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import re
import argparse
from typing import List, Union
# Keywords used for entity extraction
"bigger", "change", "cleared", "constant", "decrease", "decreased", "decreasing", "elevated", "elevation",
"enlarged", "enlargement", "enlarging", "expanded", "greater", "growing", "improved", "improvement",
"improving", "increase", "increased", "increasing", "larger", "new", "persistence", "persistent",
"persisting", "progression", "progressive", "reduced", "removal", "resolution", "resolved", "resolving",
"smaller", "stability", "stable", "stably", "unchanged", "unfolded", "worse", "worsen", "worsened",
"worsening", "unaltered"
def clean_text(text: str) -> str:
Clean the input text by removing special characters and redundant spaces or newlines.
text (str): Input text.
str: Cleaned text.
# Remove special characters and redundant newlines
text = re.sub(r'\n+', ' ', text) # Replace multiple newlines with a single space
text = re.sub(r'[_-]+', ' ', text) # Replace underscores and dashes with spaces
text = re.sub(r'\(___, __, __\)', '', text) # Remove irrelevant underscore patterns
text = re.sub(r'---, ---, ---', '', text) # Remove dashed patterns
text = re.sub(r'\(__, __, ___\)', '', text) # Remove similar underscore patterns
text = re.sub(r'[_-]+', ' ', text) # Replace underscores and dashes again (if any remain)
text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s.,:;()-]', '', text) # Remove non-alphanumeric characters except common punctuation
# Remove extra spaces
text = re.sub(r'\s{2,}', ' ', text).strip()
return text
def extract_entities(text: str, keywords: set) -> set:
Extract entities from the given text based on the provided keywords.
text (str): Input text.
keywords (set): Set of keywords to extract entities.
set: Set of matched keywords found in the text.
# Clean the text before extracting entities
text = clean_text(text)
# Create a regex pattern that matches any of the keywords as whole words
pattern = r'\b(' + '|'.join(re.escape(word) for word in keywords) + r')\b'
# Find all matches and return them as a set
return { for match in re.finditer(pattern, text.lower())}
def calculate_tem_score(prediction_text: str, reference_text: Union[str, List[str]], epsilon: float = 1e-10) -> float:
Calculate the Temporal Entity Matching (TEM) score (similar to F1-score).
reference_text (Union[str, List[str]]): Reference text or a list of reference texts.
prediction_text (str): Prediction text.
epsilon (float): Small value to avoid division by zero.
float: TEM score.
if isinstance(reference_text, list):
reference_entities = set()
for ref in reference_text:
reference_entities.update(extract_entities(ref, KEYWORDS))
reference_entities = extract_entities(reference_text, KEYWORDS)
prediction_entities = extract_entities(prediction_text, KEYWORDS)
if len(reference_entities) == 0:
if len(prediction_entities) == 0:
return {
"f1": 1.0,
"prediction_entities": prediction_entities,
"reference_entities": reference_entities
} # Perfect match when both are empty
return {
"f1": epsilon,
"prediction_entities": prediction_entities,
"reference_entities": reference_entities
} # Minimal score when reference is empty but prediction is not
# Calculate intersection of entities
true_positives = len(prediction_entities & reference_entities)
# Calculate precision and recall with epsilon to avoid division by zero
precision = (true_positives + epsilon) / (len(prediction_entities) + epsilon)
recall = (true_positives + epsilon) / (len(reference_entities) + epsilon)
# Calculate TEM score (F1 score)
tem_score = (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall + epsilon)
return {
"f1": tem_score,
"prediction_entities": prediction_entities,
"reference_entities": reference_entities
def temporal_f1_score(predictions: List[str], references: List[Union[str, List[str]]], epsilon: float = 1e-10) -> float:
Calculate the average TEM score over a list of reference and prediction texts.
references (List[Union[str, List[str]]]): List of reference texts or lists of reference texts.
predictions (List[str]): List of prediction texts.
epsilon (float): Small value to avoid division by zero.
float: Average TEM score.
assert len(references) == len(predictions), "Reference and prediction lists must have the same length."
tem_scores = []
prediction_entities = []
reference_entities = []
for pred, ref in zip(predictions, references):
result = calculate_tem_score(pred, ref, epsilon)
average_f1 = sum(tem_scores) / len(tem_scores)
return {
"f1": average_f1,
"prediction_entities": prediction_entities,
"reference_entities": reference_entities
# Command-line interface
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Calculate the average TEM score for reference and prediction texts.")
parser.add_argument("--predictions", nargs='+', required=True, help="List of prediction texts.")
parser.add_argument("--reference", nargs='+', required=True, help="List of reference texts or lists of reference texts.")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Convert references into a nested list if necessary
reference_list = [eval(ref) if ref.startswith('[') else ref for ref in args.reference]
# Calculate the average TEM score
temporal_f1_score(predictions=args.predictions, references=reference_list)