""" Directly copied the code from https://github.com/lm-sys/FastChat/blob/main/fastchat/train/llama2_flash_attn_monkey_patch.py and made some adjustments """ import warnings from typing import Optional, Tuple import torch from flash_attn import __version__ as flash_attn_version from flash_attn.bert_padding import pad_input, unpad_input from flash_attn.flash_attn_interface import ( flash_attn_func, flash_attn_varlen_kvpacked_func, ) from transformers.models.llama.modeling_llama import ( LlamaAttention, LlamaModel, rotate_half, ) def apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, k, cos_sin, position_ids): gather_indices = position_ids[:, :, None, None] # [bsz, seq_len, 1, 1] gather_indices = gather_indices.repeat( 1, 1, cos_sin[0].shape[1], cos_sin[0].shape[3] ) bsz = gather_indices.shape[0] cos, sin = ( torch.gather(x.transpose(1, 2).repeat(bsz, 1, 1, 1), 1, gather_indices) for x in cos_sin ) q, k = ((x * cos) + (rotate_half(x) * sin) for x in (q, k)) return q, k def forward( self, hidden_states: torch.Tensor, attention_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, position_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, past_key_value: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, output_attentions: bool = False, use_cache: bool = False, padding_mask: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor], Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]]]: if output_attentions: warnings.warn( "Output attentions is not supported for patched `LlamaAttention`, returning `None` instead." ) bsz, q_len, _ = hidden_states.size() kv_heads = getattr(self, "num_key_value_heads", self.num_heads) q, k, v = ( op(hidden_states).view(bsz, q_len, nh, self.head_dim) for op, nh in ( (self.q_proj, self.num_heads), (self.k_proj, kv_heads), (self.v_proj, kv_heads), ) ) # shape: (b, s, num_heads, head_dim) kv_seq_len = k.shape[1] past_kv_len = 0 if past_key_value is not None: past_kv_len = past_key_value[0].shape[2] kv_seq_len += past_kv_len cos_sin = self.rotary_emb(v, seq_len=kv_seq_len) q, k = apply_rotary_pos_emb(q, k, cos_sin, position_ids) if past_key_value is not None: assert ( flash_attn_version >= "2.1.0" ), "past_key_value support requires flash-attn >= 2.1.0" # reuse k, v k = torch.cat([past_key_value[0].transpose(1, 2), k], dim=1) v = torch.cat([past_key_value[1].transpose(1, 2), v], dim=1) past_key_value = (k.transpose(1, 2), v.transpose(1, 2)) if use_cache else None if attention_mask is None: output = flash_attn_func(q, k, v, 0.0, softmax_scale=None, causal=True).view( bsz, q_len, -1 ) else: q, indices, cu_q_lens, max_s = unpad_input(q, attention_mask[:, -q_len:]) # We can skip concat and call unpad twice but seems better to call unpad only once. kv, _, cu_k_lens, max_k = unpad_input( torch.stack((k, v), dim=2), attention_mask ) output_unpad = flash_attn_varlen_kvpacked_func( q, kv, cu_q_lens, cu_k_lens, max_s, max_k, 0.0, softmax_scale=None, causal=True, ) output_unpad = output_unpad.reshape(-1, self.num_heads * self.head_dim) output = pad_input(output_unpad, indices, bsz, q_len) return self.o_proj(output), None, past_key_value # Disable the transformation of the attention mask in LlamaModel as flash attention # takes a boolean key_padding_mask. Fills in the past kv length for use in forward. def _prepare_decoder_attention_mask( self, attention_mask, input_shape, inputs_embeds, past_key_values_length ): # [bsz, seq_len] if past_key_values_length > 0 and attention_mask is not None: attention_mask = torch.cat( ( torch.full( (input_shape[0], past_key_values_length), True, dtype=attention_mask.dtype, device=attention_mask.device, ), attention_mask, ), dim=-1, ) if attention_mask is not None and torch.all(attention_mask): return None # This uses the faster call when training with full samples return attention_mask def replace_llama_attn_with_flash_attn(): cuda_major, cuda_minor = torch.cuda.get_device_capability() if cuda_major < 8: warnings.warn( "Flash attention is only supported on A100 or H100 GPU during training due to head dim > 64 backward." "ref: https://github.com/HazyResearch/flash-attention/issues/190#issuecomment-1523359593" ) LlamaModel._prepare_decoder_attention_mask = _prepare_decoder_attention_mask LlamaAttention.forward = forward def test(): from fastchat.train.llama_flash_attn_monkey_patch import forward as fastchat_forward from transformers.models.llama.configuration_llama import LlamaConfig config = LlamaConfig( hidden_size=1024, intermediate_size=128, num_hidden_layers=1, num_attention_heads=8, max_position_embeddings=16, ) device = torch.device("cuda") model = LlamaModel(config) attn = LlamaAttention(config).to(device).half() bsz, hs, seqlen = 2, config.hidden_size, config.max_position_embeddings position_ids = torch.arange(seqlen, dtype=torch.long, device=device).view( -1, seqlen ) mask = torch.full((bsz, seqlen), True, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) for i in range(4): hidden = torch.rand((bsz, seqlen, hs), dtype=torch.float16, device=device) if i: mask[0, -i:] = False mask[1, :i] = False lmask = model._prepare_decoder_attention_mask(mask, hidden.shape[:2], hidden, 0) ref, _, _ = attn.forward( hidden, attention_mask=lmask, position_ids=position_ids ) fast, _, _ = fastchat_forward( attn, hidden, attention_mask=mask, position_ids=position_ids ) lmask = _prepare_decoder_attention_mask( model, mask, hidden.shape[:2], hidden, 0 ) test, _, _ = forward( attn, hidden, attention_mask=lmask, position_ids=position_ids ) print(f"Mean(abs(ref)) = {torch.mean(torch.abs(ref))}") print(f"Mean(abs(ref - fast)) = {torch.mean(torch.abs(ref - fast))}") print(f"Mean(abs(ref - test)) = {torch.mean(torch.abs(ref - test))}") print(f"Mean(abs(fast - test)) = {torch.mean(torch.abs(fast - test))}") print(f"allclose(fast, test) = {torch.allclose(fast, test)}") with torch.no_grad(): # Also check that past_kv is handled properly hidden = torch.rand((bsz, seqlen, hs), dtype=torch.float16, device=device) part_len = seqlen // 4 assert part_len * 4 == seqlen mask = torch.full((bsz, seqlen), True, dtype=torch.bool, device=device) mask[0, -2:] = False lmask = _prepare_decoder_attention_mask( model, mask, hidden.shape[:2], hidden, 0 ) oneshot, _, _ = forward( attn, hidden, attention_mask=lmask, position_ids=position_ids ) parts = [] past_kv, past_kv_len = None, 0 for i in range(4): start = part_len * i end = start + part_len hidden_part = hidden[:, start:end, ...] lmask = _prepare_decoder_attention_mask( model, mask[:, start:end], hidden_part.shape[:2], hidden_part, past_kv_len, ) part, _, past_kv = forward( attn, hidden_part.clone(), attention_mask=lmask, position_ids=position_ids[:, start:end], past_key_value=past_kv, use_cache=True, ) parts.append(part) past_kv_len = past_kv[0].shape[2] print( f"allclose(oneshot[:, 0], parts[0]) = {torch.allclose(oneshot[:, :part_len], parts[0])}" ) print( f"allclose(oneshot, parts) = {torch.allclose(oneshot, torch.cat(parts, dim=1))}" ) if __name__ == "__main__": test()