Configuration error
Configuration error
# Core dependencies | |
numpy>=1.26.0 | |
openai>=1.59.7 | |
tiktoken>=0.7.0 | |
colorama>=0.4.6 | |
jsonschema>=4.0.0 | |
protobuf>=5.0.0 | |
docstring-parser>=0.15.0 | |
pydantic>=1.9.0,<2.10.0 | |
eval-type-backport==0.2.0 | |
curl_cffi==0.6.2 | |
httpx>=0.28.0,<1.0.0 | |
psutil>=5.9.8 | |
pillow>=10.1.0,<11.0.0 | |
retry>=0.9.2 | |
loguru>=0.7.3 | |
scenedetect>= | |
openpyxl>=3.1.5 | |
tabulate>=0.9.0 | |
xls2xlsx>=0.2.0 | |
docx2markdown>=0.1.1 | |
chunkr_ai>=0.0.41 | |
playwright>=1.50.0 | |
html2text>=2024.2.26 | |
# Optional dependencies - Model platforms | |
litellm>=1.38.1 | |
mistralai>=1.1.0 | |
reka-api>=3.0.8 | |
anthropic>=0.42.0 | |
cohere>=5.11.0 | |
fish-audio-sdk>=2024.12.5 | |
# Optional dependencies - Huggingface ecosystem | |
transformers>=4.0.0 | |
diffusers>=0.25.0 | |
accelerate>=0.26.0 | |
datasets>=3.0.0 | |
torch>=2.0.0 | |
soundfile>=0.13.0 | |
sentencepiece>=0.2.0 | |
opencv-python>=4.0.0 | |
# Optional dependencies - Core RAG components | |
sentence-transformers>=3.0.1 | |
qdrant-client>=1.9.0 | |
pymilvus>=2.4.0 | |
rank-bm25>=0.2.2 | |
# Optional dependencies - Storage solutions | |
neo4j>=5.18.0 | |
nebula3-python==3.8.2 | |
redis>=5.0.6 | |
azure-storage-blob>=12.21.0 | |
google-cloud-storage>=2.18.0 | |
botocore>=1.35.3 | |
# Optional dependencies - Document processing tools | |
beautifulsoup4>=4.0.0 | |
docx2txt>=0.8.0 | |
PyMuPDF>=1.22.5 | |
unstructured==0.16.20 | |
prance>= | |
openapi-spec-validator>=0.7.1 | |
pandasai>=2.3.0 | |
# Optional dependencies - Media processing tools | |
imageio[pyav]>=2.34.2 | |
pydub>=0.25.1 | |
yt-dlp>=2024.11.4 | |
ffmpeg-python>=0.2.0 | |
# Optional dependencies - Web and API tools | |
wikipedia>=1.0.0 | |
linkup-sdk>=0.2.1 | |
duckduckgo-search>=6.3.5 | |
newspaper3k>=0.2.8 | |
wolframalpha>=5.0.0 | |
pyowm>=3.3.0 | |
googlemaps>=4.10.0 | |
requests_oauthlib>=1.3.1 | |
firecrawl-py>=1.0.0 | |
apify_client>=1.8.1 | |
tavily-python>=0.5.0 | |
dappier>=0.3.3 | |
sympy>=1.13.3 | |
# Optional dependencies - Communication platform tools | |
slack-sdk>=3.27.2 | |
slack-bolt>=1.20.1 | |
pygithub>=2.3.0 | |
pyTelegramBotAPI>=4.18.0 | |>=2.3.2 | |
notion-client>=2.2.1 | |
praw>=7.7.1 | |
# Optional dependencies - Data science and analytics tools | |
rouge>=1.0.1 | |
aiosqlite>=0.20.0 | |
textblob>=0.17.1 | |
datacommons>=1.4.3 | |
datacommons_pandas>=0.0.3 | |
pandas>=1.5.3 | |
stripe>=11.3.0 | |
networkx>=3.4.2 | |
# Optional dependencies - Research tools | |
scholarly[tor]==1.7.11 | |
arxiv>=2.1.3 | |
arxiv2text>=0.1.14 | |
# Optional dependencies - Development tools | |
outlines>=0.1.7 | |
docker>=7.1.0 | |
jupyter_client>=8.6.2 | |
ipykernel>=6.0.0 | |
agentops>=0.3.21 | |
e2b-code-interpreter>=1.0.3 | |
tree-sitter-python>=0.23.6 | |
tree-sitter>=0.23.2 | |
pyyaml>=6.0.2 | |
# Development and testing tools | |
pytest>=7.0.0 | |
pytest-asyncio>=0.23.0 | |
mock>=5.0.0 | |
pytest-cov>=4.0.0 | |
ruff>=0.7.0 | |
mypy>=1.5.1 | |
toml>=0.10.2 | |
pre-commit>=3.0.0 | |
gradio>=3.0.0 | |
# Type stubs | |
types-Pillow | |
types-Pygments | |
types-mock | |
types-regex | |
types-setuptools | |
types-tqdm | |
types-colorama>=0.0.0 | |
types-requests>=2.0.0 | |
types-PyYAML>=6.0.0 | |