model.generate(input_ids, max_length=max_out_len)
return tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
def predict_sponsor_matches(text, model, tokenizer):
sponsorship_text = predict_sponsor_text(text, model, tokenizer)
if CustomTokens.NO_SEGMENT.value in sponsorship_text:
return []
return re_findall(SEGMENT_MATCH_RE, sponsorship_text)
def segments_to_predictions(segments, model, tokenizer):
predicted_time_ranges = []
# TODO pass to model simultaneously, not in for loop
# use 2d array for input ids
for segment in segments:
cleaned_batch = [preprocess.clean_text(
word['text']) for word in segment]
batch_text = ' '.join(cleaned_batch)
matches = predict_sponsor_matches(batch_text, model, tokenizer)
for match in matches:
matched_text = match['text'].split()
# TODO skip if too short
i1, j1, k1 = greedy_match(
cleaned_batch, matched_text[:MATCH_WINDOW])
i2, j2, k2 = greedy_match(
cleaned_batch, matched_text[-MATCH_WINDOW:])
extracted_words = segment[i1:i2+k2]
if not extracted_words:
'start': word_start(extracted_words[0]),
'end': word_end(extracted_words[-1]),
'category': match['category']
# Necessary to sort matches by start time
# Merge overlapping predictions and sponsorships that are close together
# Caused by model having max input size
prev_prediction = None
final_predicted_time_ranges = []
for range in predicted_time_ranges:
start_time = range['start']
end_time = range['end']
if prev_prediction is not None and \
(start_time <= prev_prediction['end'] <= end_time or # Merge overlapping segments
(range['category'] == prev_prediction['category'] # Merge disconnected segments if same category and within threshold
and start_time - prev_prediction['end'] <= MERGE_TIME_WITHIN)):
# Extend last prediction range
final_predicted_time_ranges[-1]['end'] = end_time
else: # No overlap, is a new prediction
'start': start_time,
'end': end_time,
'category': range['category']
prev_prediction = range
return final_predicted_time_ranges
def main():
# Test on unseen data
hf_parser = HfArgumentParser((
predict_args, segmentation_args, classifier_args = hf_parser.parse_args_into_dataclasses()
if predict_args.video_id is None:
print('No video ID supplied. Use `--video_id`.')
model, tokenizer = get_model_tokenizer(predict_args.model_path)
predict_args.video_id = predict_args.video_id.strip()
predictions = predict(predict_args.video_id, model, tokenizer,
segmentation_args, classifier_args=classifier_args)
video_url = f'{predict_args.video_id}'
if not predictions:
print('No predictions found for', video_url)
print(len(predictions), 'predictions found for', video_url)
for index, prediction in enumerate(predictions, start=1):
print(f'Prediction #{index}:')
print('Text: "',
' '.join([w['text'] for w in prediction['words']]), '"', sep='')
print('Time:', seconds_to_time(
prediction['start']), '\u2192', seconds_to_time(prediction['end']))
print('Probability:', prediction.get('probability'))
print('Category:', prediction.get('category'))
if __name__ == '__main__':